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随着人们生活质量的提升和保健意识的增强,蜂蜜及其他蜂产品作为一种天然的养 生保健品,又兼具甜美的味道而受到大家的追捧。加之我国是一个养蜂大国,蜂蜜的产 量、出口量和蜂群的数量均居世界前列,蜂产品行业无疑在这个时代拥有着广泛的市场 和潜力。 国家十三五规划也明确指出企业要加强质量品牌建设,开展质量品牌的提升行动, 打造一批有竞争力的知名品牌。然而,蜂蜜的品牌营销一直是行业难点,究其原因主要 有以下几点:第一,蜂蜜养殖人群和蜜源种类多且分散,导致蜂蜜的产量和品质难以实 现标准化;第二,蜂蜜不经过加工也可以直接销售,产品科技含量不高,导致难以控制 和形成一个稳定的品牌;第三,蜂蜜消费者对于市面上各种蜂蜜品质难以辨别,大量假 蜂蜜进入市场从而造成广大消费者对蜂蜜行业失去信任;第四,很多蜂产品生产企业难 以突破区域发展的限制,小富即安思想严重;第五,蜂产品行业也面临信息时代的迅速 变革和人们生活方式的巨大转变,作为一个传统农产品行业和保健品行业,仍旧需要不 断变革发展谋求创新来适应风云变幻的市场。 汪氏蜂蜜是成立于1985年的一个蜂蜜品牌,汪氏蜂产品涵盖蜂蜜、蜂花粉、蜂王 浆等六大系列一百五十多个品种。如今的汪氏已成为蜂产品行业的领军品牌,在2018 年5月份的中国蜂产品品牌盛典上一举荣获“中国蜂产品行业影响力十大品牌”和“中 国蜂王浆行业领军品牌”两大奖项,同时汪氏也正在积极开拓国际市场,一步步扩大自 己的品牌影响力。但即使是作为中国蜂产品行业的领军品牌,汪氏蜂蜜的品牌知名度也 远未深入人心,仅仅凭借着多年的潜心经营、刻苦专研,保持着自己作为传统品牌的些 许优势。因此,研究如何提升汪氏蜂蜜的品牌形象,是汪氏走向国际市场前需要深度思 考的问题,也能对我国蜂产品企业的品牌发展提供有益思考。 笔者首先通过阅读大量关于蜂蜜和品牌的文献资料,对品牌形象的相关定义和相关 理论进行了系统梳理。然后,对汪氏蜂蜜的品牌成长之路进行详细地阐述,便于我们对 汪氏蜂蜜品牌有更深入全面的了解。随后,选用贝尔的品牌形象测评理论对汪氏蜂蜜品 牌形象的维度进行划分,通过设计问卷调查分析蜂产品品牌形象维度的影响程度,以此 确定蜂蜜品牌形象提升的方向,并结合国内外知名蜂蜜品牌塑造的启示,探索汪氏蜂蜜 品牌形象提升的路径。最后,结合贝尔品牌形象测评模型的三个维度,即使用者形象、 产品形象、公司形象,以及品牌定位、品牌宣传、销售渠道方面对汪氏蜂蜜品牌形象的 提升提出具体的可行性建议。 关键词:汪氏;蜂蜜;品牌形象;贝尔模型 VI Abstract With the improvement of people's life quality and the enhancement of health care awareness, honey and bee products, as a natural health care product, have both sweet taste and are sought after by everyone. In addition, China is a big beekeeping country, and the output, export and quantity of honey are all in the forefront of the world. Undoubtedly, the bee product industry has a wide market and potential in this era. The 13th five years plan also clearly points out that enterprises should strengthen the construction of quality brand, carry out the promotion action of quality brand, and create a number of competitive well-known brands. But the brand marketing of honey has always been a difficulty in the industry. The reasons can be summarized as follows: first, there are many kinds and dispersions of honey breeding population and honey source, which makes the output and quality of honey difficult to achieve standardization; second, honey can be sold directly without processing, and the product technology content is not high, which makes it difficult to control and form a stable brand; third, honey Consumers are hard to distinguish the quality of various honey on the market, and a large number of fake honey enters the market, resulting in the loss of trust of consumers in the honey industry; fourthly, many bee product manufacturers are hard to break through the restrictions of regional development and get rid of the shackles of local characteristics; fifthly, the bee product industry is also facing rapid changes in the information age and great changes in people's lifestyle A traditional agricultural product industry and health product industry still need constant change, development and innovation to adapt to the changing market. Wang's is a honey brand founded in 1985. The company has more than 150 varieties in six series, including honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis. Today, Wang's has become a leading brand in bee products industry. In May 2018, at the Chinese bee products brand Festival, Wang's won two awards, namely "top ten brands of influence in Chinese bee products industry" and "leading brand in Chinese bee royal jelly industry". At the same time, Wang's is actively expanding the international market and gradually expanding its brand influence. But even as a leading brand in China's bee products industry, Wang’s brand image is far from popular, just relying on years of dedicated operation and hard research, to maintain its own advantages as a traditional brand. Therefore, how to improve the brand image of Wang's is a problem that Wang's needs to think deeply before going to the international market, and it can also be a reference for the brand development of bee products enterprises in China. VII First of all, through consulting a large number of literature, I systematically sorted out the relevant definitions and theories of brand image. Then, the brand growth path of Wang’s honey is elaborated in detail, so that we can have a deeper and comprehensive understanding of Wang's honey brand. Then, we use Biel's brand image evaluation theory to divide the dimensions of Wang's honey brand image, through the design of questionnaire survey to analyze the impact of bee product brand image dimensions, in order to determine the direction of honey brand image promotion, and combined with the inspiration of domestic and foreign famous honey brand building, explore the path of Wang's honey brand image promotion. Finally, combined with the three dimensions of Biel brand image evaluation model, namely user image, product image, company image, and brand positioning、brand publicity、sales channels, the paper puts forward specific feasible suggestions for the promotion of Wang's honey brand image. Key-words: Wang's; Honey; Brand Image; Biel Model 第1章 绪论 1 第1章 绪论 1.1 研究背景与意义 1.1.1 研究背景 蜂蜜,既是一种纯天然保健品,有增强免疫力、润肺、促消化、美容等诸多益处, 又是一种味道甜美的休闲饮品。近些年来,随着科技的进步,蜂产品行业也不断涌现蜂 花粉、蜂王浆、蜂胶、蜂蜜面膜等以蜂元素为核心、附加值非常高的蜂产品,这些蜂产 品不断更新升级,在满足人们不同需要的同时,也引领着蜂产品企业的发展。 进入21世纪,随着生活水平的提升和健康知识的大量普及,人们对于健康养生越 来越重视,蜂蜜作为一种纯天然的保健品,已经越来越得到人们的青睐。在生活节奏愈 来愈快的今天,蜂蜜及其他蜂产品成为很多人的养生选择。中国是一个养蜂大国,养蜂 的历史可以追溯至西汉时期,是全球主要的蜂蜜生产、消费和出口国,蜂蜜产量、蜂群 数量也都排在世界首位。可见,蜂产品在中国有着广泛的市场。 国家十三五规划明确指出,要加强质量品牌建设,实施质量强国战略,开展质量品 牌的提升行动,打造一批有竞争力的知名品牌。中华全国供销合作总社党组成员王伟在 中国蜂产业品牌盛典上表示,蜂业一直是中国的优势产业,长期以来,中国作为一个养 蜂大国,蜂产品的产量、进出口贸易量一直位于世界前列,在世界蜂产品市场上有着非 常重要的地位。王伟认为①,我国的蜂产品行业如欲健康可持续发展,就要有一大批不 同等级、不同类型、质量优、社会影响力大、消费者高度信赖的知名蜂产品品牌。为了 使中国蜂产品行业能积极应对国内外市场挑战,蜂产品企业要通过质量与品牌一体化建 设,从供给端发力,全面贯彻落实中央深化经济体制改革的要求,带动我国蜂产品行业 的全面发展,顺应我国消费升级的新需求。今日的汪氏已成为蜂行业的领军品牌,正在 一步步走向国际市场,但是如何打造蜂产品企业更好的品牌形象,是汪氏也是中国蜂蜜 品牌建设关注的焦点问题。 1.1.2 研究意义 1、理论意义 关于品牌形象的相关研究,我国还处于起步的阶段,大部分研究结论还是建立在国 外学者研究的基础上。本文通过深度结合品牌定位、品牌传播等理论和相关案例,对汪 氏蜂蜜品牌形象存在的问题进行分析,从理论上完善了品牌形象相关的品牌定位、品牌 ① 张坤.“中国蜂产业品牌盛典”在北京举行[OL]. http://news.eastday/s/20180521/u1ai11449965.html. 汪氏蜂蜜品牌形象提升策略的研究 2 传播对品牌形象的影响。为了更系统研究汪氏蜂蜜的品牌形象,笔者结合贝尔的品牌形 象测评模型对汪氏品牌开展研究从而得出相关启