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随着我国经济的快速增长,市场竞争的日益国际化,我国企业所面临的外部环境越来 越复杂,不确定因素也与日俱增,各种竞争日趋激烈。在企业的发展道路上,技术革新作 为企业提高生产力的途径,无论是提高产能,提升产品质量,还是新产品的开发,节约成 本等,对企业的可持续发展都起着核心推动作用。随着近年来劳动力成本的不断上升,劳 动力成本在企业成本中所占的比例也快速上升,很多劳动密集型外资企业已经开始将部分 甚至全部订单转移东南亚如印度,越南等劳动力成本更加便宜的国家。同时国家在产业结 构调整与升级中也提出了发展先进制造业,走新型工业化的道路,走科技含量高,经济效 益好,资源消耗低,人力资源得到充分发挥的道路。 技术改造作为一种固定资产投入,是实现扩大再生产的一种有效形式,为社会的发展, 尤其是解决目前劳动力成本不断上升的问题提供了一种途径。在投资前对技术改造项目进 行可行性分析是国家或者企业加强投资效益的一种有效手段,相对而言,技术改造的研宄 范围较广,本文的主要研究对象就是通过对可行性研宄从发展阶段的理论进行回顾,从而 发现我国现阶段在可行性研究中尤其是设备改造项目可行性研宄中可以改善的地方,同时 针对该类技术改造项目能够形成一套模型,进而可以有效的进行实际项目的决策。 报告首章节为文献综述部分,主要对可行性研宄的从起源到现阶段的理论进行了背景 介绍;第二章则开始对企业技术改造项目的特点进行分析,通过分析奠定可行性分析的基 础;第三章接着对项目的市场分析法,技术分析法,经济分析法等可行性分析方法进行了 分析。尤其是对于技术改造项目,提出使用增量法来进行其经济评价的特点和财务分析。 并结合我国可行性研究的现状,从设备改造项目可行性研宄的具体的实施步骤和着重考虑 点方面提供思路和一些具体实施的方法。 最后,通过实证分析,以CPYZ公司的机械手改造项目为例,结合上述的理论分析和 方法,从其市场,技术,经济,风险等各个方面进行了可行性分析并加以论证。 关键i司:可行性分析;项目投资;技术改造;机械手 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economy of China, the gradual internationalization of market,the external environment of Chinese enterprises becomes more and more complicated, uncertain factors occurs increasingly and competitions trend to be furious. On the development path of enterprise, technical innovation provide a new way to increase the competitive power, no matter in productivity increase, product quality increase, or new product development, cost saving, etc. It could provide a core driving force for sustainable development. With the labor cost increase in recent years, the ratio of labor cost increased sharply in an enterprise's total cost. Some foreign companies have transferred part or all of their orders to Southeast Asia like Vietnam or India for lower cost production. At the same time, our government is pushing the industrial structure adjustment as a strategy and promote the policy of developing the advanced manufacturing and new industrialization with higher technology, better economical efficient and lower natural resource consuming and fully utilization of human resource. As fixed asset investment, technical transformation could provide an effective solution for social development and solving the problem of continuous labor cost increase in recent years. Launching an effective feasibility study on the project before the investment is an effective way to strengthen the investment effectiveness for our government or enterprise. As the scope of technical innovation project study is wide, this article tries to start from the feasibility study theory and actualities and develop the effective method of doing technical transformation especially for the equipment transformation feasibility study. The thesis start with the background research on the theory of feasibility study in Chapter 1 introduce the article structure; In chapter 2,the thesis emphasize on the concept and character introduction of enterprise technical innovation projects; In chapter 3,the article focus on the contents of a feasibility study include three general areas: market demand, technology and situation of financial and economic. According to technical transformation project, the thesis emphasize on the incremental method to do the economic and financial analysis. Also, according to the current feasibility study status of our country, the article provide some suggestion on the research method, focus and some feasible implementation method. In the last chapter, by using the model mentioned, the paper analyze the CPYZ company manipulator project from the analysis of market, technical, economical and uncertainties. It is verified that the model established in this paper is operational. KEY WORDS: feasibility study; project investment; technical transformation; manipulator 目录 m-rn 舰 1 1.1研究的意义 1 1.2研究的发展状况 1 1.2.1可行性研究国外的起源与发展状况 1 1.2.2可行性研宄国内的发展状况 2 1.3报告结构和内容 2 第二章技术改造可行性项目概述 5 2.1项目可行性研宄概述 5 2.1.1可行性研宄概念和发展 5 2.1.2可行性研宄报告的主要内容 6 2.2技术改造项目概念和特点 7 2.2.1技术改造项目的概念 7 2.2.2技术改造项目的特点 8 第三章技术改造项目可行性研究的理论及关键因素 10 3.1可行性研宄的特点 10 3.1.1技术改造项目可行性研宄的特点 10 3.1.2技术改造项目可行性研宄范围界定 10 3.1.3技术改造项目可行性研宄的原则 11 3.2技改项目可行性分析的步骤 11 3.2.1技术改造项目的市场可行性分析方法 11 3.2.2技术改造项目的技术可行性研宄 12 3.2.3技改造项目的经济可行性分析 13 3.2.4技术改造项目的不确定性分析及对策 17 3.3造项目可行性研宄重点考虑的因素和问题 19 3.3.1研究方法中存在的问题 19 3.3.2可行性分析报告编写中出现的问题 19 3.3.3技改项目可行性研究的隐含前提 20 3.4研宄的几点建议 20 3.5改造项目可行性研究的建议 21 第四章CPYZ剪切机械手改造项目可行性分析案例研究 22 4.1项@介绍 22 4.1.1项目名称 22 4.1.2项目目的 22 4.1.3 ft容提要 22 4.2市场需求分析 25 4.3技术可行性分析 28 4.3.1项目的工程背景及概况 28 4.3.2生产技术与动作流程 31 4.4项目的经济可行性分析 35 4.5项目的敏感性分析 37 4.6综合分析 39 親胃 “41