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建设银行 不良贷款

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关系到县域老百姓的社会生活。建设银行 X 支行是建设银行 W 市分行管辖下
的县域支行,它是 W 市分行重点关注的县域级支行之一。X 支行在县域环境下,
支行的对公不良贷款率居高不下。截止到 2016 年上半年,建行 X 支行对公贷
款客户 171 户,对公贷款余额 9,413,462,695.05 元,其中不良贷款余额为
176,522,030.91 元,对公贷款不良率 1.875%,形势不容乐观。这已经严重影
响了 W 市分行和 X 支行的外部形象,严重阻碍了 X 支行对公信贷业务的发展

到底是什么原因造成了 X 支行大量的不良贷款?本文积极探讨 X 支行不良贷

具体来说,本文首先阐述了 X 支行不良贷款的研究背景,回顾了国内外
的分类体系,为论文后续研究奠定了概念基础。之后,本文以 X 支行为案例,
分析了 X 支行对公信贷业务的特点以及不良贷款的现状及影响,并在此基础
上,通过数据和案例分析,探讨了 X 支行不良贷款的内外部成因,并针对性
地给出了应对策略。本文发现 X 支行不良贷款的成因主要包括:宏观大环境

本文通过对建行 X 支行不良贷款成因的分析,为 X 支行遏制不良贷款的
和对策。相较于以往的研究,本文从基层网点的管理情况为出发点,结合自建设银行 X 县支行不良贷款成因与对策分析身工作经验,理论联系实践,采用具体案例来分析支行不良贷款的成因。本
要循序渐进的对以 X 支行为代表的县域银行进行全方位微观改造;其次,县
X 支行这类县域银行才能在激烈而现实的竞争中崭露头角。本文对于 X 支行不

关键词:银行 不良贷款 管理AbstractAbstract
The county banks are the most basic service institution in the financial system.
The development of county banks is closely related to people&39;s livelihood, and is
related to the social life of the people live in county areas. China Construction
Bank X sub-branch is a county branch of CCB, which is one of the key county
branches in W city. X sub-branch covers different customers, no matter large ones
or small one. However, most of which are small customers in the county
environment, which have the relatively higher risk compared to the city branch,
and those small customers are prone to come into the non-performing loans. In
recent years, the non-performing loans’ rate of corporate loans of X sub-branch
stayed in a high position. Up to the date of June 30
in 2016, the number of
corporate customers of X sub-branch is 171. The balance of corporate loans is
CNY9, 413,462,695.05, while the balance of non-performing loans is CNY176,
522,030.91, and the NPL rate is 1.875%, which situation is not optimistic. It has
already affected the outside image of W branch and X sub-branch seriously, which
has hindered the further development of corporate credit business of X sub-branch.
What causes a large number of non-performing loans of X sub-branch This paper
explores the status of non-performing loans of X sub-branch positively, analyzes
the causes of non-performing loans, and puts forward the corresponding measures
and countermeasures.
Specifically, this paper starts from the research on the background of the
non-performing loans of X sub-branch, reviews the viewpoints and suggestions of
domestic and foreign scholars. Then this paper states the relevant concepts of
non-performing loans, and focuses on the classification systems of non-performing
loans, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for the follow-up study. After that,
this paper takes X sub-branch as a case, analyzes the characteristics of the
corporate credit business of X sub-branch as well as the status and influence of
non-performing loans, and discusses the internal and external causes of bad loansResearch on the Causes and Countermeasures of Non-performing Loans of China Construction Bank X
County Branchof X sub-branch through the research data and the case analysis by giving the
corresponding countermeasures contrapuntally. This paper finds out that the causes
of the non-performing loans of X sub-branch mainly include the influence of
macro environmental factors such as the downturn of metal market, local
industry’s characteristics such as the high concentration of single industry, minor
enterprises’ characteristics such as the weak profitability and poor bargaining
position, the internal marketing strategy of X sub-branch, nonstandard credit flow
control, the risk management problems such as the lack of comprehensive risk
management system.
Through analyzing the causes of the non-performing loans of X sub-branch,
this paper puts forward the new ideas and countermeasures to curb the growth
trend of the non-performing loans to enhance the management level of the
non-performing loans and promote the healthy development of the banks.
Compared to the previous research, this paper takes the management situation of
grass-roots bank as a starting point combining with my own working experience,
linking theory with practice, and using the specific cases to analyze the causes of
non-performing loans. By researching some aspects like macroscopic,
microcosmic, enterprises, and branches, the author hope to bring some inspiration
and practical value to the enterprises that can guide enterprises to strengthen the
liquidity and capital ratio, and strengthen the financial management of enterprises.
At the same time, this paper helps to deepen the reform of county banks in China.
First of all, on behalf of the county banks, X sub-branch should do some micro
transformation progressively. Secondly, the reform of the county banks should not
do the same as others, they must have the global views and the courage to meet the
new challenges, only by this way, and the county bank like X sub-branch can show
up prominently in the fierce and real competition. This paper has a big shortage on
the analysis of the non-performing loans of X sub-branch, so the author hope to
provide some academic reference value for the future researchers, promote them to
research the bad loans intensively, apply their studies to the actual economic
entities eventually so as to promote the economic development of the enterprises
to reduce the number of non-performing loans of county banks and help them to
manage the non-performing loans effectively.
Keywords: Bank;Non-performing Loans;Management目 录目 录
1 绪论...........1
1.1 研究背景.....1
1.2 研究目的和意义.....1
1.3 国内外研究文献.....2
1.3.1 国外研究现状...........2
1.3.2 国内研究现状...........4
1.4 研究方法.....6
2 相关概念界定...... 7
2.1 贷款分类....