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横连东西、纵贯南北的高速公路是中国经济运行的大动脉,2016 年中国新增高速公
路 6000 多公里,总里程突破 13 万公里,增速全球第一。随着路网的迅速扩张,巨额的

全文共分 7 章内容。第 1 章为绪论部分,分析文章的研究背景、研究目的和研究意
义,并着重分析了高速公路运营企业绩效考核相关的国内外研究现状;第 2 章为研究现
状及理论综述,介绍了 KPI 关键绩效指标考核方法以及主成分分析法等绩效指标权重设
定方法;第 3 章对 E 公司现行的综合绩效考核体系进行了分析,通过介绍考核体系的指
合绩效考核指标体系的紧迫性和必要性;第 4 章为 E 公司绩效考核体系设计,体系包括
5 类、21 项子指标,分别为经济效益指标、通行服务指标、养护管理指标和经营绩效指
标等。第 5 章为 E 公司绩效考核指标体系权重确定及实证分析,对 E 公司所管理的 11
条高速公路进行评测,按照结果对 11 条高速公路的运行情况进行初步的排序计算,为
管理决策提供支撑。第 6 章对完善高速公路运营企业绩效考核体系提出了具体的建议

第 7 章,通过对全文的总结归纳,指出本文的创新之处、不足和未来研究展望

通行服务指标、养护管理指标和经营绩效指标等 5 大类 21 项子指标;并通过主成分分
析法确定了关键绩效指标及权重,并利用 4 条典型高速公路运营企业数据进行了分析排
名,对绩效考核指标体系进行了验证,结果表明该体系能够反应 E 公司所辖高速公路运

关键词:高速公路运营企业;绩效考核指标体系;关键绩效指标;主成分分析HIGHWAY OPERATION ENTERPRISE OFE COMPANY
The high way which cross China from East to West, and connect North China and South
China is the lifeblood of China economic. In 2016, China built 6000 kilometers highway, the
total length of the highway exceeded 130 thousand kilometers, which is the fastest one in the
world. As a result of the rapid expansion of the road network, Huge construction funds
problem make the government facing a lot of financial pressure, The government gradually
change part of the construction of highway to enterprise management, Therefore built
highway not only need to meet the publicness of public travel and service, but also need to
repay the loan and good return on investment during the operation period, That is both have
social benefits and economic benefits. This needs to establish scientific and reasonable
performance evaluation index system, plays a role of monitoring, evaluation and guidance
in the highway operation enterprise operation management, financial evaluation, general
service , maintenance and management. Realize double benefit by means of fine
management, authors efficiency.
In this paper, based on practical experience and theoretical research in the highway and
related industry performance evaluation at home and abroad, With key performance index
evaluation method (KPI) as the foundation, Aspects of highway operation enterprise index
screening, get The objective, comparable indicators, Establish evaluation system。at the
same time, With the help of objective analysis, principal component analysis (pca) of
empowerment, To analyze the core index, form a normalized analysis, composition
analysis of the highway, and get a macro grasp of score evaluation and ranking, provide
supporting data for managers.
The full text is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, this paper
analyzes the research background and research purpose and meaning of the article, at the
same time analysis expressway company performance evaluation of domestic and foreign
research situation and the main content; Chapter 2 is the research present situation and theory
review, introduces the KPI method and principal component analysis (pca) performance
index weight set method; Chapter 3 is performance appraisal system for E company statusquo analysis, introduces the current performance evaluation index system of E company,
and analyzed the problems existing in the current performance evaluation index system,
points out the necessity of the establishment of a comprehensive performance evaluation
index system; Chapter 4 is the design for E company performance evaluation system,
according to the economic benefit index, general service, maintenance management and
business performance index is divided into five categories, a total of 21 indicators. Chapter 5
is the weight definition and empirical analysis of E company Performance appraisal index
system, According to the indicators extract from monitoring index system, With the help of
principal component analysis (pca), review 11 expressways of E company, According to
the results of 11 expressways running situation To calculate and rank, Provide support for
management decisions. Chapter 6 is the suggestion for expressway company performance
evaluation system. Chapter 7, summarize the article conclusion, points out that the
innovation of the full text, put forward the shortage of the research and the prospect of
This article, points out the highway operation enterprise performance evaluation index
system, Including economic benefit index, general service, maintenance management and
business performance indicators, a total of 5 classes and 21 XiangZi indicator; And through
the principal component analysis (pca) determine the key performance indicators and
weights, And use the four typical highway operation enterprise data to analyze and ran