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随着人们环保意识的增强,国家也在出台越来越多的政策治理污染、保护环 境,企业的社会责任越来越重大。企业在保证盈利的同时,也必须确保其生产活 动对环境造成尽可能少的破坏,甚至杜绝环境污染。基于此,湖南华菱涟源钢铁 有限公司2009年立项开展技术幵发项目一一华菱涟钢“废脱硫剂的无害化处置 及再生利用”,这一项目是加强危化废弃物管理和落实国家环保政策以及公司内 部降本增效的具体要求。 本文起初阐述了报告的研究背景与意义、相关理论基础和文章的结构安排, 继而对项目的基本情况进行了介绍,之后进入本文的主体即对该项目进行可行性 研究:首先介绍现行常用的三种废脱硫剂处理方案,根据获得的实验数据制取再 生样品,经过测试分析最终选择富氧熔溶蒸吹萃取法进行工艺设计;方案通过实 验室的验证后,还要得到现场实施的效果才能最终投入使用,所以项目安排了两 个阶段的现场实施,即小型工业性试验和再生批量化生产;根据得到的一系列实 验数据,得出了关于涟钢废脱硫剂的无害化处置及再生利用项目的科学结论,最 后进行了项目的技术经济分析。通过对涟钢焦炉煤气净化产生的废脱硫剂进行无 害化处置和再生还原的实验研究,寻找解决废脱硫剂处置困难的途径,达到降低 新鲜脱硫剂的消耗量的目的。 本文的探索和分析为废脱硫剂再生找到一条更切合实际、更具可行性的新路 子,同时减少废脱硫剂对环境的污染,降低企业生产成本,从而能有力地促进经 济社会可持续发展目标的实现。 关键词:项目可行性研究;废脱硫剂;无害化处置;再生利用;华菱涟钢 II 工程硕士学位报告 Abstract With the increased awareness of environmental protection, countries have also introduced more and more policies about pollution and environment protecting, and the social responsibility of corporates becomes more and more important. Enterprises not only ensure their own profitability, but also must ensure the damage that their production activities act on the environment as little as possible,or even eliminate the environmental pollution. Based on this, Hunan Hualing Lianyuan Iron and Steel Company starts a technical development project—“the harmless disposal and recycling of the waste desulfurizer in the Hualing Lianyuan Irom and Steel Group in 2009. The project has three aims: one is strengthening the management of hazardous waste, another one is implement the requirements of national environmental policy and the last is reducing costs and increasing efficiency within the company. At first, this paper describes the background and significance of the the research, related theory and the structure of the article, then it introduces the basic situation of the project. After we get a preliminary understanding about the situation of the Hualing Lianyuan Iron and Steel Company,we enter into the main body of this paper the feasibility study of this project: At first, this paper introduces three commonly used treatments about waste desulfurizer. According to the basic data from the experiments, samples were prepared for the next test and evaluation. Combination of factors taken into account, we choose Oxygen-rich melt extraction steam blowing process as design program at last. Taking into account the temperature and solvent volume effect on the desulfurization regeneration, we can seek optimal parameters. Project that is validated by the laboratory and has the effect of field application can be finally put to use. So we arranged a two-phase site implementation, small-scale industrial test and regeneration of mass production. According to a series of experimental data obtained, we draw a scientific conclusion about the project, at last we do the technical and economic analysis of the project. Through the experimental study of the sound disposal and regeneration to the waste desulfurization, we find the solutions desulfurization, ultimately we achieve the fresh desulfurization. The exploration and analysis of this to the disposal problems of waste purpose of reducing the consumption of article find a more practical and more ill 华菱涟钢“废脱硫剂的无害化处置及再生利用”项目可行性研究 feasible new method in regeneration for the desulfurization, at the same time the method can reduce the pollution of the environment from desulfurization, reduce the production costs and at last promote sustainable economic and social development goals effectively. Key Words: project feasibility study; waste desulfurizer; sound disposal; recycling; Hualing Lianyuan Iron and Steel Company IV 工程硕士学位报告 目录 学位报告原创性声明和学位报告版权使用授权书 I m ^ II Abstract Ill 插图索引 VII 附表索引 VIII 第1章绪论 1 1.1研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1石if究背景 1 1.1.2研究意义 1 1.2文献综述及理论基础 2 1.2.1项目可行性研究的相关理论 2 1.2.2项目相关研究现状 4 1.3研究方法与思路 14 第2章项目方案实验与分析 16 2.1项目基本情况介绍 16 2.1.1华菱涟钢简介 16 2.1.2项目来源 16 2.1.3项目内容与目的 17 2.2废脱硫剂处理方案简介 17 2.2.1燃烧处理方案 18 2.2.2溶解萃取方案 18 2.2.3富氧熔溶蒸吹萃取方案 19 2.3废脱硫剂再生样品制取 20 2.4实验分析 21 2.4.1基础数据 21 2.4.2残硫分析 24 2.4.3物理分析 28 2.4.4硫化分析 31 第3章项目优选方案的工艺设计及试验 34 3.1优选方案的工艺设计 34 3.1.1蒸汽、空气流量的确定 34 v 华菱涟钢废脱硫剂的无害化处置及再生利用”项目可行性研究 3.1.2温度的确定 34 3.1.3鼓风量、溶剂量的确定 35 3.1.4环境评价 35 3.2小中型试验及分析 36 3.2.1试验概况 36 3.2.2试验分析 39 第4章项目实施评价与技术经济分析 41 4.1项目方案的实施 41 4.1.1再生炉的设计 41 4.1.2批量生产实施 41 4.2实施评价 42 4.3项目技术经济分析 44 4.3.1主要设备及投资预算 44 4.3.2运行成本及效益分析 45 会吉it 47