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I 论文题目:SX农商银行零售业务营销策略优化研究 学科名称:工商管理 研 究 生:王 牧 签 名: 指导教师:王文莉 教授 签 名: 摘要 互联网大数据时代的到来促使消费结构发生了变化,大力发展零售业务逐渐成为商业 银行迎合多元化市场需求实现转型升级的重要途径,而零售业务营销策略是其转变盈利方 式、扩大市场份额的关键环节。然而农村商业银行(以下简称“农商银行”)由于其客户群 体特殊性、资源环境限制等原因,零售业务的营销推广容易受阻。SX农商银行正是如此, 近年来零售业务的转型升级困难重重,营销策略的制定和实施不见成效,其中原因不仅仅 是受其所在宏观环境的影响,还与其内部环境及其面临的市场竞争状况紧密联系。因此为 提升SX农商银行的营销绩效,丰富零售业务的产品类型,增加市场份额,有必要结合实际 情况对目前SX农商银行零售业务的市场营销策略进行研究,以稳固SX农商银行在当前竞 争市场中的地位,发掘未来的市场机遇。 本文以SX农商银行为研究对象,以当前内部零售业务营销策略转型、外部政治经济环 境以及金融生态环境等为研究背景,结合7Ps营销理论分析SX农商银行当前的营销策略现 状,发现其在营销产品、营销过程、营销渠道以及售后服务等方面存在的问题,并综合运 用PEST和波特五力模型的分析方法,对SX农商银行零售业务所面临的宏观环境和微观环 境进行深入剖析,以SWOT矩阵的形式总结出了该行在当前市场环境中所具有的优势、劣 势、机会和威胁,最后结和本行实际提出可操作的市场营销策略优化方案以及方案实施的 相应保障措施。通过本次研究,希望可以为SX农商银行零售业务的市场营销策略提供可操 作性的优化方案,帮助其打破内部桎梏,提高业务处理效率和服务质量,加快零售业务的 转型升级,使之在激烈的竞争环境中站稳脚跟。同时也希望为其他具有类似问题的农商银 行提供参考和借鉴。 本次研究通过运用7Ps营销理论有针对性性地找到了SX农商银行当前零售业务营销策 略存在的具体问题,又通过PEST、波特五力模型和SWOT分析等方法对其营销环境进行 了全面分析,总结并提出了可行性较高的解决方案,助力SX农商银行的零售业务转型升级。 文章通过理论方法解决了实际问题,具有一定的创新性和实践意义。 关键词:银行零售业务;营销策略;SWOT分析 Abstract II Title: Research on Marketing Strategy Optimization for Retail Business of SX Rural Commercial Bank Major:Business Administration Name:Mu Wang Signature: Supervisor:Prof. Wenli Wang Signature: Abstract With the advent of Internet big data era, the consumption structure has changed, and the development of retail business has gradually become an important way for commercial banks to meet the needs of diversified markets to achieve transformation and upgrading, while the retail business marketing strategy is the key link for them to change the way of profit and expand market share. However, rural commercial banks (hereinafter referred to as "rural commercial banks") are prone to be hindered in the marketing and promotion of retail business due to the particularity of their customer groups, resource and environmental constraints and other reasons. This is the case with SX rural commercial bank. In recent years, the transformation and upgrading of retail business are very difficult, and the formulation and implementation of marketing strategies are ineffective. The reason is not only because of the impact of its macro environment, but also because of its internal environment and the market competition. Therefore, in order to improve the marketing performance of SX rural commercial bank, enrich the product types of retail business and increase the market share, it is necessary to study the marketing strategy of the retail business of SX rural commercial bank in combination with the actual situation, find out the existing problems, and on this basis, build a reasonable marketing strategy optimization scheme to stabilize the position of SX rural commercial bank in the current competitive market, Explore future market opportunities. This paper takes SX rural commercial bank as the research object, based on the background of current internal retail business marketing strategy transformation, external political and economic environment and financial ecological environment, combines 7PS marketing theory to analyze the current marketing strategy status of SX rural commercial bank, finds the existing problems in marketing products, marketing process, marketing channels and after-sales services, and comprehensively uses pest With the analysis method of Porter's five forces model, this paper 西安理工大学工商管理硕士学位论文 III analyzes the macro environment and micro environment of the retail