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在人力资源管理中,管理者和被管理者最为关注的部分就是薪酬,个体付出劳动 目的除了做好本职工作之外,还希望能够获得和工作相对应的报酬。 一个优秀的员工 在工作中作出了巨大的贡献,如果无法获得相适应的报酬,员工的积极性和主动性就 会被严重挫伤,就很难保持长久干劲。我国农村信用社、信用联社也是如此 ,受到多 年以来遗留下来的机制和体制的限制,农村商业银行至今没有建立起公平公正的薪酬 制度、绩效管理制度,不利于员工工作积极性的充分调动,也不利于人才综合实力 的 提升。其中 A 农商银行是发展比较快的农村商业银行之一,A 农商银行除了传统的存 贷款业务也开发了其他业务,主要集中在手机银行支付,社区 e 银行支付,信用卡, 新 兴业务所占比重不断提升,对员工的要求也越来越高。 首先,随着社会经济的快速发展,我国金融业迎来了蓬勃发展的结论,农村商业 银行在推动农村经济发展方面起到了不可 替代的作用,但是受到农业商业银行自身管 理能力、风险控制能力等因素的影响,薪酬设计并不合理,无法满足当前社会快速发 展的需求,无法发挥薪酬激励的功能,因此急需 所得以改善和调整。 其次,受到内外部金融环境的影响,我国农村商业银行薪酬制度比较单一,工资 固定、水平低,岗位之间区别不大,很难体现出职位差异价值。 因此,本文 对 A 农商行薪酬设计进行了全面分析,发现其中不足之处在于以下 几点: (1) 薪酬设计合理性欠缺 (2) 绩效薪酬没有统筹全局(3) 单一的薪酬制度(4) 未形成长效激励机制(5) 绩效考核缺乏标准(6) 短期行为突出且表现出较大的随意性 (7) 福利制度仍存在一定的缺陷。 笔者对其原因进行了分析,主要体现在:一是薪酬形式缺乏多样性,二是薪酬设 计 思想教化,四是内部公平制度不足,五是福利政策不完善,六是绩效考核不到位。 基于此,笔者提出了该商行薪酬设计思路和方案。主要是通过对岗位进行划分,测算 不同的岗 位绩效考核机制,将岗位考核和绩效考核结合起来。 关键词: 农商银行 薪酬 优化A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计优化研究 ABSTRACT In human resource management, the most concerned part of the manager and the manager is the salary. In addition to doing the work well, individuals also hope to get the corresponding remuneration. A good employee has made great contributions to his work. If he cannot get the appropriate remuneration, his enthusiasm and initiative will be severely frustrated and it will be difficult to maintain long-term motivation. The same is true with China's rural credit cooperatives and credit unions. Limited by the mechanisms and systems left over from years, rural commercial Banks have not established a fair and just salary system and performance management system, which is not conducive to the full mobilization of employees' work enthusiasm and the improvement of the comprehensive strength of talents. Among them, A Rural Commercial Bank is one of the rural commercial Banks with relatively fast development. Besides traditional deposit and loan business, A rural commercial Bank has also developed other businesses, mainly focusing on mobile bank payment, community E bank payment, credit card and emerging businesses, which account for an increasing proportion and have higher and higher requirements on employees. First of all,,With the rapid development of social economy, our country financial industry ushered in the conclusion, booming rural commercial bank in promoting the rural economic development plays an irreplaceable role, but the commercial bank itself by agriculture management ability, risk control ability, the influence of such factors as design of the compensation is not reasonable, unable to meet the needs of the rapid social development, can't play to the function of salary incentive, so need to improve and adjust. Secondly, influenced by the internal and external financial environment, the salary system of rural commercial Banks in China is relatively single, with fixed salary and low level, and the difference between positions is not significant, which makes it difficult to reflect the difference value of positions. Therefore, this paper makes A comprehensive analysis of the salary design of A Rural Commercial Bank, and finds that the deficiencies are as follows: (1) compensation design rationality lack (2) the performance pay not to plan as a whole (3) the whole single salary system (4) the lack of long-term incentive mechanism (5) the performance appraisal lack of standards (6) short-term behavior and show the larger optional (7) there are still some shortcomings in a welfare system ,The author analyzes the reasons, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, the lack of diversity of salary forms; second, the education of salary design thoughts; fourth, the insufficiency of internal equity system; fifth, the imperfect welfare policies; sixth, the inadequate performance appraisal. Based on this, the author puts forward the salary design idea and scheme of the firm. It can be divided into five parts:In this paper, A rural commercial bank is selected as the research object. Mainly by dividing the posts, measuring different post performance appraisal mechanism, the post appraisal and performance appraisal together. KEYWORDS: Rural commercial bank ; payment ;optimizeA 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计优化研究 目 录 第一章 绪论 ·· ············································································1 第 一节 研究背景 ······································································· ············1 第二节 研究目的及意义······················································· ·····················1 一、研究目的·················································· ····································1 二、研究意义··································· ···················································1 第三节 文献综述 ·················· ··································································2 一、国外文献综述··· ·············································································2 二、国内文献综述······································································ ··········3 第四节 研究内容 ··························································· ························4 第二章 薪酬设计的相关理论基础 ······································ ··············5 第一节 企业薪酬理论 ····················································· ························5 第二节 激励约束理论 ··········································· ··································5 第三节 其他相关理论 ································· ············································7 第四节 薪酬与薪酬管理 ······················ ···················································11 一、薪酬······················ ·····································································11 二、薪酬管理·· ·············································································· ····13 第三章 A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计现状介绍·······························13 第一节 A 农商银行的基本情况概述···· ······················································13 一、 总行概况················ ···································································13 二、 组织概况··· ·············································································· ··13 三、 人力资源管理概况 ································································ ·······13 第二节 A 农商银行的薪酬体系的基本内容·················································14 第 三节 A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计的现状 ···············································15 一、 A 农商行的一般员 工薪酬情况·························································15 二、 考核现状········ ···········································································15 第四 节 A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计存在的问题 ·········································16A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计优化研 究 第四章 其他银行一般员工薪酬设计的借鉴与启示 ···························19 第一节 招商银行的薪酬设计·············· ·····················································19 一、纵向以EVA为核心的分支机构的考核制度··· ·····································19 二、横向以测评制度和员工年度考评办法为主 ··················· ······················19 第二节 汇丰银行的薪酬设计·········································· ·························20 一、以目标管理为核心 ········································· ·······························20 二、将目标与绩效考核结合 ································· ·································22 第三节 经验启发 ···································· ·············································23 第五章 A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计的优化对策 ·········· ·················24 第一节 A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计的改进思路与方法 ·······························24 第二 节 A 农商银行一般员工薪酬设计的具体优化对策 ··································25 一、实施带宽薪酬管理 ·········· ······························································25 二、以岗位为基础构建绩效考核机 制 ······················································26 三、确保绩效考核与薪酬挂钩 ········ ·······················································27 第六章 结论与展望 ············· ······················································29 第一节 研究的结论 ·············· ································································29 第二节 进一步研究的方向 · ····································································29。。。。。。以下内 容略