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随着三网融合的不断深度融合和互联网加速发展不断抢占着广电网络的有线电视 用户,最近几年广电网络用户开始出现用户净流失现象,随着用户行为和生活习惯的改 变,广电用户流失现象已经很难逆转,导致广电业务受到了前所未有的威胁,广电运营 商急需寻找新的业务增长点来弥补在家庭用户端客户流失带来的损失。 在计算机技术不断的更新5G、大数据等不断成熟,随着 “数字中国”和“智慧社 会”概念的提出和安全可管可控的国产化替代的背景下,以政府和企事业为对象的信息 化建设需求市场需求巨大,该市场目前主要被厂家、集成商和运营商占据。其代表厂商 有华为和海康,集成商有中软、东软和数字广东等,运营商有中国联通。ZS集团作为经 营广州市本地的广电网络单位,由于以前缺乏对市场的前瞻性,对政企信息化业务市场 并没有足够重视,所以导致ZS集团相对其他省市某些广电运营商来说在该行业占比较 小,发展较为落后。和政企信息化业务方面较为有实力的竞争对手来说还是存在了很大 的差距。所以如何选择适合ZS集团政企业务的竞争战略,如何选择目标市场并利用自 身的优势资源构建有优势的市场竞争力,使得ZS集团政企信息化业务可以在广州本地 占领一定的市场份额,成为ZS集团急需要研究的问题。 首先,对集团基本情况和政企业务现状进行详细分析找到ZS集团政务业务存在问 题并得出ZS集团在政企市场竞争中所拥有的优劣势;采用PEST对政企业务宏观市场 环境进行分析,五力模型对政企的行业环境进行分析,然后选择在该领域做得成功的三 家市场标杆进行详细的分析总结出该行业成功的关键因素,得出ZS集团的机遇和挑战; 再者利用SWOT工具制定出ZS集团政业业务发展的四个备选竞争战略,利用QSPM定 量工具建模选择最合适ZS集团当下政业业务竞争的战略。最后对目标市场进行分析定 位,综合各种因素制定出来ZS集团集中差异化竞争战略,选择渠道拓展、产品研发、 项目实施和售后保障四个环节设计价值创造活动来建立差异化优势并制定战略方案和 战略实施的保障措施来保障集团政企业务竞争战略顺利实施。 本论文通过对ZS集团政企业务竞争战略的研究,希望可以找到ZS集团新的业务 增长点来弥补在传统业务市场的损失。并为其他兄弟广电提供一点在政企业务方面拓展 的参考。 关键词:政企业务;竞争战略;广电运营商;SWOT ;QSPM; II ABSTRACT With the deep integration of the three networks and the accelerated development of the Internet, the CATV users of the radio and television network are constantly occupied. In recent years, the net loss of users of the radio and television network has begun to appear. With the change of user behavior and living habits, the loss of radio and television users has been difficult to reverse, resulting in an unprecedented threat to the radio and television business. Radio and television operators need to find out New business growth points to make up for the loss of customers in the home end. With the coming of 5g new technology, Internet of things technology, artificial intelligence and the concept of "Digital China" and "smart society" and the background of safe and controllable localization substitution, the market demand of information construction business targeted at the government and enterprises is huge, which is mainly occupied by manufacturers, integrators and operators. Its representative manufacturers are Huawei and Haikang, integrators are China soft, Neusoft and digital Guangdong, and operators are mainly represented by Unicom and Telecom. As a radio and television operator, ZS group, as a local radio and television network unit in Guangzhou, has not paid enough attention to the information business of government and enterprises due to the lack of market foresight before, so ZS group has a relatively small share in the industry compared with some radio and television operators in other provinces and cities, and its development is relatively backward. There is still a big gap with the more powerful competitors in the government enterprise industry. Therefore, how to choose the competitive strategy suitable for ZS group's government and enterprise business, how to choose the target market and use its own advantages to build a competitive market, so that ZS group's government and enterprise information business can occupy a certain market share in Guangzhou, which has become an urgent problem for ZS group to study. First of all, it analyzes the basic situation of the group and the current situation of the government and enterprise business, finds out the problems existing in the government affairs business of ZS group, and obtains the advantages and disadvantages of