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我国的证券市场发展了近二十多年,制度逐渐健全、体系不断完善、规模也 一步步壮大。中国的证券市场已经拥有了相当的规模,当今的证券市场已成为组 成金融市场的重要部分之一,证券行业也已成为我国国民经济中一个重要的行 业,并且在我国经济的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 证券公司是资本市场重要参与者。证券公司的发展状况和生存环境会影响整 个资本市场的发展势态。当前,金融行业的发展越来越全球化、多元化,金融行 业内部业务相互渗透、相互交叉,国际资本参与合作和竞争,中国的券商发展环 境产生了巨大的变化。中国证券公司的盈利模式一直以来都采用的传统型,其营 业收入主要依靠通道业务,市场的走势决定着证券公司的收入。传统的经纪业务 是主要的收入来源,这种“靠天吃饭”的盈利模式终将会被市场淘汰,市场的波 动是巨大的直接风险,很难在残酷的资本市场中存活下来。所以,中国证券公司 应该积极探索盈利模式和业务结构转型、加大拓展创新业务发展的力度,这样才 能在证券市场拥有核心竞争力。 本文以西藏东方财富证券公司(下文简称东方财富证券)为研究对象,深入浅 出地探究了我国证券公司盈利模式的转型,并结合东方财富证券公司的实际情 况,分析其当下存在的问题,最后结合其自身特点提出一些合理化的方案,为东 方财富证券公司推进利润来源多元化以及业务结构优化奠定了良好的基础。 关键词: 东方财富证券公司 盈利模式 转型研究 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? II Abstract China's securities market has developed for nearly two decades, and the system has been gradually improved, the system has been continuously improved, and the scale has grown step by step. China's securities market already has a considerable scale. Today's securities market has become one of the important parts of the financial market. The securities industry has also become an important industry in China's national economy, and it has played an important role in the development of China's economy. More and more important role. Securities companies are important players in the capital market. The development status and living environment of securities companies will affect the development of the entire capital market. At present, the development of the financial industry is becoming increasingly globalized and diversified. The internal business of the financial industry is infiltrated and intersected, and international capital is participating in cooperation and competition. The development environment of China's securities firms has undergone tremendous changes. The profit model of Chinese securities companies has traditionally been adopted. Its operating income mainly depends on channel business. The market trend determines the income of securities companies. The traditional brokerage business is the main source of income. This "relying on heaven" profit model will eventually be eliminated by the market. Market fluctuations are huge direct risks and it is difficult to survive in the cruel capital market. Therefore, Chinese securities companies should actively explore profit models and business structure transformation, and increase efforts to expand innovative business development, so as to have core competitiveness in the securities market. This article takes Tibet Oriental Fortune Securities Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Oriental Fortune Securities) as the research object, and explores the transformation of the profit model of China's securities companies in a simple way. Based on the actual situation of Oriental Fortune Securities Co., it analyzes its current problems and finally combines its With its own characteristics, it puts forward some rationalized plans, which has laid a good foundation for Oriental Fortune Securities III Company to promote the diversification of profit sources and optimize the business structure.