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前,农业银行 A 支行的内部管理体系尤其是绩效考核体系上依然存在一些问题,这对
A 支行公司业务部出发,通过建立基于平衡计分卡的绩效考核指标体系对原来的绩效
考核体系进行优化,希望以此为 A 支行高级管理层就改善 A 支行目前的绩效考核体系

首先,本文对农业银行 A 支行公司业务部当前的绩效考核体系进行了详细分析,
探究原有的绩效考核体系存在的不足,并分析其根本原因,探寻 A 支行公司业务部引
入平衡计分卡绩效考核指标体系的必要性与可行性;其次,对 A 支行公司业务部进行
SWOT 分析,确定其战略目标,并进一步绘制出部门的战略地图。通过绘制的战略地
分卡的绩效考核指标体系;最后,为保证基于平衡计分卡的 A 支行公司业务部绩效考
解,并对可能遇到的问题提出了相应的保障措施。目的是切实提升农业银行 A 支行公

关键词:银行 绩效考核 平衡计分卡
作 者:朱倜龙
指导老师:张 薇II
Study on Using the Balanced Scorecard to Evaluate
Performance-- A Case Study of the Business Division in
Branch A of Agricultural Bank of China
Commercial banks in China are now facing two challenges, i.e. fierce industry
competition and internal operation pressure. In addressing the challenges, human resources
are the key. Appropriate performance evaluation system can effectively boost the morale of
the staff, increase efficiency, and help achieve sustainable development of the bank. In this
regard, the balanced scorecard can play a crucial role as an effective and comprehensive
tool. It contains a mix of financial and non-financial data items. The management system,
the performance evaluation system in particular, in Branch A of Agricultural Bank of China
has several drawbacks, causing low morale and talent wastes. This thesis talks about
introducing the balanced scorecard in the business division of Branch A to optimize its
performance evaluation system. It may shed some light on how to improve the existing
performance management system in Branch A.
In the first part, the thesis thoroughly analyzes the existing evaluation system in the
business division, explaining its deficiencies and identifying the root causes. It also
elaborates on the necessity and feasibility of introducing the balanced scorecard based
evaluation system. In the main body, the thesis carries out a SWOT analysis for the
business division, specifying its strategic targets and formulating a strategy map. Strategic
targets are then broken down and included in the balanced scorecard so as to track the
execution of each target among different groups and individuals. In the conclusion part, the
thesis shares views on the preparation work and matters that need attention, and provides
solutions for potential problems, so as to guarantee a successful implementation of such
system. The ultimate target is to achieve concrete improvements in the performance
management of the business division in Branch A of Agricultural Bank of China.
Key Words: Bank, Performance Evaluation, Balanced Scorecard
Written By:Zhu Tilong
Supervised By:Zhang Wei目 录
1 绪 论........1
1.1 研究背景及意义......1
1.1.1 研究的背景....1
1.1.2 研究的意义....2
1.2 国内外研究现状......2
1.2.1 国外研究现状2
1.2.2 国内研究现状4
1.2.3 文献综述........6
1.3 研究方法、思路及框架结构..........6
1.3.1 本文研究的主要方法 .6
1.3.2 本文研究的思路及框架结构..6
2 相关理论概述........8
2.1 绩效考核的相关理论及概念..........8
2.1.1 绩效考核的概念........8
2.1.2 绩效考核的主要方法8
2.1.3 绩效考核的原则........9
2.2 平衡计分卡的相关理论概述........10
2.2.1 平衡计分卡的概念..10
2.2.2 平衡计分卡的核心内容......10
2.2.3 平衡计分卡的特点.. 11
3 A 支行公司业务部绩效考核现状和问题...........13
3.1 A 支行公司业务部简介.....13
3.1.1 A 支行基本情况.......13
3.1.2 A 支行公司业务部概况.......13
3.1.3 A 支行公司业务部的特点...13
3.1.4 A 支行公司业务部的组织结构和岗位设置...........143.2 A 支行公司业务部绩效考核现状.17
3.2.1 业务片区的绩效考核现状..17
3.2.2 片区员工的绩效考核现状 ...18
3.3 A 支行公司业务部绩效考核存在的问题.20
3.3.1 偏重财务指标考核,不能适应商业银行的业务发展......20
3.3.2 考核指标不完善,各指标权重分配不合理..........21
3.3.3 考核结果难以落实,导致绩效考核流于形式......21
3.4 A 支行公司业务部绩效考核存在问题的原因分析.........22
3.4.1 忽视了部门的战略发展......22
3.4.2 忽视了员工的切身利益......22
3.4.3 忽视了考核的沟通与协调..23
4 A 支行公司业务部绩效考核体系的优化...........24
4.1 优化的原则