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随着国家整体经济的持续快速发展,特别是21世纪以来至今,轨道交通在 各大城市兴起、落地、成线、成网,昆明市城市轨道交通近10年来也从无到有, 历经了单线、十字干线,目前已经成网状。轨道交通引领和带动城市发展效果明 显,对昆明市经济社会发展的作用也越来越重要。同时,因为轨道交通行业的准 公益性及地铁项目自身投资规模巨大,轨道交通行业存在获批难、获批慢,企业 自身偿债压力大,本级政府财政承受能力有限,市民诉求亟需等一系列现状和问 题逐渐凸显出来。这些问题直接导致了项目储备不足、企业面临资金链风险、本 级政府负担重,进而对企业的稳定健康可持续发展产生不利影响。因而,前瞻布 局,以科学的战略为引领,切实增强轨道交通企业自身造血能力,推进新项目实 施、增加现金流和利润,解决影响GD公司发展的问题或可能存在的危机已经成 为企业战略选择和实施的重点。 本文首先通过对有关轨道交通行业、战略管理和多元化战略相关文献进行研 究,了解国内外关于多元化战略的概念、内容和实施方式,结合轨道交通行业企 业及GD公司的实际情况,对宏观环境、行业环境、内部环境进行深入研究,在 比较研究、案例分析下,结合文献综述,运用SWOT模型分析GD公司具备的优势、 存在的劣势,拥有的机会和已经显现出的问题。以“减少政府投入资金、创造更 佳上位优势、更好为城市提供公共服务”为出发点,结合国内外同行好的做法和 经验,探索与公司匹配度高、操作性强的行之有效的发展战略,最终得出本次战 略发展选择的结论,即:相关多元化战略符合GD公司当前发展的需求,是帮助 GD公司解决发展过程中存在问题的一个良好路子。并根据相关政策、城市发展 需求和企业自身能力,以探索出的战略实施的突破口和保障措施推动战略的实 施。让GD公司最大程度上实现自身造血,增加利润、增强现金流缓解债务压力、 降低企业对本级政府的寄生性、推动新项目不断落地,提升企业的核心竞争力和 影响力,更好地助力全市(全省甚至覆盖南亚东南亚)经济发展,更高质量地服 务市民、发挥自身公益功能,促使GD公司健康可持续发展。 本文最终是希望通过探索,建立适用于GD公司的中长期发展战略,推动该 套战略体系在公司实施,也希望通过此次研究,为GD公司及轨道交通行业企业 II 建立科学有效的发展战略提供参考,对未建立发展战略的轨道交通同行业企业提 供借鉴。 关键词:GD公司;发展战略;相关多元化战略;SWOT分析 IIIIII Abstract With the sustained and rapid development of the country's overall economy, especially since the 21st century, rail transit has risen, fallen, become a line, and become a network in major cities, and the urban rail transit in Kunming has never been built in the past 10 years, after a single-lane, cross-trunk line, has become a network. Rail Transit has played an increasingly important role in Kunming's economic and social development by leading and driving urban development. At the same time, because of the quasi-public welfare nature of the Rail Transit Industry and the huge investment scale of the subway project itself, there are difficulties in obtaining approval for the Rail Transit Industry, slow approval for the Rail Transit Industry, high pressure on enterprises to repay their own debts, and limited financial bearing capacity of the government at the corresponding level, a series of current situations and problems, such as citizen's demands, have gradually emerged. These problems lead to the shortage of project reserve, the risk of capital chain, the heavy burden of the government at the same level, and the negative influence on the stable, healthy and sustainable development of enterprises. Therefore, forward-looking layout, guided by scientific strategy, effectively enhance the rail transit enterprises'own hematopoiesis capacity, promote the implementation of new projects, increase cash flow and profits, to solve the problems or possible crises that affect the development of GD company has become the focus of enterprise strategy selection and implementation. First of all, through the research on the related documents of Rail Transit Industry, Strategic Management and diversification strategy, this paper understands the concept, content and implementation of diversification strategy at home and abroad, in combination with the actual situation of Rail Transit Industry Enterprises and GD Company, this paper makes an in-depth study on the macro-environment, industry environment and internal environment, and through the methods of literature IVIV study, Comparative Study and Case Study, use SWOT model to analyze the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and problems that have emerged. Taking "reducing government investment funds, creating better advantages and providing better public services for cities" as the starting point, and combining the good practices and experiences of domestic and foreign counterparts, explore the effective development strategy with high matching degree and strong maneuverability, and finally come to the conclusion of this strategic development choice, that is: the related diversification strategy is in line with the current development needs of GD company, it is a good way to help GD company solve the problems existing in the development process. And according to the related policy, the city development demand and the enterprise own ability, in order to explore the strategy implementation breakthrough and the safeguard measure impetus strategy implementation. To enable GD company to maximize their own hematopoiesis, increase profits, enhance cash flow to alleviate debt pressure, reduce the parasitic nature of enterprises to the government at the same level, promote new projects, and enhance the core competitiveness and influence of enterprises, better help the city (the whole province even cover south-east Asia) economic development, higher quality services to the public, play their own public welfare functions, to promote the healthy and sustainable development of GD company. In the end, this paper hopes to establish a medium-and long-term development strategy suitable for GD Company and promote the implementation of this set of strategy system in the company, it provides a reference for GD company and Rail Transit Industry enterprises to establish a scientific and effective development strategy, and a reference for Rail Transit Industry Enterprises Without a development strategy.. Keywords: GD Company; Development Strategy; Related diversification strategy; SWOT analysis 1 目 录 摘要.................................................................................................I Abstract...........................................................................................III 第一章 绪论....................................................................................4 第一节 研究背景及意义...............................................................................4 一、研究背景................................................................................................4 二、研究意义................................................................................................7 第二节 研究内容及技术路线.......................................................................8 一、研究内容................................................................................................8 二、技术路线................................................................................................8 第三节 研究方法.........................................................................................10 一、文献研究法..........................................................................................10 二、比较研究法..........................................................................................10 三、案例研究法..........................................................................................10 四、实地调查法..........................................................................................10 第二章 相关理论及文献综述.......................................................11 第一节 相关理论.........................................................................................11 一、企业战略与分析方法..........................................................................11 二、城市轨道交通发展理论......................................................................13 三、多元化发展战略理论........