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家族企业在我国的经济体系中是极为重要的组成部分,其在中国特色社会主 义市场经济中占据了重要地位,改革开放以来在我国市场经济建设过程中发挥着 重要作用。就目前的现实情况来看,在将来的五十年内,家族企业将会面临一个 较为严重的发展问题,那就是接班问题。这一问题早就在世界上普遍存在,世界 上许多的家族企业的事实就已经说明了这一问题的存在。因此,破解中国家族企 业的传承是当前一个不容回避的重大难题。 本文就面临代际传承问题的XX纸业有限公司为研究对象,在我们国家特殊 国情的背景下,结合国内外学者相关研究的成果,就民营家族企业的特点出发, 对XX纸业进行了相关的调查研究,并分析和总结其中存在的传承问题,从而能 对其代际传承提出一定的方案,为公司选择合适的传承方式。 本文的相关研究主要包括以下三个方面: 一是通过阅读有关家族企业代际传承问题的相关文献,并对之进行归纳总结, 以此来形成本文的概念和理论基础。 二是就XX纸业有限公司现有的状况进行基础分析,并对公司进行SWOT分析, 从而对公司的情况有一定的了解。结合对公司相关利益者的访谈,了解他们对于 公司传承的想法,进而梳理出公司在代际传承中所面临的问题。 三是通过借鉴国内外优秀的家族传承方式,从中发现这些企业传承过程中的 成功措施,并进行相应的总结。以期对公司的传承提供一定的帮助。根据XX纸 业有限公司现状,公司在代际传承方面存在缺乏传承计划,传承时机不好,缺乏 接班人培养计划相关问题。在公司传承原则的基础之上,提出了传承方案:1, 选择父子两代四阶段传承模式;2,建立职业化管理体系;3,构建接班人遴选体 系;4,进行合理的股权设计。 关键词:家族企业;代际传承;传承模式 VI Abstract Family business is an extremely important part of China's economic system, which occupies an important position in the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. Since the reform and opening up, it has played an important role in the construction of China's market economy. According to the current reality, in the next 50 years, family business will face a more serious development problem, that is, succession problem. But this problem has long been widespread in the world, the fact that many of the world's family businesses have demonstrated the existence of this problem. Therefore, solving the inheritance problem of Chinese family enterprises is an unavoidable major problem. This paper takes XX Paper Co., Ltd., which is faced with the problem of intergenerational inheritance, as the research object. Under the background of our country's special national conditions combined with the relevant research results of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper investigates and studies the current situation of XX Paper Co., Ltd. This article mainly carries on the research from the following three aspects: First, on the basis of consulting the relevant documents of intergenerational inheritance of family enterprises, this paper summarizes the views of scholars and clarifies the main concepts and related theoretical basis of the paper. The second is to carry on the basic analysis to the XX paper industry limited company's existing situation, and carries on the SWOT analysis to the company, thus has the certain understanding to the company's situation. Combined with the interview with the relevant stakeholders of the company, we can understand their ideas on the inheritance of the company, and then sort out the problems faced by the company in the intergenerational inheritance. Third, through drawing lessons from the excellent family inheritance methods at home and abroad, we find out the successful measures in the process of inheritance of these enterprises, and summarize them accordingly. In order to provide some help for the inheritance of the company. According to the present situation of XX Paper Co., Ltd., there are some problems related to the lack of inheritance plan, the bad time of inheritance and the lack of successor training plan. On the basis of the principle of company inheritance, this paper puts forward the inheritance scheme :1, chooses the four-stage inheritance mode of father and son, establishes the professional VII management system, constructs the successor selection system, and carries on the reasonable equity design.