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I 摘要 本文以YH微电子为研究对象,探索在经济新常态背景下,企业业务战略与组织 转型的现实问题。随着近年来中国自有品牌手机的崛起,市场对VCM马达需求急剧增 加,其巨大的市场需求和产业链的成熟正推动着VCM行业不断发展。日韩企业发展较 早,掌握的VCM马达技术和制造工艺较先进,几乎垄断了全球VCM马达市场,其市 场份额超过80%。马达产业环境的变化,导致YH微电子原有的低成本战略面临挑战, 难以形成持续竞争力。在此行业背景下展开相关研究,探讨企业业务战略与组织转型 的可行性,对企业的战略及组织调整,国内同行的业务发展具有现实参考意义。 基于战略管理及组织转型等相关理论,主要研究以下内容:(1)结合目前行业宏 观背景,通过五力模型对企业外部环境分析,探讨企业进行业务战略及组织转型的可 行性。(2)通过SWOT分析法,探讨宏观环境关键因素变化趋势对行业竞争结构的潜 在影响,分析企业竞争地位。(3)结合企业内部环境、资源能力,明确业务战略调整 为低成本与高差异并存及实施区割管理。(4)为匹配企业整体战略,提出企业组织转 型的具体实施方式和动态调整,将高差异事业部与低成本事业部区割管理,企业总部 从业务经营者转变到战略管控者。 通过研究得出以下结论:(1)在经济新常态及产业发展背景下,YH微电子低成本 竞争优势逐步下降,丧失竞争优势成为必然,所以企业必须进行战略转型。(2)随着 国产手机品牌对国产马达需求不断增加,马达企业具有广阔的业务市场,但YH微电 子目前的低端产品结构及技术研发能力,不能满足企业未来发展的需要。(3)YH微电 子在低端产品领域,与国内马达企业通过降低价格争夺市场份额,此种竞争方式具有 不可持续性,企业亟需进行高差异化战略调整。(4)在公司长期发展方面,应聚焦于 新产品研发投入及高端产品推广,进一步扩大企业在行业内的影响力。(5)同时进行 组织转型及结构调整,配合企业战略转型顺利进行。(6)对企业发展战略研究,有利 于检讨企业发展的“危”与“机”,分析自身在行业中的优势与劣势,对促进我国VCM行 业健康有序的发展有重大的指导作用。 关键词:新常态;VCM马达;业务战略转型;组织转型 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract The object of the study in this paper is to explore the realistic problems of enterprise business strategy and organizational transformation in the new normal of China economy for YH microelectronics. With the rise of private brand mobile phones in China in recent years, the market demand for VCM motor has increased sharply, and its huge market demand and the maturity of the industrial chain are promoting the continuous development of the VCM industry. Japanese and Korean enterprises started development earlier and have mastered advanced VCM motor technology and manufacturing process which occupied more than 80% market share and almost monopolized the global VCM motor market. To survive and grow in such severe circumstance, YH company original low-cost strategy is facing challenges and it is difficult to form sustainable competitiveness. Relevant research is carried out to explore the feasibility of enterprise strategy and organizational transformation, which is of practical reference significance to the enterprise business strategy, organizational adjustment and business development of domestic counterparts. Based on the theories related to strategic management and organizational transformation, the following contents are mainly studied: (1) Combined with the current macro background of the industry, the five forces model is used to analyze the external environment of the enterprise and discuss the feasibility of the enterprise's business strategy and organizational transformation。(2) Through SWOT analysis, this paper discusses the potential impact of the changing trend of key factors in the macro environment on the competitive structure of the industry and analyzes the competitive position of enterprises。(3) In combination with the internal environment and resource capacity of the enterprise, it is clear that the business strategy should be adjusted to the coexistence of low cost, high difference and the implementation of zone cutting management. (4) In order to match the overall strategy of the enterprise, the specific implementation method and dynamic adjustment of the organizational transformation of the enterprise are proposed, and the business division with high difference is cut off from the business division with low cost, and the corporate headquarters is transformed from a business operator to a strategic controller. The following conclusions are drawn after the study: (1) Under the