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随着市场经济改革的不断深入和推进,中国经济保持着稳中加速的增长态 势,为广告业的发展提供了强劲的驱动力和富有活力的经营土壤,中国广告业经 过历年来的发展,至今,广告已深入到人们的日常生活和经济活动中,成为其不 可或缺的重要组成部分。在成熟运作的商业市场上,中国广告业已然形成当下经 济体系的一片“红海”市场,行业竞争异常激烈。2018年,中国互联网广告总 收入达3,694亿元,年增长率24.2%,但宏观经济体现下行压力,广告主的信心 不足,导致广告市场境况不佳。面对呈现出白热化的市场竞争,广州方遒传媒有 限公司作为广告行业中的一员,同样面临着挑战与机遇。 本文研究广州方遒传媒有限公司的发展战略问题。战略管理是一个在充分占 有信息的基础上制定关系企业未来发展方向的重大决策并将其付诸实施的动态 管理过程。本文在绪论部分阐述了研究背景与意义、国内外研究现状以及文章的 研究思路后,运用PEST分析法、波特五力模型、EFE矩阵分析、IFE矩阵分析、 SWOT矩阵分析以及QSPM矩阵等工具,对方遒传媒的战略管理过程分为三个 阶段进行详细论述,即战略分析阶段、战略制定与选择阶段、战略实施与控制阶 段。这是企业战略管理较为规范和科学的流程,对一般企业、广告企业都具有借 鉴的意义。 本文通过研究认为,一体化增长型战略以及差异化战略是最适合方遒传媒发 展的总体战略和业务战略,本文围绕企业战略目标,为方遒传媒提供了切实可行 的战略实施步骤与实施重点分析,试图为正处于发展瓶颈期的广州方遒传媒有限 公司提供问题解决思路,本文也对广告企业具有一定的指导意义与参考作用。 关键词:广告业;企业战略;PEST分析;SWOT分析 MBA学位论文 作者:莫景淇 广州方遒传媒有限公司发展战略研究 II Research on the Development Strategy of Guangzhou Dynamic Media Co., Ltd. Abstract Along with continuous deepening and promotion of market economy reform, China’s economy keeps stable and accelerated increase situation, which provides powerful driving force and vital operation environment for the development of advertising business; through years of development of China’s advertising business, the advertisement has been deeply popularized in people’s daily life and economic activities and it has become an indispensable part. China’s advertising business has already formed vast “red sea” market under the current economic system and the industrial competition is extremely fierce. In 2018, with annual increase rate of 24.2%, the total income of China’s internet advertising reaches 369.4 billion RMB, but downward pressure of macroeconomy and insufficient confidence of advertisers leads to unfavorable conditions of advertising market. Aiming to the occurring vehement market competition, as a member of advertising business, Guangzhou Dynamic Media Co., Ltd. similarly encounters challenges and opportunities. The development strategy problems of Guangzhou Dynamic Media Co., Ltd. are researched in the paper. Strategic management is a dynamic management process that’s to make significant decision related to the future development direction of enterprises on the basis of sufficient information and put it into practice. The research background and significance, domestic and foreign research situation as well as the research thought of the article is elaborated in the Introduction Part, the strategic management process of Dynamic Media is divided into three stages for specific discussion through PEST analysis method, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, EFE matrix analysis, IFE matrix analysis, SWOT matrix analysis, QSPM matrix and other tools, which are stages of strategic analysis, strategy formulation and selection as well as strategy implementation and control. This is comparatively standardized and scientific process of enterprise strategy management, which has referential significance for ordinary enterprises and advertising business. It’s demonstrated through research, integrative growth-type strategy as well as differential strategy is the most appropriate overall strategy and business strategy for the development of MBA学位论文 作者:莫景淇 广州方遒传媒有限公司发展战略研究 III Dynamic Media; feasibly strategic implementation steps and emphatic implementation analysis are provided for Dynamic Media through focus on the enterprise strategy target so as to provide solutions for Guangzhou Dynamic Media Co., Ltd. that’s existing in the period of development bottleneck, and the paper is also with certain guiding significance and reference function for advertising business. Key Words: Advertising Business, Enterprise Strategy, PEST Analysis, SWOT Analysis MBA学位论文 作者:莫景淇 广州方遒传媒有限公司发展战略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................ I Abstract ............................................... II 第一章 绪论 ............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 3 1.2 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 4 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ............................................ 4 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ............................................ 5 1.3 研究内容与思路 .............................................. 6 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................ 6 1.3.2 研究思路 ................................................ 7 第二章 相关理论综述..................................... 9 2.1 行业概念阐述 ................................................ 9 2.1.1 广告 .................................................... 9 2.1.2 广告的类别 .............................................. 9 2.1.3 广告产业 ................................................ 9 2.2 战略管理理论基础 ........................................... 10 2.2.1 企业战略 ............................................... 10 2.2.2 发展战略 ............................................... 11 2.2.3 企业战略管理过程 ....................................... 12 2.3 分析工具 ................................................... 13 2.3.1 PEST分析 ............................................... 13 2.3.2 波特五力模型 ........................................... 13 2.3.3 EFE矩阵 ................................................ 14 MBA学位论文 作者:莫景淇 广州方遒传媒有限公司发展战略研究 V 2.3.4 IFE矩阵 ................................................ 14 2.3.5 SWOT分析 ............................................... 15 2.3.6 波士顿咨询集团矩阵 ..................................... 16 2.3.7 定量战略计划(QSPM)矩阵 ............................... 16 第三章 广州方遒传媒有限公司外部环境分析 ................ 18 3.1宏观环境分析 ................................................ 18 3.1.1 政治环境 ............................................... 18 3.1.2 经济环境 ............................................... 20 3.1.3 社会文化环境 ........................................... 20 3.1.4 科学技术环境 ........................................... 22 3.2 行业与市场环境分析 ......................................... 22 3.2.1 行业分析 ............................................... 22 3.2.2 市场与顾客分析 ......................................... 26 3.2.3 竞争者分析 ............................................. 29 3.3 外部关键因素归纳总结 ....................................... 29 第四章 广州方遒传媒有限公司内部环境分析 ................ 31 4.1 企业简介与现状 ............................................. 31 4.2 企业资源分析 ............................................... 32 4.2.1 企业有形资源分析 ....................................... 32 4.2.2 企业无形资源分析 ....................................... 33 4.2.3 企业人力资源分析 ....................................... 33 4.3 企业能力分析 ............................................... 34 4.3.1 筹措供应能力分析 ....................................... 34 4.3.2 核心能力分析 ........................................... 35 4.4 企业经营现状分析 ........................................... 35 4.4.1 组织结构精炼合理 ....................................... 35 4.4.2 供应链相辅相成 ......................................... 36 4.4.3 广告质量精益求精 ....................................... 36 4.4.4 专业的人才梯队为项目护航 ............................