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I 摘要 目前,国家政策层面对于制造业的发展提出了更高的要求,要推动制造业由生产型 制造向服务型制造转变,实现高质量发展,并积极推动新兴技术与制造业的深度融合。 面对白热化的市场竞争,ST 机械制造公司出现了利润下滑、销量下降的不利局面。就 所面临的内外部环境而言,ST 机械制造公司探索适合自身发展的竞争战略十分紧迫且 意义重大。 企业在经营发展过程中,会受到外部和内部诸多因素的影响。本文应用 PEST、波 特五力模型以及 SWOT 等分析工具对 ST 机械制造公司宏观环境、行业环境以及内部资 源及能力进行详细分析和评价,进而准确识别公司所面临的机遇和威胁、优势和劣势。 文章首先阐述了竞争战略选择的原则,接着以 SWOT 分析结果为依据,应用战略分析 工具 QSPM 矩阵构建关键评价要素。邀请 ST 机械制造公司中高层管理人员以及行业专 家共计 45 人,共同确定指标权重并进行指标评分。评分结果显示,对于 ST 机械制造公 司来说,竞争战略选择的优先次序应为差异化战略>集中化战略>成本领先战略,公司应 将差异化战略作为未来发展的主要竞争战略。 为了更好地实施差异化战略,本文以安索夫在《公司战略》一书中所提出的战略管 理四要素为依据,即产品与市场领域、成长方向、竞争优势和协同作用,提出 ST 机械 制造公司实施差异化战略的路径,并提出了差异化战略的保障措施和风险防范措施。本 文通过对 ST 机械制造公司竞争战略进行深入研究,探索机械制造业在经济增速放缓、 产能过剩局面之下发展的新途径,具有较强的理论意义和现实意义。 关键词 竞争战略 差异化战略 机械制造 冷弯成型河北大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract At present, the national policy level has put forward higher requirements for the development of the manufacturing industry, to promote the transformation of the manufacturing industry from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing, to achieve high-quality development, and actively promote the deep integration of emerging technologies and manufacturing industry. In the face of the white-hot market competition, ST machinery manufacturing company appeared a profit decline, sales decline in the unfavorable situation. In terms of the internal and external environment, IT is urgent and significant for ST machinery Manufacturing company to explore a competitive strategy suitable for its own development. In the process of operation and development, enterprises will be affected by many external and internal factors. This paper applies PEST, Porter's five Forces model, SWOT and other analysis tools to analyze and evaluate the macro environment, industry environment, internal resources and capabilities of ST machinery manufacturing company in detail, so as to accurately identify the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses facing the company. This paper first describes the principles of competitive strategy selection, and then, based on the SWOT analysis results, USES the strategic analysis tool QSPM matrix to construct the key evaluation elements. The middle and senior management personnel and industry experts of ST Machinery Manufacturing company were invited to jointly determine the index weight and score the index. The scoring results show that, for ST machinery manufacturing company, the priority of competitive strategy selection should be differentiation strategy better than centralized strategy better than cost leading strategy, and the company should take differentiation strategy as the main competitive strategy for future development. In order to better implement the strategy of differentiation, this paper takes ansoff in his book company strategy proposed on the basis of the four elements of strategic management,Abstract III namely, growth direction in the field of product and market, competitive advantage and synergy, put forward the path of differentiation strategy in the ST machinery manufacturing company, and puts forward the safeguard measures of differentiation strategy and risk prevention measures. This paper conducts an in-depth study on the competitive strategy of ST machinery manufacturing company, and explores new ways for the development of machinery manufacturing industry under the situation of economic growth slowdown and overcapacity, which has strong theoretical and practical significance. Keywords Competitive strategy Differentiation strategy Machinery manufacturing Cold forming河北大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景和意义.............1 1.1.1 研究背景..............1 1.1.2 研究意义..............2 1.2 研究问题与内容.............3 1.2.1 研究问题..............3 1.2.2 研究内容..............3 1.3 国内外研究综述.............4 1.3.1 国外研究综述......4 1.3.2 国内研究综述......6 1.3.3 研究述评..............7 1.4 研究思路和方法.............7 1.4.1 研究思路..............7 1.4.2 研究方法..............8 1.5 研究特色与论文框架.....8 1.5.1 研究特色..............8 1.5.2 论文框架..............9 第二章 相关理论概述..............10 2.1 战略及战略层次理论...10 2.1.1 战略内涵............10 2.1.2 企业战略层次....10 2.2 竞争战略理论...............12 2.2.1 竞争战略的内涵及特点...................12 2.2.2 竞争战略的类型13目 录 V 2.2.3 竞争战略选择工具...........................15 第三章 ST 机械制造公司战略环境分析...............17 3.1 ST 机械制造公司简介..17 3.1.1 发展历程............17 3.1.2 经营产品和市场分布.......................18 3.2 ST 机械制造公司宏观环境分析.................20 3.2.1 政治法律环境....20 3.2.2 经济环境............21 3.2.3 社会环境............22 3.2.4 技术环境............23 3.3 ST 机械制造公司行业竞争环境分析.........24 3.3.1 现有竞争者........24 3.3.2 潜在进入者........25 3.3.3 替代品................26 3.3.4 供应商的议价能力...........................26 3.3.5 消费者的议价能力...........................27 3.4 ST 机械制造公司内部环境分析.................27 3.4.1 企业内部管理能力...........................27 3.4.2 人力资源构成....28 3.4.3 企业财务状况....29 3.4.4 市场销售能力....30 3.5 ST 机械制造公司 SWOT 分析总结............32 3.5.1 优势分析.............32 3.5.2 劣势分析.............33 3.5.3 机会分析.............33 3.5.4 威胁分析.............34 第四章 ST 机械制造公司竞争战略选择...............36河北大学硕士学位论文 VI 4.1 竞争战略选择原则.......36 4.1.1 动态适应原则....36 4.1.2 系统整合原则....36 4.1.3 创新性与经济性原则.......................36 4.1.4 新旧业务关联原则...........................37 4.2 竞争战略选择分析过程..............................37 4.2.1 根据 SWOT 分析矩阵生成关键评价要素.................... 37 4.2.2 为关键评价要素赋予相应的权重...38 4.2.3 专家打分及确定每种战略类型的吸引力总分和...........39 4.3 生成竞争战略选择结果..............................41 第五章 ST 机械制造公司差异化战略的实施、保障与风险防控......43 5.1 ST 机械制造公司差异化战略的实施.........43 5.1.1 产品与市场领域43 5.1.2 成长方向............45 5.1.3 竞争优势............47 5.1.4 协同作用............48 5.2 ST 机械制造公司差异化战略的保障.........50 5.2.1 变革企业组织结构...........................50 5.2.2 更新企业文化....50 5.2.3 完善差异化战略的保障制度...........51 5.3 ST 机械制造公司差异化战略的风险防控.52 5.3.1 技术能力分散的风险.......................52 5.3.2 管理和协调难度加大的风险...........53 5.3.3 易被竞争对手追随和模仿的风险...53 第六章 结论与展望..................55 6.1 研究结论.......................55 6.2 研究展望.......................56目 录 VII