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铁矿行业是一个与国家钢铁行业发展密切关联的行业,其发展水平参差不齐, 经营模式因地域特点、经济条件、政策环境、经营理念的不同而呈现多样性。如 何结合华菱涟钢江口铁矿的实际情况,制定适宜的开发方案,其研究工作没有固 定的规律可循,要在探索的基础上进行研究。因此,华菱涟钢江口铁矿开发项目 必须在研究的过程中间多作市场调研,深入市场,收集来自一线市场的数据和信 息,运用可行性研究的基本理论,对数据进行分析和研究,帮助决策者做出正确 的决策,提高投资效益。 本文首先通过大量的查阅文献和书籍对可行性研究的相关理论进行详尽的阐 述,包括它在国内外的发展历程、基本依据、主要内容和目的等,接着对铁矿市 场进行了预测分析,既有供需预测、价格预测,又有竞争力分析、风险分析。做 完基础的理论介绍之后,本文幵始进入江口铁矿幵发项目的具体分析,首先是技 术可行性分析和社会可行性分析,技术可行性分析主要从以下几个方面展幵:地 质资源分析、矿山幵发工艺分析以及节能方案分析,其中地质资源分析又细分为 地质概况与特征的描述、水文地质、工程地质和环境地质的分析,根据不同的内 容幵发工艺分析又细分为选矿厂、釆矿厂和尾矿的工艺技术分析;社会可行性分 析主要包括环境保护分析、水土保持分析、劳动安全卫生分析以及消防方案分析, 其中环境保护分析也根据地点的不同细分为矿区、选矿厂和尾矿库的环境保护分 析。在论证完上述两个方面之后,紧接着进行了经济可行性分析,根据总成本费 用表、流动资金估算表、制造成本表等财务报表进行财务分析,主要从利润分配、 盈利能力等角度进行可行性分析,最后得出了科学的结论,为企业提供了明确的 建议。 本文的研究和分析一方面拓展了我国项目可行性理论的知识领域,另一方面 也为我国项目可行性分析的实证研究增添了新鲜内容。华菱涟钢江口铁矿地质赋 存复杂,矿石品位含量低,绝大部分为难选的赤铁矿,本文提出了对铁矿石贫矿 的幵发可行性研究,为充分利用国家资源,尤其加大对贫矿的开发利用具有极大 的借鉴意义,对优化利用国家资源也具有长远意义。 关键词:可行性研究;市场分析;江口铁矿;华菱涟钢 II t£- 工程硕士学位报告 Abstract Iron ore industry is a industry is closely related with the national steel industry and the level of its development is very different. Business model varies because of geographical characteristics, economic conditions,policy environment and business ideas. How to formulate a ppropriate development programs combining with the actual situation of Hualing Liangang Jiangkou Iron Works is no rules to follow. The research work should be on the basis of explored, or the two things happen at the same time. Therefore, the project of Hunan Hualing Liangang Jiangkou Iron ore development requires doing some market researchs and collecting data and informationg from the first-line market during the course of research. And then analyze the data using the basic theory of the feasibility study. It helps us draw useful conclusions and help policy makers make the right decisions that can improve investment returns. At first,the theories of the feasibility study are introduced in detail through searching a large number of books and literatures, including the course of its development, the fundamental basis, the main content and purpose. Then the iron ore market is predicted, not only supply and demand forecasting,price forecasting,but also ompetitive force analysis, risk analysis. Following the presentation of the basic theory, the article begins to analyze the Jiangkou iron ore development project. The first is technical feasibility and social feasibility analysis, the technical feasibility analysis is discussed through the following aspects: analysis of geological resources, mine development process analysis, energy scenario analysis. The geology resource analysis includes the description of geology survey and geology character, the analysis of hydrology geology, the analysis of engineering geology and the analysisi of environment geology. According to the different contents the develop technology analysis divides three parts: selecting minerals,milling of ores and tailings.The social feasibility analysis includes environmental protection analysis, analysis of soil and water conservation, safety and health analysis and analysis of fire programs. And the environmental protection analysis also divides three parts: selecting minerals, milling of ores and tailings according to the different contents. In the demonstration after the completion of these two areas, an economic feasibility analysis followed. The financial analysis is based on many report forms,such as the total cost fee table, the working capital estimate table and the manufacture cost table.And the feasibility analysis is considered mainly through profit distribution and profit capability. Finally, the article in 平芟涟钢江口铁矿幵发项目可行性研究 comes to a scientific conclusion, and provides a clear recommendation for enterprises. On the one hand, the exploration and analysis of this article expands the knowledge field in feasibility theory in our country; on the other hand, it adds new content in project feasibility analysis for our empirical study. The geological occurrence of Hualing Liangang Jiangkou iron ore is very complex. The ore grade is low and most of them are difficult to select. In this paper,we do feasibility research on the development of poor iron ore mine. The research plays an important role in making better use of national resources, in particular lean ore development. Key Words: Feasibility study; Market Analysis; Jiangkou Iron Ore; Hualing Lianyuan Iron and Steel Company IV D 下程硕士学位报告 目录 学位报告原创性声明和学位报告版权使用授权书 I m ^ H Abstract Ill 插图索引 VII 附表索引 VIII 第1章绪论 1 1.1研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1.1.2研究意义 2 1.2文献综述及理论基础 2 1.2.1可行性研究的发展历程 2 1.2.2可行性研究的主要内容 4 1.2.3可行性研究的目的和作用 6 1.3研究方法与思路 7 第2章项目市场分析 9 2.1铁矿资源概况 9 2.2市场供需预测 10 2.3中长期市场预测 11 2.4产品价格预测 12 2.5市场竞争力分析 13 2.6市场风险分析 13 第3章江口铁矿地质资源分析 15 3.1矿区地质概况 15 3.2矿体地质特征 15 3.3矿区水文地质 16 3.4矿区工程地质 18 3.5矿区环境地质 20 3.6矿床开采建议 21 第4章江口铁矿开发项目方案研究 22 4.1工艺技术方案分析 22 4.1.1选矿厂工艺技术方案 22 V 平荽涟钢江u铁矿开发项0可行性研究 4.1.2釆矿工艺技术方案 27 4.1.3尾矿工艺技术方案 29 4.1.4运输方案 32 4.1.5辅助设施方案 33 4.2节能方案分析 34 4.3环境保护方案分析 35 4.3.1矿区的环境保护 35 4.3.2选矿厂的环境保护 36 4.3.3尾矿库的环境保护 36 4.4水土保持方案分析 37 4.5劳动安全卫生及消防方案分析 38 4.5.1主要防范措施 38 4.5.2主要消防设施 39 第5章项目投资预算及财务评价 41 5.1项目投资预算 41 5.2项目财务评价 41 5.2.1产品成本估算 42 5.2.2总成本费用 42 5.2.3主要报表分析 42 5.2.4利润与利润分配 42 5.2.5盈利能力分析 42 5.2.6不确定性分析 43 ^ it 48