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在科技创新活动中,科技计划项目是非常重要的载体,尤其是企业科技计划 项目管理,不管是在国家和地区科学技术发展中还是在经济前行中,都扮演着重 要的角色。对于科技计划行政管理部门、项目承担单位和其它相关服务机构而言, 企业科技计划项目的有效管理非常关键,因此必须要建立科学可行的企业科技计 划项目管理体系,推动企业科技计划项目管理工作的顺利进行。在这样的背景下, 文章对企业科技计划项目管理这一课题展开探究,有着深远的理论和实践意义。 本文在充分学习前人研究成果的基础上,采用文献分析法、社会调查法、比 较分析法、层次分析法以及理论分析与实证分析相结合的方法,以层次分析法和 模糊综合评价法为主,以2017年数据为准,按照:“评估对象分析→评估方法的 选择→评估指标体系确定→模型的建立→评估结果分析→提出相关对策”的技术 路线,对青岛市企业科技项目管理存在的问题进行研究,进一步总结问题解决方 案,为相关工作人员带去借鉴。文章还通过走访等方式,更深入的了解科研工作 概况,结合模型评估,以期找出青岛市企业科技计划项目管理中存在的问题,并 有针对性的提出对策建议。 研究发现:在当前青岛市科技企业项目管理中,优秀企业在科技管理活动中 的作用需要进一步加强;科技人才在企业科技计划项目管理中的地位需要进一步 加强;企业科技计划项目管理的政策环境需要进一步优化;科技团队在科技计划 项目管理中的作用要持续强化。 为此,根据目前存在的问题,提出了培育更多优秀的头部科技企业,并发挥 他们的示范作用;提高科技人才素养,创新科技计划项目管理的文化环境;进一 步完善项目实现的政策环境,提高项目的协同性;落实管理,积极发挥项目承担 单位的主导地位;实事求是,加强科技计划项目主管单位的监督作用等相关对策。 关键词 :科技管理;项目管理;评估;对策 II RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT EVALUATIONAND COUNTERMEASURESOFENTERPRISESCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGYPROGRAMINQINGDAO ABSTRACT In science and technology innovation activities, science and technology planning projects are very important carriers, especially enterprise science and technology planning project management, whether in the national and regional science and technology development or in the economic progress, play an important role. For the science and technology plan administration department, project undertaking unit and other related service organization, the effective management of enterprise science and technology plan project is very crucial, therefore must establish the scientific and feasible enterprise science and technology plan project management system, promotes the enterprise science and technology plan project management work to carry on smoothly. In this context, this paper has a profound theoretical and practical significance to explore the subject of enterprise science and technology plan project management. Based on the full study on the basis of predecessors' research results, using the method of literature, social investigation method, comparison analysis method, analytic hierarchy process (ahp) and the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, with the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is given priority to, will be subject to the 2017 data, in accordance with the: "evaluation object analysis to the choice of evaluation methods, evaluation index system and determine the establishment of the model to evaluate the results analysis and put forward relevant countermeasures" the technical route, the problem of the enterprise project management of science and technology of Qingdao is studies, further summarizes the solutions to problems, bring reference for relevant staff. The article also through the way of visits, more in-depth understanding of the research work, combined with model evaluation, in order to find out the problems in the management of Qingdao enterprise science and technology plan project, and put forward countermeasures and Suggestions. The research finds that: in the current project management of science and technology enterprises in Qingdao, the role of outstanding enterprises in science and technology management activities needs to be further strengthened; The position of science and technology talents in enterprise science and technology plan project management needs to be further strengthened; The policy environment of enterprise science and technology plan project management needs further optimization; The role of the science and technology team in the management of science and technology projects should be continuously strengthened. To this end, according to the existing problems, proposed to cultivate more excellent head technology enterprises, and play their exemplary role; Improve the quality of scientific and technological talents, innovate the cultural environment of scientific and technological plan project management; Further improve the policy environment of project realization and improve the project coordination; Implement the management and give full play to the leading position of project undertaking units; Seek truth from facts, strengthen the supervision function of organization unit of science and technology plan project and other relevant countermeasures. KEYWORDS:Science and technology management; Project Management; Assessment; countermeasures. IV 目 录 第一章绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1研究背景 ........................................................ 1 1.2研究意义 ........................................................ 2 1.2.1 现实意义 ...................................................... 2 1.2.2 理论意义 ..................................................... 2 1.3国内外相关研究综述 .............................................. 3 1.3.1国外研究现状 .................................................. 3 1.3.2国内研究现状 .................................................. 4 1.3.3文献评述 ...................................................... 6 1.4论文结构和研究方法 .............................................. 6 1.4.1论文结构 ...................................................... 6 1.4.2研究方法 ...................................................... 7 1.4.3技术路线 ...................................................... 8 1.5研究的创新点 .................................................... 8 第二章相关概念与理论.................................... 10 2.1科技计划项目概述 ............................................... 10 2.1.1科技计划项目概念 ............................................. 10 2.1.2企业科技计划项目特点 ......................................... 10 2.1.3科技计划项目体系 ............................................. 11 2.1.4科技计划项目评价方法 ......................................... 13 2.2相关理论 ....................................................... 16 2.2.1项目过程管理 ................................................. 16 2.2.2项目风险管理 ................................................. 16 2.2.3项目目标管理 ................................................. 17 2.2.4项目信息管理 ................................................. 17 2.3本章小结 ....................................................... 18 第三章青岛市企业科技计划项目管理现状分析 ................ 19 3.1青岛市企业科技计划项目的组织管理 ............................... 19 3.1.1 青岛市企业科技计划项目的责任主体 ............................. 19 3.1.2青岛市企业科技计划项目的管理体制 ............................. 19 3.2青岛市企业科技计划项目管理流程 ................................. 20 3.3青岛市企业科技计划项目管理现状及实施过程存在的问题 ............. 21 3.3.1 项目推进不及时 ............................................. 23 3.3.2 项目团队管理不顺畅 ..................................... 23 3.3.3项目财务管理不规范 ....................................... 23 3.3.4项目知识产权成果不明显 ....................................... 24 3.3.5项目验收力量薄弱 ............................................. 24 3.4本章小结 ....................................................... 24 第四章青岛市企业科技计划项目评估体系构建 ................ 25 4.1青岛市企业科技计划项目管理评估方法的选择 ....................... 25 4.1.1综合评价的方法 ............................................... 25 4.1.2模糊综合评价法 ............................................... 25 4.2评估指标体系的确