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随着城市规模的日益发展,城市交通给居民带来便利的同时也产生了诸多问 题,比如交通堵塞、交通事故、尾气污染等。因而城市轨道交通凭借其高效、节 约、方便等特点,得到迅速发展。城市轨道交通建设的外部增值效益十分显著, 其通过提高可达性,改善区位状况,影响周边房地产的价格。然而城市轨道交通 的建设和运营需要高昂的成本作支撑,2017年仅仅有4座城市北京、上海、武 汉和深圳的城市轨道交通运营达到收支平衡。因此,定量研究城市轨道交通对住 宅价格的影响,对实现城市轨道交通和房地产开发商的合作共赢具有重要的意义, 同时也能为消费者提供购房参考意见。 通过阅读文献,本文首先探讨了城市轨道交通对房地产价值的影响机理,从 级差地租理论、区位理论和城市内部地域结构理论等理论具体进行城市轨道交通 对沿线房地产价值影响的机理分析,构建了其空间影响机理图,从理论方面对城 市轨道交通对住宅价格产生的影响进行定性分析。 其次通过构造空间计量模型和特征价格模型,以郑州市地铁一号线为实证研 究对象,进行定量研究。本文构建了仅仅考虑地理距离的阀值距离0-1空间权重 矩阵和考虑特征变量的特征因素空间权重矩阵,确定了研究对象之间存在显著的 空间相关性,因此基于两种不同的空间权重矩阵形式构建空间计量模型进行研究, 得出以下结论:基于特征因素空间权重矩阵创建的空间误差模型更适合本文研究 内容;城市轨道交通对于沿线住宅价值的增值具有明显的引导作用,在所选择的 12个特征因素中,对住宅价格影响的显著程度居于第三位,小区每远离轨道交 通站点1km,住宅价格下降幅度约为5.4%;住宅所处区域、物业费、距轨道交 通站点的距离和所处学区等级是影响住宅价格的主要因素。并且将距离轨道交通 站点的距离进行细分研究,设置虚拟变量构建传统的特征价格模型,得到地铁对 沿线1000m以内的住宅价格影响比较大,其中在500m-1000m的范围内的影响 最为显著的结论。 关键词:城市轨道交通;房地产价格;空间计量模型;特征价格模型 III Abstract With the development of city scale, urban traffic brings convenience to residents. However it also have many problems, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, exhaust pollution and so on. Based on above background, urban rail transit develops rapidly with the characteristics of high efficiency, economy and convenience. External value-added benefits of urban rail transit construction are very significant. It has an impact on the surrounding real estate prices by improving accessibility and location conditions. However, due to the high cost during the construction and operation of urban rail transit, there are only four cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenzhen, achieved a balance of revenue and expenditure in 2017. Therefore, it is of great significance to achieve win-win cooperation between urban rail transit and real estate developers that the quantitative study of the impact of urban rail transit on housing prices. Meanwhile, it can also provide consumers with reference for purchase. Through reading the literature, this paper firstly discusses the impact mechanism of urban rail transit on real estate value. Based on the theory of differential rent, location and urban interior regional structure, it analyzes the mechanism, constructs its spatial impact mechanism map, and it qualitatively analyzed the influence of urban rail transit on housing prices theoretically. Secondly, this paper quantitatively research on Zhengzhou Metro Line 1 by constructing the spatial econometric model and hedonic price model. And it constructs the threshold distance 0-1 spatial weight matrix considering only the geographical distance and the characteristic weight space weight matrix considering the characteristic variables, and determines significant spatial correlation between subjects. Therefore, based on two different spatial weight matrix forms, the spatial econometric model is constructed. The conclusions are as follows: The spatial error model based on the characteristic weight space weight matrix is more suitable for the research content in this paper. Urban rail transit has a clear guiding effect on the value of residential buildings along the line. Among the 12 selected factors, the degree of influence on residential prices is the third highest. The residential price dropped by about 5.4% for every 1km away from the rail transit station. The price of the home is mainly affected by the area in which the home is located, the cost of the property, the distance from the rail transit station, and the grade of the school district. And the distance from the rail transit station is subdivided, and the virtual variable is set to IV construct the traditional hedonic price model. The subway has a relatively large impact on the residential price within 1000m along the route, especially in the range of 500m-1000m. Key words:Urban rail transit; Housing price; Spatial econometrics model; Hedonic price model V 目 录 摘要 ....................................................................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................................................ III 第一章 绪论 ............................................................................................................ - 1 - 1.1 研究背景 ........................................................................................................... - 1 - 1.2 研究意义 ........................................................................................................... - 2 - 1.3 城市轨道交通对房地产价值影响研究现状综述 ........................................... - 3 - 1.3.1 国外研究现状 ......................................................................................... - 3 - 1.3.2 国内研究现状 ......................................................................................... - 5 - 1.3.3 小结 ......................................................................................................... - 8 - 1.4 研究内容方法与技术路线 ............................................................................... - 9 - 1.4.1 研究内容 ................................................................................................. - 9 - 1.4.2 研究方法 ............................................................................................... - 10 - 1.4.3 技术路线 ............................................................................................... - 10 - 1.5 论文创新点 ..................................................................................................... - 12 - 第二章 相关理论基础 .......................................................................................... - 13 - 2.1 城市轨道交通理论 ......................................................................................... - 13 - 2.1.1 城市轨道交通的概念界定 ................................................................... - 13 - 2.1.2 城市轨道交通特点 ............................................................................... - 13 - 2.2 房地产价值理论 ............................................................................................. - 14 - 2.2.1 房地产的概念界定 ............................................................................... - 14 - 2.2.2 房地产价值影响因素 ........................................................................... - 15 - 2.3 特征价格模型理论 ......................................................................................... - 17 - 2.3.1 传统特征价格模型基本思路 ............................................................... - 17 - 2.3.2 传统特征价格模型的函数形式 ........................................................... - 17 - 2.3.3 空间计量经济模型基本思路 ............................................................... - 18 - 2.3.4 空间计量经济模型的函数形式 ........................................................... - 18 - 2.4 本章小结 ......................................................................................................... - 19 - 第三章 城市轨道交通对房地产价值影响的机理分析 ...................................... - 21 - 3.1 基于级差地租理论的影响机理分析 ............................................................. - 21 - 3.2 基于区位理论的影响机理分析 .............................................................