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自2007年美国爆发次贷危机并由此逐渐波及全世界后,我国曾经采用四万亿元 支出的方式稳住了经济大局,但次贷危机的长期影响仍旧体现了出来。同时,受到我 国自身经济增长模式的限制和影响,我国逐渐进入到了新常态经济的环境之下。一方 面,因为改革收入分配的问题而导致社会矛盾积累,另一方面,宏观经济减速压缩了 各方面的腾挪空间,这都为我国下一阶段经济增长提出了新的挑战。 目前,我国已经就经济发展提出了若干要求,如供给侧改革、发展方式转变等, 尤其是以基础设施投资和劳动密集型产业向服务业、高科技附加值产业转变的趋势已 经从多年前的呼吁逐渐转变为现实,这就带来了对所有企业,尤其是大型企业的严峻 挑战。因为众所周知的是,大型企业虽然规模庞大、市场占有率高,但是每当经济形 势转变的时刻,其转型都通常比较艰难。 本文首先以ZTSD集团——国内隧道和地下工程领域最大的企业集团作为研究对 象,在梳理了企业战略相关理论的基础上,通过PEST模型分析了ZTSD集团所面临 的宏观环境,同时通过横向对比分析了ZTSD集团的竞争状况。而后,文章从经营状 况、核心竞争力、经营中存在的主要问题,对ZTSD集团的内部战略环境进行了分析。 并通过SWOT矩阵,得出了ZTSD集团的备选战略,结合ZTSD集团的发展目标等其 他具体情况,对备选其战略进行了选择。最后,文章从市场、现场管理、专业水平提 升和企业内部管理四个方面提出了ZTSD集团的战略实施保障措施。 关键词:发展战略;PEST分析;SWOT分析;战略措施 - III - Abstract Since the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the United States in 2007 and gradually spread to the world, China has used the way of 4 trillion yuan expenditure to stabilize the economic situation, but the long-term impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is still reflected. At the same time, due to the restriction and influence of China's own economic growth mode, China has gradually entered the new normal economic environment. On the one hand, the problem of reforming income distribution leads to the accumulation of social contradictions. On the other hand, the macroeconomic slowdown reduces the room for diversion in all aspects, which poses new challenges for China's next stage of economic growth. At present, China has put forward a number of requirements for economic development, such as supply-side reform, transformation of development mode, especially the trend of transforming infrastructure investment and labor-intensive industries into service industries and high-tech value-added industries, which has gradually turned into reality from the appeal of many years ago, which has brought severe challenges to all enterprises, especially large enterprises. As we all know, although large enterprises have large scale and high market share, their transformation is usually difficult when the economic situation changes. Firstly, this paper takes ZTSD Group, the largest enterprise group in the field of tunnel and underground engineering in China, as the research object. On the basis of sorting out the relevant theories of enterprise strategy, the macro-environment faced by ZTSD Group is analyzed through PEST model, and the competition situation of ZTSD Group is analyzed through horizontal comparison. Then, the article analyses the internal strategic environment of ZTSD Group from the aspects of operation status, core competitiveness and main problems in operation. Through SWOT matrix, the alternative strategy of ZTSD Group is obtained. According to the development goal of ZTSD Group and other specific circumstances, the alternative strategy is selected. Finally, the article puts forward the strategic implementation safeguard measures of ZTSD Group from four aspects: market, on-site management, professional level improvement and enterprise internal management. Key words:Development strategy; PEST analysis; SWOT analysis; Strategic measures IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ............................................................... - 1 - 1.1 研究背景和意义 ........................................................ - 1 - 1.1.1 研究背景 ........................................................ - 15 - 1.1.2 研究意义 ........................................................ - 15 - 1.2 研究思路及内容 ........................................................ - 3 - 1.3 研究方法 .............................................................. - 4 - 第二章 相关理论和文献综述 ................................................. - 5 - 2.1 相关理论综述 .......................................................... - 5 - 2.1.1 企业战略研究综述 ................................................. - 5 - 2.1.2 企业战略管理的内容 ............................................... - 5 - 2.1.3 战略分析工具 ..................................................... - 5 - 2.2 相关文献综述 .......................................................... - 8 - 2.2.1 国外相关研究综述 ................................................. - 5 - 2.2.2 国内相关研究综述 ................................................. - 5 - 第三章 ZTSD集团外部环境分析 ............................................ - 10 - 3.1 PEST分析 ............................................................ - 10 - 3.1.1 政治法律环境分析 ................................................. - 5 - 3.1.2 经济环境分析 ..................................................... - 5 - 3.1.3 社会环境分析 ..................................................... - 5 - 3.1.4 技术环境分析 ..................................................... - 5 - 3.2 波特五力分析 ......................................................... - 11 - 3.2.1 供应商的议价能力 ................................................ - 11 - 3.2.2 购买者的议价能力 ................................................ - 12 - 3.2.3 新进入者的威胁 .................................................. - 12 - 3.2.4 替代品的威胁 .................................................... - 13 - 3.2.5 同业竞争者的竞争程度 ............................................ - 13 - 第四章 ZTSD集团内部环境分析 ............................................ - 15 - 4.1 集团经营状况简介 ..................................................... - 15 - 4.1.1 施工生产水平 .................................................... - 15 - 4.1.2 科技创新与信息化建设 ............................................ - 15 - 4.1.3 人力资源管理与设备物资管理 ......................... 15 V 4.1.4 项目成本管理与安全质量管理 ...................................... - 17 - 4.1.5 企业内部审计与改革创新 .......................................... - 17 - 4.2 ZTSD集团经营优势分析 ............................................... - 18 - 4.2.1 传统业务方面 .................................................... - 18 - 4.2.2 企业基础方面 .................................................... - 18 - 4.2.3 企业技术方面 .................................................... - 18 - 4.3 ZTSD集团经营存在问题分析 ........................................... - 20 - 4.3.1 经营开发与施工生产 .............................................. - 20 - 4.3.2 科技创新与信息化建设方面 ........................................ - 20 - 4.3.3 人力资源管理与设备物资管理方面 .................................. - 20 - 4.3.4 项目成本管理与施工安全方面 ...................................... - 21 - 4.3.5 内部管理与改革创新方面 .......................................... - 21 - 第五章 ZTSD集团战略分析与选择 .......................................... - 22 - 5.1 ZTSD集团的发展目标 .................................................. - 22 - 5.2 ZTSD集团战略环境分析 ................................................ - 22 - 5.2.1 机会分析 ........................................................ - 22 - 5.2.2 威胁分析 ........................................................ - 23 - 5.2.3 优势分析 ........................................................ - 24 - 5.2.4 劣势分析 ........................................................ - 24 - 5.3 ZTSD集团SWOT分析 ................................................. - 25 - 5.4 ZTSD集团发展战略方向选择 ............................................ - 26 - 第六章 ZTSD集团发展战略保障措施 ........................................ - 28 - 6.1 强化市场营销巩固市场地位 ............................................. - 28 - 6.1.1 强化市场营销水平 .............................................