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Nanjing Grade A Offce And Retail Property Markets Chronicle And Revelation CollieRs inteRnAtionAl | HAnGZHoU www.colliers/china HIGHLIGHTS the fourishing private enterprises and the government policy to preserve unique scenery of the West lake will shape future development of Hangzhou’s offce market. Development constraints in the traditional CBDs will spur offce demand spillover to the emerging Qianjiang new City. Yet the limited supply downtown will boost value of high quality offces in the traditional CBDs. the spectacular per square metre sale turnover of Hangzhou’s department stores refects the tremendous upside in the city’s retail market. the emergence of new retail node in Qianjiang new City would not undermine those in traditional retail areas, as the uniqueness of the West lake could not be cloned. 报告要点 繁荣的民营经济与西湖风景区的保护将成为影响杭州办公楼市场发 展的因素 传统CBD内发展的受限将促使市场需求转向新兴的钱江新城区域。而 市中心传统CBD高品质办公物业将因其稀缺而彰显价值 杭州百货商店每平米高企的单位销售额显示了杭州零售市场的巨大 潜力 钱江新城中涌现的新商业中心并不能取代传统区域的店铺,西湖的 独特之处不能被简单复制 CitY MARKet oVeRVieW市场概览 HAnGZHoU offiCe AnD RetAil PRoPeRtY MARKets 续写西湖传奇 杭州写字楼及零售地产市场 Items Basic Profle Population (10,000 persons)786.2 Registered Population (10,000 persons)669.3 Land Area (sq km)16,596 Macro Economy GDP (RMB 100 mil)4,104 Real GDP Growth14.6% Per Capita GDP (RMB)61,313 Per Capita GDP Growth13.6% Primary Industry (RMB 100 mil) Ratio 168 4.1% Secondary Industry (RMB 100 mil) Ratio 2,059 50.2% Tertiary Industry (RMB 100 mil) Ratio 1,877 45.7% Investment in Fixed Asset Investment in Fixed Assets (RMB 100 mil)1,684 Real Estate Development (RMB 100 mil)519 Utilised Foreign Investment Foreign Capital Actually Utilised (USD 100 mil)28 Retail Sales (RMB 100 mil)1,296 InfationConsumer Price Index(preceding year=100)103.5 table 1: Hangzhou snapshot 指标项目 城市概况 常住人口 (万人)786.2 户籍人口 (万人)669.3 土地面积(平方公里)16,596 宏观经济 GDP(亿元)4,104 实际GDP增长率14.6% 人均GDP(元)61,313 人均GDP增长率13.6% 第一产业增加值(亿元) 比重 168 4.1% 第二产业增加值(亿元) 比重 2,059 50.2% 第三产业增加值(亿元) 比重 1,877 45.7% 固定资产投资固定资产投资额(亿元)1,684房地产开发投资额(亿元)519 实际利用外资外商直接投资额(亿美元)28 社会零售消费品总额(亿元)1,296 通胀指数消费品价格指数(前年=100)103.5 表 1: 杭州概览 PERPETUATING THE WEST LAKE LEGEND HAnGZHoU offiCe AnD RetAil MARKets CollieRs inteRnAtionAl2 The Knowledge Report || Hangzhou Offce and Retail Property Markets Ever since the long forgotten past, Hangzhou has been renowned for its scenery hence underscoring its booming tourism (Tourism is one of the most important constituents of Hangzhou’s economy and attracted 42 million visitors in , the 2nd highest in all provincial capital cities, just after Guangzhou. Tourism revenue, at RMB 63 billion, was among the top 5 cities in China) (Map 1). Hangzhou’s picturesque scenery and congenial living environment have made it a desirable place of inhab- itance, culminating in strong demand for residential properties. On the other hand, the prospering development of local private enterprises also renders support to the robust demand for commercial properties. Yet the city government’s accentuated effort to preserve the unique scenery of the West Lake has restrained property development in the traditional CBD area. The need for further business expansion has spurred demand spill-over outside the traditional CBD area. The tourism heritage and conservation policy of the West Lake region have been the two specifc factors shaping the development of Hangzhou’s property market. Among other cites in Yangtze River Delta, the size of Hangzhou econo- my comes just next to Shanghai and Suzhou(Figure 1,2), yet with quite different economic structure. Unlike Suzhou which has a high concen- tration of hi-tech manufacturing industry, Hangzhou has a relatively high percentage of tertiary industry (at 45.7%) among other 2nd-tier cities(Figure 3). Although Hangzhou is in a similar stage of economic development as Suzhou, the difference in industry structure underlies different demand structure in the real estate market, particularly in the offce and retail segments. 一直以来杭州以其优美的风景及旅游业著称(旅游业作为城市经济 的重要部分,旅游人次为4200万,全国省会城市中仅次于广 州,而实际收入在630.06亿元,亦处于全国前5名)(地图1)。对于 其房地产市场而言,一方面杭州以其旅游胜地的特点吸引了住宅 置业的需求,另一方面,随着本地民营经济及企业的蓬勃发展, 亦激发了对于办公物业的进一步需求。然而,正是由于杭州旅游 资源的独特性,其市中心受到风貌保护考虑的制约,传统商圈的 发展受到较大的限制,中心商务区需要外扩。正是独特的旅游资 源以及西湖区域景观的保护传承构成了影响杭州房产市场发展的 两大因素 从经济体量来看,杭州在长三角区域内仅次于上海与苏州(图1,2), 而其经济模式又与后两者有着较为显著的差异。作为长三角区域 的二线城市,杭州不同于苏州,后者以高新技术制造业为主,而 杭州的第三产业占比较大的比重,达到45.7%(图3)。产业结构的 差异形成了对房地产不同的需求结构,尤其是对于办公楼宇以及 零售商业网点的需求 Map 1 Location of Hangzhou and Yangtze River Delta 地图 1 杭州及长三角地理位置 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看