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通信铁塔是作通信网络的最普遍的基础设施,对实现 2/3/4G 网络信号覆盖、运营商 电话交换中心与用户终端之间的信息交互有着重要的桥梁作用,是国内三大运营商投资 的重要部分。为了避免重复投资,中国铁塔公司应运而生。但是作为一家重资产运营的 公司,其客户、业务单一,未来成长性堪忧,而且每年的折旧摊销严重影响公司利润水 平。这就要求中国铁塔不得不利用手中资源,实现多业务的拓展。中国铁塔 J 市分公司 在经过 2 年多的业务拓展中,逐渐积累了许多经验,也面临着众多问题。 本文针对 J 市铁塔公司的业务拓展活动,结合相关的市场拓展的理论和方法,对现 在 J 市铁塔在拓展业务中的问题进行了研究。经过对铁塔公司的客户经理与合作单位的 问卷调查,发现目前 J 市铁塔公司在拓展型业务活动中主要存在的问题是 1.拓展型业务 核心产品体系不够健全,产品缺乏竞争力;2.面对传统厂商竞争,产品不占优势;3.渠 道规模及产能均不够;4 公司形象和拓展型业务知名度低,推广形式单一等等问题。通 过对 J 市铁塔公司进行优劣势的分析和产品业务的分析,为 J 市铁塔公司的拓展型业务 的发展提出了以下建议:在产品方面要实现重点产品的强化的同时也要做好综合性创新 产品的研发,最后还要实现产品之间的搭配组合;在价格策略方面可以采用成本加成定 价、实现产品组合定价等等;在渠道方面要拓宽渠道来源,加强人才队伍的建设;在推 广方面要坚持紧抓市场机会,趁势而上,打造铁塔公司的优势品牌。在完善相关营销策 略之后,还就营销保障措施提出了在协同工作、财务制度等等方面的建议。 关键词:铁塔公司;SWOT 分析方法;市场细分;渠道建设;品牌树立II Abstract Communication tower is the most common infrastructure for communication networks. It plays an important role in the realization of 2/3/4G network signal coverage, and the information interaction between operator telephone switching center and the user terminals. It is an important part of the investment of the three major telecommunications operators in China. In order to avoid duplication of investment, the Chinatower came into being. But not only as a heavy asset operating company, its customers and business are single, and its future growth is worrying, and also the annual depreciation and amortization seriously affect the company's profit level. This requires that the Chinatower must make use of company resources to realize the expansion of multiple businesses. During more than two years of business expansion,the Chinatower J branch has gradually accumulated a lot of experience and faced many problems. In this paper,based on the J Tower Company's business development activities,combined with the relevant theory and methods of market development, the expansion of business problems of the company are studied.1.The core product system of expanding business is not perfect enough and the products lack competitiveness..2. Facing the competition of traditional manufacturer, the products are not competitive. 3.Channel scale and capacity are insufficient.4.The company's image and expanding business have low popularity and single promotion form. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the J company and the analysis of product business to put forward. The following suggestions are put forward for the development of expanding business of J City Tower Company: In the product aspect, we should strengthen the key products, at the same time, we should also have the best research and development of comprehensive and innovative products. Finally, we should realize the collocation and combination of products. As to the price aspect the Cost-plus pricing and portfolio pricing can be used in price strategy. In the aspect of channels, we should broaden the sources of channels and strengthen the construction of talent teams. In terms of promotion, we should adhere to seize market opportunities, seize the opportunity to build the iron tower company's brand advantage. After perfecting the relevant marketing strategies, it also puts forward some Suggestions on the marketing guarantee measures in the aspects of collaborative work and financial system. Key words: the China tower,SWOT analysis method, Market segmentation, Channel construction, Brand buildingIII 目 录 第一章 绪论 .............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ..................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ..................................................... 2 1.3 相关理论基础 ....................................................... 3 1.4 研究方法........................................................... 5 1.5 论文研究思路 ....................................................... 6 第二章 铁塔公司拓展业务发展概述 .......................................... 8 2.1 铁塔公司的拓展类业务相关概念 ....................................... 8 2.2 中国铁塔公司的拓展型业务分类 ....................................... 9 2.3 中国铁塔公司发展拓展型业务的必要性分析 ............................. 9 2.3.1 用户单一,产品单一与公司成长性要求不符 ........................ 9 2.3.2 重资产公司面对巨大的折旧成本必须要实现业务的多方增长 ......... 10 2.3.3 资本市场对于铁塔公司的期望 ................................... 10 第三章 J 市铁塔公司主营业务与拓展型业务发展现状.......................... 12 3.1 J 市铁塔公司简介 .................................................. 12 3.2 J 市铁塔公司主营业务发展现状 ...................................... 13 3.3 J 市铁塔拓展型业务发展现状 ........................................ 14 3.4 J 市铁塔公司拓展型业务发展诊断 .................................... 15 3.4.1 调查问卷的设计 ............................................... 15 3.4.2 调查结果汇总 ................................................. 16 3.4.3 J 市铁塔公司拓展型业务诊断结果分析............................ 19 第四章 J 市铁塔拓展型业务分析............................................ 25 4.1 J 市铁塔拓展型业务的优劣势分析 .................................... 25 4.1.1 优势分析 ..................................................... 25 4.1.2 劣势分析 ..................................................... 27 4.1.3 机遇分析 ..................................................... 28 4.1.4 威胁分析 ..................................................... 29 4.2 铁塔公司拓展业务分析 .............................................. 30 4.2.1 J 市铁塔公司拓展型业务的波士顿矩阵分析........................ 30 4.2.2 基于 STP 理论的业务分析 ....................................... 32 第五章 J 市铁塔拓展型业务发展提升建议.................................... 36IV 5.1 产品优化策略 ..................................................... 36 5.1.1 强化增强业务收入的重点产品 ................................... 36 5.1.2 打造高附加值的创新产品(综合服务产品) ....................... 37 5.1.3 实现产品的优势组合 ........................................... 38 5.2 价格优化策略 ..................................................... 39 5.2.1 采用产品组合定价 ............................................. 39 5.2.2 实行差异化定价 ............................................... 39 5.2.3 根据投资实行成本加成定价 ..................................... 40 5.2.4 优化既有客户定价 ............................................. 40 5.3 渠道优化策略 ..................................................... 40 5.3.1 拓宽渠道来源,多方面进行渠道发展 ............................. 41 5.3.2 引入相关人才,提升队伍实力 ................................... 42 5.4 推广促销策略 ..................................................... 43 5.4.1 紧抓市场机会,以产品树立铁塔形象 ............................. 44 5.4.2 多手段强化品牌影响力 ......................................... 44 第六章 营销策略实施保障措施 ............................................. 46 6.1 建立部门协同的工作体系 ........................................... 46 6.1.1 建立产品创新中心 ............................................. 46 6.1.2 完善技术支撑中心 ............................................. 46 6.2 实现专业化客户经理的招聘及培训制度 ............................... 46 6.2.1 建立常态化客户经理招聘制度 ................................... 46 6.2.2 建立内训、外训相互搭配的培训制度 ............................. 47 6.3 完善相关的财务制度 ............................................... 47 6.4 提升服务的维保质量 ............................................... 47 6.4.1 技术支持 ..................................................... 47 6.4.2 故障申告 ..................................................... 48 6.4.3 故障修复 ..................................................... 48 结论与展望 .............................................................. 49