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薪酬体系是人力资源管理理论体系当中的一个十分重要的组成部分,它向员 工传递了公司或组织的价值体系,能够对员工在公司或组织内部的行为方式,向 着有利于公司或组织的方向进行引导,同时,薪酬体系为计算和支付员工的劳动 所得提供了科学的依据,并使薪酬支付的计算系统化和程序化,更有利于对薪酬 支付的科学管理。一个科学的薪酬体系,能够很好地反映公司或组织的战略规划 和企业组织文化,从而引导公司成员将自己的努力和行为集中在能够适合并帮助 公司或组织在所处的竞争环境中可以更好地生存和发展的方向上,进而提高公司 或组织的活力和竞争力。 在当前的经济环境下,企业之间的竞争其实就是人才的竞争,人力资本是企 业发展的决定性力量,如何吸引人才、留住人才和激励人才,是企业人力资源管 理的核心问题。企业战略及文化的一个重要组成部分是薪酬管理,薪酬不但是员 工对企业所做出贡献的承认及回报,它同时也是一套把公司战略目标及价值观转 化成具体行动方案以及为本企业当中的员工实施该行动提供支持的流程。一整套 健全的薪酬体系,有助于降低企业人员的流失,并且能吸引更多的高级人才,减 少企业的内部矛盾,增强企业的凝聚力和竞争力,完善企业的运行机制,同时提 高企业员工的综合素质,从而提高员工的劳动生产率。因此,企业根据自己的实 际情况,设计并不断改善自己的薪酬体系,找到最适合本企业的薪酬体系,这对 于企业的生存与发展具有十分重要的现实意义。 ZDSS是中国电科43所的简称,DW事业部是第五事业部的简称。DW事业 部作为ZDSS研究所下属的事业部,是具有事业单位性质同时又按照企业化模式 运作管理的实体组织。它是该研究所最早建立的事业部,也是ZDSS研究所的高 技能、高学历和高层次人才最为集中的地方之一。作为一家传统的国有事业单位 里的一个事业部门,DW事业部或多或少地带有事业单位特有的印记。为了适应 不断变化的内部和外部环境,同时满足DW事业部现实发展的需要,DW事业部 积极探索,力图对现有的薪酬体系结构进行重新设计,从而保证DW事业部的良 好发展。 本文以ZDSS-DW事业部的薪酬体系改革案例为研究对象,对其现有的薪酬 体系的组成现状以及存在的问题进行了深入的分析与研究,运用薪酬激励的相关 理论,结合DW事业部的实际情况,对DW事业部的薪酬激励方案的设计进行了 研究,在此基础上,针对DW事业部,重新设计了新的薪酬激励方案,并对新的 薪酬激励方案所取得的效果进行了分析与说明。 本文在内容安排上,按照如下的结构进行组织: 第一章绪论部分,介绍了本文选题研究的背景与意义,阐述了本文的研究内 容、研究思路和研究方法,并总结了本文研究工作的创新点。 第二章的基础理论介绍部分,介绍了本文在设计DW事业部的薪酬体系时所 用到的理论知识,包括薪酬激励理论、马斯洛需求层次理论、赫兹伯格的双因素 激励理论,以及一些成熟的激励方法。 第三章的内容是对DW事业部的薪酬激励案例的分析,其中介绍了 DW事业 部的企业背景,通过对DW事业部的薪酬现状的调查与结果分析,得出了 DW事 业部的现有的薪酬体系中存在的问题,并分析了出现这些问题的原因。 在前面章节内容的基础上,本文的第四章对DW事业部的薪酬激励方案进行 了重新的优化设计,包括薪酬水平设计、岗位序列及岗位层级设计和薪酬结构设 计,并对新的薪酬体系的实施效果进行了统计和分析。 本文的第五章内容对全文的研究进行了总结,针对DW事业部的薪酬方案中 存在的问题,提出了两点政策建议:一是薪酬体系每一年或定期进行一次修正和 完善,做到与时俱进;二是在薪酬体系中不能仅考虑物质方面的激励,还要格外 注重精神方面的激励,做到双管齐下,从而保证持久高效的激励员工。 本文研究工作的创新点在于,采用了完整的PDCA循环来实现DW事业部的 薪酬激励方案的优化设计,不仅分析了 DW事业部现有的薪酬制度当中存在的问 题,同时研究了解决这些问题的对策,设计了新的、优化的薪酬体系并予实施, 同时对实施过程中出现的新的问题,再次进行分析和研究,并提出新的解决方案。 关键词:薪酬激励;薪酬方案设计;PDCA循环 II Abstract Remuneration system theoretical system of human resources management among a very important part of it passes to employees of the company or organization's value system, capable of employees in the company or organization's behavior toward benefit in the direction of a company or organization guidance, while the remuneration system for the calculation and payment of employees' labor income to provide a scientific basis, and to calculate the salary paid systematic and procedures, and more conducive to the salary paid by scientific management. A scientific salary system, can well reflect the company or organization's strategic planning and organizational culture to guide members of the company will concentrate its own efforts and actions to fit in and help the company or organization in the competitive environment can be more good survival and development direction, thereby increasing the company or organization vitality and competitiveness. In the current economic environment, competition among enterprises is the talent competition, human capital is the decisive force in the development of enterprises, how to attract and retain qualified personnel and motivate talent is the core of enterprise human resource management issues. Corporate strategy and compensation management is an important part of culture, compensation not only for employees of the company's contribution to the recognition and rewards, it is also a set of the company's strategic goals and values into concrete case of actors, as well as support the employees of enterprises in the process of implementing these actions. A sound remuneration system to help reduce the loss of personnel, and attract more top talent, reduce the enterprise、internal conflicts, enhance the cohesion and competitiveness, improve enterprise operational mechanism, while improving staffs comprehensive quality, and thus increase employee productivity. Therefore, enterprises according to their actual situation, to design and continually improving their pay system, to find the most suitable for the enterprise salary system, which for the survival and development of great practical significance. ZDSS is short for the 43 research institute of China electronic technology group hi corporation.DW group is short for the fifth business division.DW group as ZDSS institute