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新时代背景下,我国经济从追求速度和规模,转向追求质量和效益。金 融行业加快对外开放的速度,国内金融企业面临机遇和挑战,在经济转型的 过程中,金融在服务国家战略和社会民生中担负更大的责任。近些年,保险行 业在国内发生显著变化,出现许多前所未有的新情况:普惠金融功能更加凸显, 监管力度不断加大,寿险业务结构发生明显改变,中短存续期产品规模受到遏制, 行业进入调整期,行业增长动力以优化结构、提升质量为目标,从长期以来形成 的外延粗放式扩张模式转向深耕细作的内涵式发展。 变化孕育着机会。随着消费者收入稳步提升,保险业政策红利逐步释放,老 百姓对身体健康的重视与有限的医疗资源的矛盾开始凸显,健康险越来越受到热 捧。据统计,2013至2018年,健康险保费年平均增长率为37%,增长速度远远 领先于寿险、产险、意外险。按照这种增长速度,健康险市场规模在2020年底 将突破10000亿元,超过车险成为第二大险种,与寿险、财险呈现三足鼎立的局 面。在此背景下,保险巨头布局健康险市场,各路资本抢夺牌照筹备机构,健康 和社保医疗领域的管理者们投身健康险,行业的发展可谓欣欣向荣。在快速增长 的领域里,企业如何寻找定位,聚焦核心竞争力,研究并制定合适的战略方针, 助力民生领域,破解社会难点痛点问题,实现自身的价值,这是企业管理者需要 思考的地方。 本文以J公司的健康险业务为研究对象,以战略管理相关理论和中小保险公 司竞争战略的观点为基础,运用PEST、五力模型、价值链、SWOT、IFE矩阵、EFE 矩阵、QSPM矩阵评价等分析工具,通过对公司的宏观环境、行业环境进行透彻分 析,结合J公司的实际情况,对健康险业务的竞争战略进行设计、分析和选择, 提出实施战略的具体措施和保障措施,为J公司的健康险业务勾勒出清晰的 发展路径,同时希望以此为原型,为致力于研究企业竞争战略的管理者提供一个 真实、完整的案例,希望起到借鉴和指导作用。 关键词:保险 健康险 竞争战略 聚焦战略 战略选择 II Abstract In the new era, China's economy has changed from pursuing speed and scale to pursuing quality and efficiency. The financial industry accelerates the speed of opening to the outside world, domestic financial enterprises face opportunities and challenges.In the process of economic transformation, finance plays a greater role in serving the national strategy and the people's livelihood.In the past two years, profound changes have taken place in the domestic insurance industry, appeared many unprecedented new situations: the Inclusive Finance function of insurance has become more prominent, the supervision has been continuously strengthened, and the structure of life insurance business has changed significantly, the industry entered the adjustment, the structure of life insurance business has changed significantly, from the extensive expansion model formed for a long time to the intensive development model. Change breed opportunities. With the introduction of many favorable policies, as well as the steady increase of consumer income, the shortage of medical resources, more and more attention to health insurance, the market scale is becoming larger and larger. According to statistics, from 2013 to 2018, the annual average growth rate of health insurance premium is 37%, which is far ahead of life insurance, property insurance and accident insurance. According to this growth rate, in 2020, health insurance will reach 1 billion yuan, which will surpass automobile insurance and become the second largest type of insurance, showing a tripartite confrontation with life insurance and property insurance. Therefore, the international insurance giants have laid out the mainland health insurance market one after another, and various capitals are also optimistic about this cake and seize the license plate. Managers in the fields of insurance and social security and medical care are engaged in health insurance and become leaders in this field. In the field of rapid growth, how to give full play to the core competitiveness of enterprises, research and formulate appropriate strategic policies, improving well-being issue and solving social difficulties and pain points and realizing their own value, this is where enterprise managers need to think. This paper takes the health insurance business of J company as the research object, based on the theory of strategic management and the competitive strategy of small and medium-sized insurance companies, using pest, SWOT, five force model, value chain, IFE matrix, EFE matrix, QSPM matrix and other analysis tools, through a thorough III analysis of the macro environment and industry environment of the company, combined with the actual situation of J company, designs and analyzes and selects the competitive strategy of health insurance business, and expounds the implementation and guarantee measures required by the competitive strategy, so as to propose specific measures and safeguards to implement the strategy, and outline a clear development path for J's health insurance business. At the same time, it hopes to take this as the prototype, provide a real and complete case for the managers who are committed to studying the competitive strategy of enterprises, hoping to provide reference and guidance Use.