ZS group in the market competition of the government and enterprise; uses pest and five force models to analyze the macro environment and the industry environment respectively, and then selects three successful market benchmarks in this field to analyze and summarize the success of the industry The key factors are the opportunities and challenges of ZS group, and the four alternative competitive strategies of ZS group's political business development are formulated by SWOT tools, and the most appropriate strategy of ZS group's current political business competition is selected by III QSPM quantitative tool modeling. Finally, the target market is analyzed and positioned, and ZS group's centralized and differentiated competitive strategy is formulated based on various factors. Four links, namely channel expansion, product R & D, project implementation and after-sales support, are selected to design value creation activities to establish differentiated advantages and formulate strategic plans and guarantee measures for Strategic implementation to ensure the smooth implementation of the group's business competition strategy. Through the study of ZS group's business competition strategy, this paper hopes to find a new business growth point of ZS group to make up for the loss in the traditional business market. And for other brothers radio and television to provide a little reference in the development of government and enterprise business. Keywords: 关键词:Government Business; Competitive strategy; Radio and Television operators; SWOT; QSPM; IV 目 录 摘要 ..... I ABSTRACT ............................ II 目 录 ... IV 图表清单 ............................ VI 第一章 绪论 ........................ 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................. 1 1.2 文献评述 ......................... 2 1.2.1 关于政企行业 ......... 2 1.2.2 关于战略管理 ......... 3 1.3 研究目的和内容 ............. 4 1.3.1 研究目的 ................. 4 1.3.2 论文内容 ................. 5 1.4 研究方法和技术路线 ..... 6 1.4.1 研究方法 ................. 6 1.4.2 技术路线 ................. 6 第二章 ZS集团政企业务外部环境分析 ............ 7 2.1 宏观环境分析 ................. 7 2.1.1 政治环境分析 ......... 7 2.1.2 经济环境分析 ......... 7 2.1.3 社会环境分析 ......... 8 2.1.4 技术环境分析 ......... 8 2.2 行业环境分析 ................. 9 2.2.1 政企信息化行业概述 ............................ 9 2.2.2 政企业务行业发展状况 ........................ 9 2.3 竞争环境分析 ............... 10 2.3.1 新进入者威胁 ....... 10 2.3.2 替代品的威胁 ....... 11 2.3.3 同行业的威胁 ....... 11 2.3.4 卖方议价能力 ....... 12 2.3.5 供应商议价能力 ... 13 2.4 竞争对手分析 ............... 13 2.4.1 广州联通 ............... 13 2.4.2 华为公司 ............... 14 2.4.3 数字广东 ............... 14 2.5 行业成功的关键因素 ... 14 2.5.1 扎实的客户群体 ... 15 2.5.2 先进的技术力量 ... 15 2.5.3 有竞争力的差异化产品 ...................... 15 2.6 外部环境带来机遇和威胁 .......................... 15 2.6.1 外部环境带来的机遇 .......................... 15 2.6.2 外部环境带来的威胁 .......................... 16 2.7 本章小结 ....................... 16 第三章 ZS集团政企业务内部环境分析 .......... 17 3.1 ZS集团现状 ................... 17 3.1.1 ZS集团基本情况 ... 17 V 3.1.2 ZS集团业务概况 ... 17 3.2 ZS集团政企业务现状 ... 17 3.2.1 ZS集团政业务发展 .............................. 17 3.2.2 ZS集团政企业务存在问题 ................... 18 3.3 ZS集团政企业务资源分析........................... 19 3.3.1 有形资源 ............... 19 3.3.2 无形资源 ............... 20 3.3.3 人才资源 ............... 21 3.4 ZS集团政企业务能力分析........................... 21 3.4.1 营销能力 ............... 21 3.4.2 研发能力 ............... 22 3.4.3 实施能力 ........