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中国牙线品类是一个小众细分市场,2017年预估规模约为2.2亿 元人民币,人均年消费金额为0.16元,不足美国市场的1%。伴随消 费升级趋势和口腔护理知识的普及,“刷牙、漱口、牙线”的口腔护 理三部曲正被越来越多的消费者接受和采纳。牙线工艺简单,入门门 槛较低,目前市场以有多个品牌参与竞争,包括本土企业小鹿妈妈、 零售商品牌屈臣氏牙线和跨国企业品牌欧乐B和3M牙线。但由于缺 乏行业领导者积极对消费者进行品类教育,牙线品类整体渗透率只有 14%。 美国PBH公司旗下的DenTek牙线是美国销量第一的牙线品牌,于 2017年进入中国市场,通过电商平台销售商品。DenTek急需在中国 市场打开局面,实现强劲增长,但公司在营销推广方面有两个主要的 挑战。(1)品牌需要快速提高知名度,但由于销售体量小,营销预算 有限。(2)产品价格高,差异性卖点不清晰。 本文以5M模型为分析框架,结合PEST分析、品类现状分析和 DenTek现状分析,以DenTek在中国市场的新媒体营销策略为研究对 象,提出了DenTek牙线品牌的营销计划。在此基础上,进一步提出 了具体的实施方案和方案保障需求。 本文通过市场调研了解目标人群在牙线品类的需求和新媒体使用 偏好,提出了适用于DenTek牙线的营销策略。(1)营销目标,短期应 以提高品牌认知率和品类渗透率为主,中长期在巩固牙线产品领导地 位的同时,逐步加大在其他小众口腔护理产品的投入力度。(2)沟通 信息,品牌宣传口号为“科技宠爱牙齿”,确定扁线型后牙牙线为主 推产品,核心沟通卖点为“65%的牙龈问题,源于齿缝残渣”。同时, 辅推儿童型牙线,提高客单价。(3)营销新媒体,DenTek将重点选择 社交类APP、视频类APP和购物类APP作为主要营销媒体,精准触达 目标人群。(4)营销预算,本文提出应以电商大促为契机招募新客, 购物类APP、社交类APP和视频类APP的预算占比分别为50%:25%: 25%。(5)营销效果监控,DenTek应综合运用APP自身工具和第三方 监测代码,实时评估营销效果,改善营销策略。 本文的研究和分析为DenTek牙线品牌在中国市场的推广提供帮 助,也希望可以对其他口腔护理品牌及中小品牌的市场营销策略制定 提供参考。 关键词:DenTek牙线、新媒体、营销战略、互联网营销 NEW MEDIA COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN CHINA FOR DENTEK FLOSS BRAND FROM PBH US ABSTRACT Floss market in China is a small niche segment with about RMB 220M estimated sales in 2017. Annual consumption per capita is only RMB 0.16, less than 1% of that in US market. Given consumption trade-up trend and popularization of oral care knowledge, 3-step oral regime, “brush, rinse, floss”, are being accepted and adapted by more consumers. Because technology behind floss product is quite simple and category threshold is low, current market is crowed with many manufactures including local brands such as Fawnmum Floss, retailer brands such as Watsons Floss and MNC brands such as Oral B and 3M Floss. Lacking category leader to proactively educate consumers makes floss penetration only 14%. DenTek Floss from PBH US is the No.1 floss brand in US and was introduced to China market in 2017, product of which is being sold on Ecommerce channel. DenTek needs to quickly gain economic of scale and aggressive growth in China, but facing two major challenges in terms of marketing communication. (1) Brand awareness must be built up quickly, but media budget is low resulted from limited sales value. (2) Product price is higher than competitors’ but unique selling point is vague. Following 5M framework, this thesis analyzed PEST related to floss market, competition landscape and DenTek current situation, proposed new media communication strategy for DenTek brand. Based on this, this thesis further proposed detailed execution plan and key needs to guarantee a flawless execution of new media communication strategy. After market research on target audience to under needs in floss product and preference in new media platforms usage, this thesis proposed strategy suitable for DenTek. (1) Mission. In short term, DenTek should focus on brand awareness and penetration improvement. In mid-to-long term, DenTek can gradually start to invest in niche oral care products while keep strengthen brand leadership in floss market. (2) Message. Brand communication slogan is “Technology to adore your teeth”. Confirm that hero SKU will be Comfort Back-teeth Floss of which key message is “65% gum problems come from residue between teeth”. Meanwhile, Child Floss will also be promoted to increase shopper’s basket size. (3) New media. DenTek should focus on social APP, ecommerce APP and video APP to accurately reach target audience. (4) Money. This article proposes to take top promotion season as opportunities to recruit new users and ratio of budget spent in ecommerce APP, social APP and video APP should be 50%:25%:25%. (5) Measurement. DenTek need to systematically utilize tracking tools developed by APP platform and 3rd party to track marketing campaign result and to improve communication strategy. Study and analysis in this thesis provide reference to DenTek floss brand to better promote this brand in China market, and it is a pleasure if this thesis can be referred to by other oral care brands and middle-small brands in marketing strategy planning. KEY WORDS: DenTek Floss Pick, New Media, Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing 目录 第一章 绪论 .............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................................................... 1 1.1.1 行业背景 ..................................................... 1 1.1.2 竞争背景 ..................................................... 1 1.1.3 公司背景 ..................................................... 2 1.1.4 公司面临的问题................................................ 3 1.2 研究意义 ........................................................... 4 1.2.1 对于公司自身的意义 ............................................ 4 1.2.2 对于中小型快消品公司的意义 .................................... 4 1.3 研究的内容和框架 ................................................... 5 1.4 研究方法 ........................................................... 7 1.4.1 文献研究法.................................................... 7 1.4.2 市场调研法.................................................... 8 1.4.3 案例研究法.................................................... 8 1.5 相关理论 ........................................................... 8 1.5.1 新媒体营销的特征 .............................................. 9 1.5.2 新媒体营销的主要平台 ......................................... 10 1.5.3 新媒体营销的发展趋势 ......................................... 13 第二章 中国牙线市场发展现状 ............................................. 15 2.1 宏观市场环境分析 .................................................. 15 2.1.1 政策环境 .................................................... 15 2.1.2 经济环境 .................................................... 15 2.1.3 社会文化环境................................................. 16 2.1.4 技术环境 .................................................... 17 2.2 中国口腔护理行业及牙线市场发展概况 ................................ 18 2.2.1 口腔护理行业概述 ............................................. 18 2.2.2 牙线市场发展概述 ............................................. 19 2.2.2 牙线市场发展趋势和瓶颈 .......................................... 21 2.3 牙线市场竞争环境分析 .............................................. 22 2.3.1 本土品牌分析................................................. 23 2.3.2 海外品牌分析................................................. 25 第三章 DenTek牙线品牌市场营销策略现状 ................................... 27 3.1 DenTek牙线品牌概述 ................................................ 27 3.1.1 发展历程 .................................................... 27 3.1.2 目标市场 .................................................... 29 3.1.3 产品结构 .................................................... 30 3.1.4 销售现状 .................................................... 32 3.2 DenTek传统营销推广现状和存在的问题 ................................ 34 3.2.1 沟通内容 .................................................... 35 3.2.2 推广活动 .................................................... 35 3.2.3 营销效果 .................................................... 36 3.3 传统营销推广方式的局限性 .......................................... 38 3.3.1 有效