subordinate business unit, is a business unit of nature at the same time, according to the enterprise organization mode of operation management entities.DW Division as ZDSS institute affiliated institutions, It is the oldest established business sector,but also the ZDSS Institute highly skilled, educated and high- level personnel one of the most concentrated areas. As a traditional state-owned institution in a business unit,DW Division business units have more or less unique imprint. In order to adapt to changing internal and external environment, while meeting DW Division practical development needs,DW Division actively exploring, trying to pay for the existing architecture redesign to ensure the sound development of DW Division. In this paper,DW Division salary system reform case as the research object,its existing composition of the remuneration system status and problems of in-depth analysis and research, the use of incentive compensation related to theory, combined with the actual situation DW Division on DW Division incentive compensation program design were studied on the basis of, for DW division, re- designed a new incentive compensation program, and the new incentive compensation program the results obtained are analyzed and explained. In this paper,the arrangement of contents, organized according to the following structure: The first chapter section introduces the topic of this paper, the background and significance, this study describes the contents of research ideas and research methods, and summarizes the research work in this innovation. The second part of the chapter introduces the basic theory, this paper describes the design DW Division remuneration system used when the theoretical knowledge, including incentive compensation theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation, as well as some mature incentive methods. The third chapter is DW Division incentive compensation case analysis, which describes DW division business background, through the DW Division Salary Survey and results analysis, the existing division of the DW compensation system problems, and analyzes the reasons for these problems. IV In the previous chapters, based on Chapter IV of this article DW Division incentive compensation program was re- optimized design, including the pay level design, level design job sequence and job and salary structure design, and the new pay system implementation of the results were statistically and analyzed. Chapter V of the contents of this study are summarized in text for DW division problems remuneration package, made two policy recommendations: First, the pay system once every year or periodically revised and improved, so that times; second is compensation system can not only consider the physical aspects of the stimulus, but also especially focus on spiritual motivation, to do two-pronged approach to ensure sustainable and efficient motivate staff. This innovation is research work, using a complete PDCA cycle to achieve DW Division incentive compaisation scheme optimization design, not only analyzes the DW division among the existing remuneration system problems also studied to address these issues measures, designed a new, optimized compensation system and to implement, while tiie implementation process of the emergence of new problems, again analysis and research, and to propose new solutions. Keywords:Incentive pay;Remuneration package design; PDCA cycle v 目录 m—章绪论 1 一、选题的研究背景与意义 1 二、论文研究的主要内容 2 三、研究思路与研究方法 3 (一)研究思路 3 (二)研究方法 4 四、论文的创新点 4 胃二章薪酬激励基础理论 6 薪酬激励概述 6 (一)薪酬激励的概念 6 (二)激励的过程 6 二、马斯洛需要层次理论 8 三、赫兹伯格双因素激励理论 10 四、激励实施的基本方法 11 第三章脳-DW教部薪酬激励现状分析 16 一、背景简介 16 二、Dff事业部薪酬现状及满意度调查 17 三、Dff事业部薪酬现状存在的问题 20 (―)薪酬激励性差 20 (二)薪爾I的增长模式僵化 20 (三)薪酬结构不合理 21 (四)薪酬体系缺乏公平性 21 四、DW事业部薪酬激励问题形成的原因 21 第四章DW事业部薪酬激励方案优化设计 23 一、指导思想与基本原则 23 (一)薪酬激励方案设计的指导思想 23 (二)薪酬激励方案设计的基本原则 23 二、薪酬水平设计 24 I 三、岗位序列及岗位层级设计 25 (一)岗位序列设计 25 (二)岗位层级设计 25 四、薪酬结构设计 27 (-)薪酬构成要素设计 27 (二)薪酬结构水平设计 32 (三)薪酬体系设计前后的对比分析 33 (四)人工成本数据测算 34 (五)DW事业部薪酬激励方案的实施 34 _五章@论及建议 36 一、Dff事业部薪酬激励方案的实施效果 36 二、本文研究的结论 37 三、存在的问题及建议 38 (一)存在的问题 38 (二)建议 39 41