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互联网已经融入到社会的各个方面,逐步演变成整个社会的变 革。新媒体正是在这个时候应运而生,在这个背景下,企业与客户交流 的方式发生了改变,其显著特征成了即时性、有效性。S 公司所处的 环保行业是新兴的朝阳行业,在国家政策利好的情况下,环保行业呈现 出新的发展机遇。在这样的市场环境下,竞争变得日趋激烈,品牌成为 企业最持久的资产,越来越多的企业开始重视对品牌的经营与管理。传 统大众媒体传播环境下,单向性是品牌传播的主要特点,客户接受的是 单向灌输,没有表达的渠道,也缺乏表达的欲望。然而, 随着以互 联网为代表的新媒体的出现,企业可利用的发声渠道和资源越来越丰富, 与此同时,客户的角色也发生了巨大的转变,他们不再单纯是信息的接 受者也担任了信息传播者的双重角色。 本文以S 环保公司油烟净化设备品牌营销策略研究为例,通过内外 部环境分析,调研 S 环保公司新媒体品牌营销现状,发现公司新媒体品 牌营销存在投入不足、缺乏全局规划、内容建设缺乏深度、活动营销品 质有限、客户互动不足、品牌个性欠缺等问题。采用调查问卷的方式, 进一步梳理这些问题,并分析其内在关联。基于此,笔者在新媒体营销 理论、品牌传播理论、整合营销传播理论等的指导下,结合S 环保公司 的行业特点,借鉴优秀企业的新媒体营销策略,从认知、平台、内容、活 动、客户、形象六个方面提出了针对性的新媒体品牌营销策略及措施。 在此框架下,提出了新媒体创新小组用人机制模型, II 新媒体品牌营销账号矩阵模型,新媒体品牌营销活动钟摆原理,KOL 传播原理,为策略执行提供理论支持。 最后,我对本文的内容和结论进行总结,同时指出了本文研究的 不足之处和改进的方法。 关键词:新媒体品牌营销,环保,策略 III ABSTRACT With the continuous development of the Internet, it has been integrated into all aspects of the whole society and gradually evolved into the whole society. In the era of new media,the prominent characteristics of communication between enterprises and customers are immediacy and effectiveness. Environmental protection industry is an emerging sunrise industry, in the national policy and other favorable circumstances, the environmental protection industry presents new opportunities. In this market environment, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Brand has become the most lasting asset of enterprises. More and more business owners begin to attach importance to the management of brand. Under the communication environment of traditional media, the main characteristic of information transmission is directionality. Customers receive one-way indoctrination, and there is no channel of expression and no desire to express. However, with the emergence of new media represented by the Internet, business owners have more and more channels and resources to make their voices heard. At the same time, the role of customers has also undergone a tremendous transformation. They are no longer simply the receivers of information but also the disseminators of information. This paper takes the brand marketing strategy research of s environmental protection company's fume purification equipment as an IV example, through the analysis of internal and external environment, investigates the current situation of s environmental protection company's new media brand marketing, and finds that the company's new media brand marketing has problems such as insufficient investment, lack of overall planning, lack of depth in content construction, limited activity marketing quality, insufficient customer interaction, and lack of brand personality. Using the way of questionnaire, further combing these questions, and analyzing their internal relations. Based on this, under the guidance of new media marketing theory, brand communication theory and integrated marketing communication theory, combined with the industry characteristics of s environmental protection company, and drawing on the new media marketing strategies of excellent enterprises, the author puts forward targeted new media brand marketing strategies and measures from six aspects of cognition, platform, content, activities, customers and image. In this framework, the new media innovation team employment mechanism model, new media brand marketing account matrix model, new media brand marketing activity pendulum principle, KOL communication principle are proposed to provide theoretical support for strategy implementation. Finally, I summarized the content and conclusion of this paper, and pointed out the shortcomings of this study and the improvement methods. V Key Words: new media brand Marketing,environmental protection , strategies I 目 录 摘要............................................................... I ABSTRACT.......................................................... III 第 1 章 绪论......................................................... 1 1.1. 研究背景 ................................................... 1 1.2. 研究意义 ................................................... 2 1.2.1. 理论意义.............................................. 2 1.2.2. 实践意义.............................................. 3 1.3. 国内外研究现状 ............................................. 3 1.3.1. 国内研究现状.......................................... 3 1.3.2. 国外研究现状.......................................... 5 1.3.3. 小结.................................................. 6 1.4. 研究内容及论文结构 ......................................... 6 1.5. 研究方法 ................................................... 7 1.5.1. 文献研究法............................................ 7 1.5.2. 案例分析法............................................ 7 1.5.3. 二手数据分析法........................................ 8 第 2 章 相关概念和理论............................................... 9 2.1. 新媒体 ..................................................... 9 2.1.1. 新媒体的概念.......................................... 9 2.1.2. 新媒体营销........................................... 10 2.2. 品牌营销 .................................................. 11 2.2.1. 品牌营销的概念....................................... 11 2.2.2. 品牌营销相关理论..................................... 12 2.3. 相关分析工具 .............................................. 15 2.3.1. PEST 分析工具 ........................................ 15 2.3.2. 波特五力模型......................................... 16 II 第 3 章 S 环保公司品牌营销环境分析 .................................. 18 3.1. S 环保公司企业概况......................................... 18 3.2. PEST 分析.................................................. 19 3.2.1. 政策环境............................................. 19 3.2.2. 经济环境............................................. 20 3.2.3. 社会环境............................................. 21 3.2.4. 科技环境............................................. 21 3.3. 内部环境分析 .............................................. 22 3.3.1. 优势................................................. 22 3.3.2. 劣势................................................. 23 3.4. 竞争环境分析 .............................................. 24 3.4.1. 行业内竞争者......................................... 24 3.4.2. 潜在竞争者........................................... 26 3.4.3. 购买者议价能力....................................... 27 3.4.4. 供应商议价能力....................................... 27 3.4.5. 替代品的威胁......................................... 27 3.5. 新媒体环境对品牌营销的影响 ................................ 28 3.5.1. 新媒体环境下品牌营销新特点........................... 28 3.5.2. 新媒体对于品牌营销的价值............................. 29 第 4 章 S 环保公司新媒体品牌营销现状及存在的问题 .................... 33 4.1. S 环保公司新媒体品牌营销现状............................... 33 4.1.1. 微信营销............................................. 33 4.1.2. 微博营销............................................. 34 4.1.3. 企业官方网站......................................... 35 4.2. S 环保公司新媒体品牌营销存在的问题......................... 36 4.2.1. 新媒体品牌营销投入不足............................... 36 4.2.2. 品牌传播力弱缺乏全局规划............................. 38 4.2.3. 内容建设缺乏深度..................................... 38 4.2.4. 活动营销品质有限..................................... 39 II