business of SX rural commercial bank, summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the bank in the form of SWOT matrix in the current market environment, and finally puts forward the operable marketing strategy optimization scheme and the corresponding guarantee measures for the implementation of the scheme Shi. Through this study, I hope to provide operational optimization scheme for the marketing strategy of SX rural commercial bank retail business, help it break the internal shackles, improve the business processing efficiency and service quality, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of retail business, and make it stand firm in the fierce competition environment. At the same time, it also hopes to provide reference for other agricultural commercial banks with similar problems. This research finds out the specific problems of the current retail business marketing strategy of SX rural commercial bank through the use of 7Ps marketing theory, and comprehensively analyzes its marketing environment through pest, Porter Five Forces Model and SWOT analysis, summarizes and puts forward feasible solutions to help SX rural commercial bank to transform and upgrade its retail business. This paper solves the practical problems through theoretical methods, which has certain innovation and practical significance. Keywords: banking retail business; marketing strategy; SWOT analysis 目 录 I 目 录 1 绪论 .................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ..................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ....................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ....................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ..................... 2 1.2.1 农商银行零售业务的研究 .......................... 2 1.2.2 零售业务营销策略的研究 .......................... 3 1.3 研究内容与技术路线 ............. 4 1.3.1 研究内容 ....................... 4 1.3.2 技术路线 ....................... 5 1.4 研究方法 .. 5 2 相关理论综述 .... 7 2.1 农商银行零售业务概念及特征 ............................ 7 2.1.1 农商银行零售业务的概念 .......................... 7 2.1.2 农商银行零售业务的特征 .......................... 8 2.2 7Ps营销理论 ........................... 9 2.3 PEST分析模型 ..................... 10 2.4 波特五力模型 ....................... 10 2.5 SWOT分析 ........................... 11 3 SX农商银行零售业务营销策略现状及存在的问题 ... 13 3.1 SX农商银行简介 .................. 13 3.1.1 银行规模 ..................... 13 3.1.2 银行客户情况 ............. 13 3.2 SX农商银行零售业务营销现状 ......................... 15 3.2.1 零售业务产品现状 ..... 15 3.3.2 销售价格现状 ............. 16 3.2.3 销售渠道发展和利用现状 ........................ 16 3.2.4 促销方式与客户服务现状 ........................ 17 3.3 SX农商银行零售业务营销策略存在的问题 ..... 18 3.3.1 产品单一缺乏个性化 . 18 3.3.2 定价被动缺乏风险把控 ............................ 18 3.3.3 线上营销渠道利用不足 ............................ 19 3.3.4 促销方式过于传统 ..... 20 西安理工大学工商管理硕士学位论文 II 4 SX农商银行零售业务营销环境分析 ........................... 21 4.1 营销策略宏观环境分析 ....... 21 4.1.1 政治环境分析 ............. 21 4.1.2 经济环境分析 ............. 21 4.1.3 社会环境分析 ............. 23 4.1.4 技术环境分析 ............. 25 4.1.5 宏观环境分析总结 ..... 25 4.2 营销策略微观环境分析 ....... 26 4.2.1 供应商分析 ................. 26 4.2.2 购买者分析 ................. 26 4.2.3 新进入者分析 ............. 27 4.2.4 替代品分析 ................. 27 4.2.5 行业竞争者分析 ......... 28 4.3 营销策略SWOT分析 ......... 30 4.3.1 优势(Strengths)分析 ............................. 30 4.3.2 劣势(Weaknesses)分析 ........................ 31 4.3.3 机会(Opportunities)分析 ...................... 31 4.3.4 威胁(Threats)分析 . 32 4.3.5 SWOT战略矩阵 ......