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SX 石油分公司是中国石化在 SX 省的成品油销售分公司,受 SX 地区地方保护主义、 中石油、延长壳牌竞争加剧等因素影响,SX 石油分公司加油站在该地区保有率较低,销 售终端仅 424 座,且占据优势地段的加油站比例不高。所以,从根本上提高 SX 石油分公 司市场竞争力,摆脱上述经营和发展困境,提高加油站经营水平、服务意识和改善企业 形象迫在眉睫,但目前 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理总体上缺乏激励性和市场竞争力, 客观上造成员工满意度较低、流失率较高,企业培养成本增高,员工缺乏工作积极性和 企业归属感等问题,对其在当前形势下保持良好竞争力造成不利影响。 本文在仔细学习探讨我国薪酬管理激励观念的前提下,统筹运用理论分析和调查研 究相结合的方式,深入研究了中石化 SX 石油分公司加油站的薪酬管理现状和优化设计方 案。开篇,本文首先介绍了中国石化 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理研究的背景和意义; 其次,结合 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理现状,有针对性地在加油站员工中随机抽取 样本开展问卷调查,同时对其薪酬管理部门人员进行了面对面访谈,从而分析出 SX 石 油分公司加油站当前薪酬管理中存在的问题以及可能的原因;接着,在国有企业三项制 度改革和政策允许的前提下,针对找出的问题设计了 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理优 化方案;最后提出了此次加油站薪酬管理优化的目标,并为此次薪酬管理优化方案指出 了可行的保障措施。 通过对 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理的研究分析和优化设计,进一步完善了 SX 石 油分公司的薪酬管理体系,其薪酬制度管理的系统性、科学和薪酬日常管理的规范性得 以提高和巩固。更重要的是,通过 SX 石油分公司加油站的薪酬管理优化研究,对中石化 系统内其他省市公司加油站的薪酬管理也提供了借鉴作用,对其他同类企业具有一定的 适用性,这也是研究价值和目标所在。 关键词:薪酬管理;中国石化;SX 石油分公司;加油站III Subject:Research on Optimization of salary management in gas station of Sinopec SX Petroleum Company Speciality:MBA Name : DingJian(signature) Instructor:WuWenjie (signature ) ABSTRACT SX Petroleum Branch is Sinopec's refined oil sales branch in SX province. Affected by local protectionism in the SX region, CNPC, increasing competition from Shell and other factors, the gas station retention rate of SX Petroleum Branch is relatively low, with only 424 sales terminals. And occupies the dominant location of the gas station proportion is not high. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the market competitiveness of SX Oil Branch, to get rid of the above difficulties in operation and development, to improve the management level of gas stations, to improve service consciousness and to improve the corporate image. But at present, the compensation management of gas station of SX Oil Company lacks incentive and market competitiveness, which objectively causes employees' satisfaction. The problems of low degree, high wastage rate, higher training cost, lack of working enthusiasm and sense of belonging of the employees have a negative impact on the maintenance of good competitiveness in the current situation. On the premise of discussing the incentive concept of salary management in our country, this paper cites the gas station of SX Oil Company as an example, combines the theory analysis with the practical strict adjustment, and combines the comprehensive research with the case study. This paper applies the whole salary management concept to the salary system planning of the gas station of SX Oil Company, taking the overall management strategy and the central values of the enterprise as the basic, considering the internal and external environment synthetically, weighing the incentive reasons and the health factors. Take into account the adoption of internal and external encouragement of the overall pay management mechanism. In this paper, the background and significance of the research are first expounded, and the basis of salary management is introduced. This theory and method. Secondly, based on the current situation of compensation management in SX Oil Company, a questionnaire survey is carried out, and the results of the survey are analyzed to find out the deficiencies of the current salary management. According to the problems and reasons, the optimization design scheme is put forward, and the feasibility and applicability of the optimization scheme areIV analyzed. Finally, this paper analyzes some possible problems in the implementation process, and puts forward the safeguard measures of the salary management optimization scheme. Through the conclusion