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iii 摘要 伴随着中国居民整体收入增长以及国内在医疗健康领域的投入加深,我国生 物医药产业在近年来呈现快速增长趋势。A公司于1993年开始正式在国内制药工 业领域提供制药工程、工艺设备及合规性咨询一体化解决方案,通过多年来对制 药行业工艺与法规的研究与解读,整合全球优质供应商资源,帮助制药企业提升 工艺效率、能源效率、改善制药企业质量体系,从而推动中国制药行业技术进步, 并将业务逐步拓展到与制药行业息息相关的实验动物、生物安全、动物疫苗、高 校与科研等领域。清洗、消毒、灭菌业务是A公司重要业务板块之一,20多年来, 取得了一定的成绩。但是自2014年起,随着医药市场的蓬勃发展,A公司灭菌产 品的业务增长速度和市场份额却一直未能达到公司预期。A公司迫切地需要找出 其灭菌产品营销问题的症结所在,并且制定出相应的解决方案。通过对海内外大 量的文献研究与数据分析,结果表明,业内对于制药装备和医疗器械总体市场的 宏观层面研究与数据相对丰富,但十分缺乏对于灭菌产品,尤其是针对生物医药 及生物安全领域的灭菌产品的营销策略研究,评估后可用于实践落地的营销策略 更是凤毛麟角。本文主要通过对A公司所在的生物医药和生物安全领域的灭菌产 品的营销策略进行综合分析,同时探索和评估营销策略在该业务领域的实践价值。 本文主要对近几年A公司灭菌产品在生物医药及生物安全领域的经营现状进 行分析,运用PEST模型、波特五力模型、SWOT分析法对A公司的外部环境、 产业环境和企业内部环境进行深入分析,找到A公司灭菌产品营销策略的风险及 机遇,确定了A公司灭菌产品的营销战略方向选择。运用STP理论,通过结合对 灭菌产品的应用场景与行业细分研究,与A公司清洗灭菌业务的相关负责人访谈, 确认了A公司灭菌产品目标市场的选择;基于对顾客需求的分析,运用产品组合、 产品定价、销售渠道和营销活动的差异化定位策略,对A公司灭菌产品的市场定 位进行重新评估,帮助制药企业保障药品生产环境安全,使药品的研发与生产符 合制药相关法律法规要求,并能够为制药企业提供卓越运营解决方案,是A公司 对其灭菌产品的重新定位,也是A公司产品组合的价值体现。通过4Ps营销工具, 优化并完善相应的市场营销策略。基于顾客在生物医药及生物安全领域污染控制 中面临的灭菌难题,对灭菌产品进行多种形式的产品组合设计,形成顾客端污染 控制整体解决方案。结合互联网与信息化的时代背景,积极引入电话营销和互联 网营销新的销售渠道,拓展新的区域和新的顾客,将新媒体营销与线下营销相结 合,通过新媒体营销获取更多顾客端需求,拉近与顾客的关系,通过线下营销, 将顾客需求转化为销售订单,实现在业务推广的同时,为顾客传递“安全、合规、 卓越运营”的价值主张。帮助A公司灭菌产品实现公司预期销售目标。 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 摘要 iv 本文希望通过对A公司灭菌产品营销策略的研究与分析,制定出适合A公司 灭菌产品的营销策略,提升A公司灭菌产品的市场竞争力,增加A司灭菌产品在 生物医药及生物安全领域的市场份额。创新生物医药及生物安全行业灭菌产品的 营销策略。希望通过本文对A公司灭菌产品的营销策略研究与分析,解决A公司 灭菌产品目前遇到的营销瓶颈,同时也希望能够为其他灭菌产品生产或销售厂家, 制药设备生产或销售厂家提供借鉴和参考。 关键词:灭菌产品;生物医药;营销策略;生物安全 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 ABSTRACT v ABSTRACT With the income growth of Chinese residents and the increasing demand for medical and health care, China's biopharmaceutical industry has shown a rapid growth in recent years. Since 1993, Company A has begun to provide the integrated solutions for pharmaceutical engineering, process equipment and compliance consulting in the domestic pharmaceutical industry. Through years of research and interpretation of pharmaceutical industry processes and regulations, Company A has integrated global high-quality suppliers to help pharmaceutical enterprises improve process efficiency, energy efficiency and quality system of pharmaceutical enterprises, so as to promote China's pharmaceutical industry and gradually expand the business to the fields of laboratory animals, biosafety, animal vaccines universities and scientific research that are closely related to the pharmaceutical industry. The cleaning, disinfection and sterilization are important businesses of Company A. Over the past 20 years, it has achieved certain results. However, since 2014, with the vigorous development of the pharmaceutical market, the business growth rate and market share of company A's sterilization products have been unable to meet the company's expectations. Company A urgently needs to find out the crux of sterilization products marketing, and formulate the corresponding solutions. Through a large amount of domestic and overseas literature research and data analysis, the results show that there is relatively plentiful research and rich data on pharmaceutical equipment and medical apparatus and instruments at the macro level of the market, but lack of marketing strategy research on sterilization products, especially in the field of biopharmaceutical and biosafety. After evaluation, the marketing strategy that can be used for practice is even rarer. This paper mainly analyzes the marketing strategy of sterilization products in the field of biopharmaceuticals and biosafety of Company A, and explores and evaluates the practical value of marketing strategy in this business field. This paper mainly analyzes the current management situation of company A's sterilization products in the biopharmaceutical and biosafety industry in recent years, makes in-depth analysis of the company’s external environment, industrial environment, and internal environment by using PEST analysis, Porter's five-force model, and SWOT analysis to find out the risks and opportunities of the marketing strategy of Company A's sterilization product and determine the strategic direction of sterilization products’ 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 ABSTRACT vi marketing. By using STP theory and through the research on the application scenarios and industry segmentation of sterilization products and the interview with the relevant persons in charge of cleaning and sterilization businesses of Company A, the selection of target market of sterilization products is confirmed; based on the analysis of customer requirements, the market positioning of Company A’s sterilization products is reevaluated by using the differentiation and positioning strategy of product portfolio, product pricing, sales channels and marketing activities to help the pharmaceutical companies ensure the safety of the pharmaceutical production environment, make the drug research and development and manufacturing of drugs comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide pharmaceutical companies with excellent operational solutions, which is not only the repositioning of company A's sterilization products but also the reflection of the value of company A's product portfolio. Through 4Ps marketing tools, the corresponding marketing strategy is optimized and improved. Based on the problems of sterilization confronted by customers in the field of biopharmaceutical and biosafety, a variety of product portfolio designs are made for sterilization products to form an integrated contamination control solution on the customer side. With the help of Internet and informatization, actively introduce new sales channels of telemarketing and Internet marketing to expand new areas or new customers. Combine new media marketing with offline marketing, obtain more customers' needs through new media marketing, build strong relationship with customers and convert the customers’ needs into sales order through offline marketing, so as to promote business while delivering the value proposition of "Safety, Compliance and Operational Excellence" to customers and help the Company A to achieve the expected sales target of sterilization products. This paper aims to develop a marketing strategy suitable for company A's sterilization products through the research and analysis of company A's marketing strategy on sterilization products, improve the market competitiveness, increase the market share of a company A’s sterilization products in the field of biopharmaceutical and biosafety and innovate the marketing strategy of sterilization products in biopharmaceutical and biosafety industries. Research and analysis of Company A’s sterilization products in the paper intends to help deal with the marketi