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随着我国互联网技术的迅速崛起,对传统行业造成很大的冲击。2013 年被 称为“互联网金融元年”,“余额宝”正式上线,标志着阿里巴巴、腾讯等互联网巨 头开始正式进军金融行业,其业务模式和营销手段完成颠覆了传统商业银行的认 知,依托于大数据的互联网金融正式进入了人们的视野。 当互联网技术真正兴起后,原有的客户关系管理策略并不能完全适应新的情 况,商业银行需要对客户关系管理模式进行修正,使之更加适合当下的业务发展 趋势,通过将互联网思维模式与商业银行经营逻辑相关结合,有助于更好服务和 维护客户关系,为客户创造价值。 本文以 X 银行新余分行为研究对象,X 银行新余分行做为 X 银行在江西省 的二级分行,有着完整的客户关系管理模式。但是随着近几年互联网金融的冲击, 也出现了网点进店人数减少,客户流失率高等问题,转型发展压力很大。本文通 过献研究法,汲取专家学者研究的成果,再以 X 银行新余分行为例,对其近两 年的客户情况进行分析,并结果其业务流程、数据库建设、客户结构、客户体验 及经理人员构成等,查找客户关系管理中存在的具体问题。通过对问题的分析, 结合当下互联网金融发展的趋势,提出改进现有客户关系管理策略的措施。本文 结论:该企业要以客户为中心,再造业务流程;加强企业的数据库建议,提高数 据利用的效率;重视客户体验,提升客户忠诚度;增强客户体验,维护好客户关 系;以及加强客户经理培养,打造一支强有力的服务团队等。本研究有助于 X 银行新余分行完善客户关系管理策略,并对 X 银行业务经营和管理转型有一定 都指导意义。 关键词:商业银行;互联网金融;客户关系管理策略II Abstract With the rapid rise of Internet technology in China, the traditional industries have been greatly impacted. The year 2013 is known as "the first year of Internet Finance". Yu 'ebao was officially launched, marking that Internet giants such as Alibaba and Tencent began to formally enter the financial industry. Their business model and marketing methods have overturned the cognition of traditional commercial Banks, and Internet finance based on big data has officially entered people's vision. After the Internet technology really rise, the original customer relationship management strategy can not completely adapt to new situations, commercial Banks need to be revised on the customer relationship management model, make it more suitable for the current business development trend, the thinking mode through the Internet and commercial Banks business combination are logically related, help to better service and customer relationship maintenance, create value for customers. This paper takes The Xinyu Branch of Bank X as the research object. As the second-level branch of Bank X in Jiangxi Province, Xinyu Branch of Bank X has a complete customer relationship management model. However, with the impact of Internet finance in recent years, the number of outlets entering stores has decreased, and the customer loss rate has been high. Therefore, the transformation and development are under great pressure. This paper adopts the research method, draws on the research results of experts and scholars, and then takes Xinyu Branch of X Bank as an example to analyze its customers in the past two years, and finds out the specific problems existing in customer relationship management through its business process, database construction, customer structure, customer experience and manager composition, etc. Through the analysis of the problems, combined with the current trend of the development of Internet finance, put forward measures to improve the existing customer relationship management strategy. The conclusion of this paper: the enterprise should take the customer as the center, reengineering the business process; Strengthen enterprise database Suggestions to improve the efficiency of data utilization; Attach importance to customer experience and enhance customer loyalty; Enhance customer experience and maintain good customer relations; And strengthen the training of account managers to build a strong service team. This study is conducive to the improvement of customer relationship management strategy in Xinyu Branch of Bank X, and has certain guiding significance for the business operation and management transformation of Bank X.