of the research on the gas station of SX Petroleum Company and the relevant countermeasures, it has certain applicability to other similar enterprises, which is also the value and goal of the research. The discussion of this paper has a great practical guidance function to the salary management of the SX petroleum branch gas station, has perfected the enterprise's salary management system, made it concrete and clear, strict and reasonable, conforms to the actual effect, promoted the enterprise to develop and grow. The competitive ability of sustainable management, and the research of domestic companies in line with the domestic salary management system has a very high guiding role. Keywords: salary management; China National Petroleum Corporation; Non-monetary compensation; SX Petroleum BranchV 目 录 第一章 绪论...1 1.1 研究背景..............................1 1.2 研究目的及意义..................1 1.2.1 研究目的.......................1 1.2.2 研究意义.......................1 1.3 国内外研究现状..................2 1.3.1 国外研究现状...............2 1.3.2 国内研究现状................2 1.4 研究内容及技术路线和方法 .............................3 1.4.1 研究内容.......................5 1.4.2 技术路线.......................6 1.4.3 研究方法.......................7 1.5 创新之处..............................7 第二章 薪酬管理相关理论概述8 2.1 薪酬的概念和构成 ..............8 2.1.1 薪酬的概念....................8 2.1.2 薪酬的构成....................8 2.2 薪酬管理概念及内容 ..........9 2.2.1 薪酬管理的概念............9 2.2.2 薪酬管理的内容............9 2.2.3 薪酬管理的意义..........10 2.3 薪酬管理有关理论 ............10 2.3.1 公平理论......................10 2.3.2 波特-劳勒综合型激励理论 .......................10 2.3.3 期望理论......................12 第三章 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理现状.......13 3.1SX 石油分公司及其加油站基本情况 ..............13 3.1.1 中石化 SX 石油分公司简介......................13 3.1.2SX 石油分公司加油站组织结构................14 3.1.3SX 石油分公司加油站人员结构................15 3.2SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理情况 ..............15 3.2.1 加油站现行薪酬体系..15 3.2.2 加油站薪酬管理流程..16VI 3.2.3 加油站薪酬管理制度建设和宣贯情况.....17 3.3 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理满意度调查及分析 ....................17 3.3.1 调查设计.....................17 3.3.2 描述性统计分析.........18 3.3.3 薪酬管理满意度调查结果分析................19 第四章 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理存在问题及原因分析............23 4.1SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理存在的问题..23 4.1.1 薪酬水平整体偏低......23 4.1.2 薪酬管理制度的科学性合理性不足.........24 4.1.3 薪酬结构不合理且激励方式单一.............24 4.1.4 薪酬日常管理不够规范.............................24 4.1.5 对薪酬设计的公平关注不够.....................25 4.2SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理问题原因分析.............................25 4.2.1 薪酬水平受制于公司发展水平.................26 4.2.2 薪酬管理制度系统性较差且宣贯不力.....26 4.2.3 未形成以岗位分析为基础的价值分配体系............................26 4.2.4 薪酬管理理念不能与时俱进.....................26 第五章 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理优化方案设计........................28 5.1 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理设计的总体思路 ........................28 5.1.1 薪酬管理方案设计的思路.........................28 5.1.2 薪酬管理方案设计的目标.........................28 5.2SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理优化的原则..29 5.3 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理优化的具体措施 ........................30 5.3.1 在合理范围内将薪酬向加油站倾斜.........31 5.3.2 健全薪酬制度管理体系.............................33 5.3.3 优化薪酬结构并阶梯式兑现吨油薪酬.....34 5.3.4 全面实施联量联效的薪酬管理体系.........35 5.3.5 注重薪酬管理的规范性和公平性............39 第六章 SX 石油分公司加油站薪酬管理方案实施保障........................41 6.1 加强高层管理者的支持....41 6.1.1 加强高层管理者的重视.............................41 6.1.2 完善组织结构和制度保障.........................41 6.2 为绩效考核体系建立保障41 6.3 完善薪酬管理机制并规范职位评价系统.......41 6.3.1 建立规范的职位评价系统.........................42VII 6.3.2 引入监督机制和沟通机制.........................42 第七章 结论和展望....................43 7.1 结论.....43 7.2 展望.....43 致 谢...........45。。。。。。以下内容略