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当前,伴随着消费者需求的转型升级,传统快消品行业经营模式正在被颠覆 和再造,打着新零售旗帜进入一个追求消费体验升级和服务升级的崭新时 代。面 对消费者日益呈现出的需求的个性化、理性化、体验化、及时化特征,快消品行 业的传统销售渠道已经越来越跟不上市场快速发展的节奏。所以,传统快消品企 业如何基 于自身经营发展现状,同时结合新零售数字化、全渠道、精准化、体验 化的发展趋势进行营销渠道变革,是一项非常重要和具有实践指导意义的研究课 题。 本文首先对传统快消 品行业营销渠道国内外研究成果和新零售目前的研究 现状进行了综述,对X公司所处行业发展现状——行业需求萎缩、竞争激烈、 销售困难等状况进行了深入分析。在此基础上, 选择了新零售和全渠道营销理论 作为本文的基本理论展开研究。其次,对X公司现状、营销渠道的组织机构的 设置、公司营销渠道发展现状进行了论述,并对公司在新零售背景下 渠道发展环 境进行了SWOT分析,通过发放调查问卷、重点访谈等方法对X公司在新零售 背景下营销渠道发展中遇到的问题进行了调查研究,确立了营销渠道优化的指导 原则,归 纳出了影响营销渠道效率的三个重要指标,即客流量、转化率和客单值, 提出了新零售背景下营销渠道优化的具体措施。 本文通过研究,制定出在新零售背景下快消品企业营销 渠道优化的具体措 施,即通过优化线上业务内容,加大品牌、文化内涵建设,吸引顾客流量;打通 线上线下渠道壁垒,实现全渠道“同品同质同价”;建设CRM系统,构建线上 线下深度融合的一体化营销体系;建立完善的物流配送体系,实行“店仓一体化” 运营;基于大数据,探索大规模定做的发展模式等,希望这些措施对同行业其他 企业的营销渠 道优化工作能够起到一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:营销渠道;新零售;引流;渠道优化 II Abstract At present, with the transformation and upgrading of consumer demand in the FMCG industry, the traditional FMCG business model is being subverted and rebuilt, and under the banner of new retail, it is entering a new era of consumer experience upgrading and service upgrading. Faced with the characteristics of individuation, rationalization, experientialization and timely response of consumers' demands, the traditional sales channels of FMCG industry have failed to keep up with the rapid development of the market. Therefore, it is a very important and practical research topic for traditional FMCG enterprises how to change their marketing channels based on their own operation and development status, and at the same time combined with the development trend of new retail with digitalization, Omni channel,accuracy and experience. Firstly, this paper summarizes the domestic and foreign research results of marketing channels of traditional FMCG industry and the current research results of new retail, and analyzes the current situation of X company's industry development - shrinking demand, fierce competition, sales difficulties, etc. On this basis, we choose the new retail and omni channel marketing theory as the basic theory and research tools. Secondly, it discusses the current situation of X company, the organization of marketing channel and the development of marketing channel, and analyzes the channel development environment of X Company under the background of new retail by SWOT, and studies the problems encountered in the development of marketing channel of X Company under the background of new retail by means of questionnaire and key interview, and establishes the marketing channel The guiding principles of optimization, summed up three important indicators that affect the efficiency of marketing channels, namely customer flow, conversion rate and customer value, put forward the specific measures of marketing channel optimization under the new retail background. In this paper, the specific measures of marketing channel optimization of FMCG enterprises under the new retail background are worked out, that is, through III optimizing the online business content, increasing the construction of brand and cultural connotation, attracting customer flow; breaking through the online and offline channel barriers, realizing the "same quality and same price" of all channels; building CRM system, building an integrated marketing system of deep integration of online and offline; building Establish a perfect logistics distribution system, implement the "store warehouse integration" operation; based on big data, explore the development mode of large-scale customization, etc., hoping that these measures can play a reference role in the marketing channel optimization of other enterprises in the same industry.。。。。。。以下内容略