background of economic new normal and industrial development, the low-cost competitive advantage of YH microelectronics gradually declines, and the loss of competitive advantage becomes inevitable. Therefore, enterprises must carry out strategic transformation. (2) With the Abstract III increasing demand of domestic mobile phone brands for domestic motors, motor enterprises have a broad business market, however YH microelectronics' current low-end product structure and technology research and development capability cannot meet the needs of the future development of enterprises. (3) In the field of low-end products, YH microelectronics competes with domestic motor enterprises for market share by lowering the price, which is not sustainable, and the enterprise urgently needs to make strategic adjustment of high differentiation. (4) In terms of long-term development, the company should focus on RD investment in new products and promotion of high-end products to further expand the influence of the company in the industry. (5) Carry out organizational transformation and structural adjustment at the same time to coordinate with the smooth implementation of the strategic transformation of the enterprise. (6) The study of enterprise development strategy is conducive to the review of the "crisis" and "opportunity" of enterprise development, and the analysis of its own advantages and disadvantages in the industry, which plays a significant guiding role in promoting the healthy and orderly development of China's VCM industry. Key words: New normal; VCM motor; Business strategic transformation; organizational transformation. 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要 ............. I Abstract ...... II 目 录 .......... IV Contents ... VII 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景、目的及意义 .............................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ........... 1 1.1.2 研究目的及意义 .............................. 3 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............... 4 1.3 主要研究内容 ..................... 6 1.4 研究方法及技术路线 .... 7 1.4.1 研究方法 ........... 7 1.4.2 技术路线 ........... 8 1.5 本章小结 . 9 第二章 YH微电子外部环境分析 ......................... 10 2.1 宏观环境分析 ................... 10 2.1.1 政治法规环境 . 10 2.1.2 经济环境 ......... 11 2.1.3 技术环境 ......... 12 2.1.4 社会文化环境 . 14 2.1.5 人口环境 ......... 14 2.1.6 经济全球化的影响 ........................ 16 2.2 VCM行业竞争结构分析 .......................... 17 2.2.1 VCM行业概述及产业链分析 ....... 17 2.2.2现有的行业竞争结构分析 ............. 20 2.2.3宏观环境关键因素变化趋势对VCM行业竞争结构的潜在影响 ............ 22 2.3 VCM行业竞争环境分析 ......................... 23 2.3.1 VCM行业战略群及企业当前所处的位置 .................. 23 目 录 V 2.3.2 主要竞争对手分析 ........................ 25 2.4 VCM行业关键成功因素分析 ............... 27 2.5本章小结 28 第三章 YH微电子内部环境分析 ......................... 29 3.1 企业的发展历史、战略领导者与战略使命的形成 ............................. 29 3.1.1 发展历史 ......... 29 3.1.2 战略领导者与战略使命的形成 .... 30 3.2 企业资源分析 ................... 31 3.2.1有形资源分析 .. 31 3.2.2无形资源分析 .. 33 3.3 组织能力分析 ................... 35 3.4 企业的关键优势与关键劣势分析 ..... 38 3.4.1 关键优势分析 . 38 3.4.2 关键劣势分析 . 38 3.5 本章小结 .............................. 40 第四章 YH微电子业务战略的调整 ..................... 42 4.1 现行的业务战略及其适用性分析 ..... 42 4.1.1 现行的业务战略定位 .................... 42 4.1.2 现行业务战略面临的挑战 ............ 42 4.2进一步明确战略问题及初步战略选择——SWOT分析 .................. 44 4.2.1优势(Strength) ........................... 45 4.2.2 劣势(Weaknesses) ..................... 45 4.2.3 机会(Opportunities) .................. 45 4.2.4 威胁(Threats) .....