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作为能源消费大国,煤炭在我国一次能源消费中比例占至70%,给我国 带来了严重的环境问题。为了缓解由于能源消费过度依赖煤炭带来的巨大环境 压力,改善区域环境质量保护生态环境,在2017年7月4日发改委、能源局等 13个部委制定的《加快推进天然气利用的意见》中被指定为国家现代清洁能源 体系主体能源之一,提出到2020年,力争天然气在一次能源消费中的比例达到 10%左右,到2030年,天然气在一次能源消费结构中的比例力争提高到15%左 右。易燃、易爆、易挥发的天然气资源最佳的运输方式是采用密闭的管道运输, 天然气管道等基础设施建设是保障天然气资源得到顺利利用的最基础条件,是 推动天然气潜在需求转化为实际消费的关键,所以对天然气建设项目经济效益 测算具有重要的使用价值。 鲁山-汝州天然气管网建设项目的经济效益测算,依据有关的天然气管网建 设知识及财务管理理论等,分析鲁山-汝州天然气管线建设项目建设背景,资源 来源,市场需求、投融资方案及经济效益指标等状况,得出了鲁山-汝州天然气 管线项目建设的必要性及可行性结论,并结合管线所经地区气源分配额度、其 他管线项目建设走向、场站电力供应配置及日常经营生产生活对南水北调项目 带来的影响等情况提出建议及改进措施,对天然气长输管线项目建设能达到更 好的运营效果具有一定的参考价值。 论文共分五章: 第一章在明确研究意义和目的的基础上厘清了研究思路, 第二章对鲁山-汝州天然气管线所经区域的管网布局及管理归属进行了总体说 明,对鲁山-汝州天然气管线建设项目做了总体介绍。第三章对鲁山-汝州天然 气管线建设项目建设内容及投资方案进行说明,并且对鲁山-汝州天然气管线建 设项目融资方案进行分析说明。第四章运用财务测算理论和方法对鲁山-汝州天 然气管道建设项目经济效益指标进行了测算分析。第五章根据前述相关章节的 分析得出了该项目可行性结论:该项目实施后财务状况良好,能满足外部融资 条件,具有一定的抗风险能力。该项目从国家产业政策及经济效益方面都是可 行的,有利于推进当地经济可持续发展,提高当地环境质量,提高人民物质生 活水平。并结合项目当地实际情况,对项目建设需要注意及改进的地方提出了 建议及措施。 关键词: 天然气管网建设 投资 融资 经济效益 V Abstract As a large energy consumer, coal accounts for 70 percent of China's primary energy consumption, causing serious environmental problems in China.In order to alleviate the excessive dependence on energy consumption of coal brings the enormous environmental pressure, protect the ecological environment improving the regional environmental quality, on July 4, 2017, 13 ministries such as the development and reform commission, bureau of energy, make the opinion of accelerate the natural gas utilization has been designated as national modern clean energy system in one of the main energy, put forward to 2020, strive for natural gas in primary energy consumption in the proportion about 10%, to 2030, natural gas in primary energy consumption structure the proportion to increase to 15%.Inflammable, explosive, the volatile gas resources the best mode of transportation is to use an airtight pipeline, gas pipelines and other infrastructure construction is the guarantee of natural gas resources along with using one of the most basic conditions, is the potential demand of the gas into the actual consumption of the key, so the natural gas construction project economic benefit calculation has important use value. LuShan - the economic benefits of ruzhou natural gas pipe network construction project, according to relevant knowledge of natural gas pipe network construction and the theory of financial management and so on, analysis LuShan - the ruzhou gas pipeline construction project construction background, resources, market demand, investment and financing scheme and economic benefit indexes, etc, it is concluded that the LuShan - the ruzhou gas pipeline project construction the necessity and feasibility of the conclusion, combined with the pipeline by the regional air distribution lines and other pipeline construction to the yard power supply configuration and the daily management production life of the impact of the south-to-north water transfer project, and so on and so forth Suggestions and improvement measures,It has certain reference value for the construction of natural VI gas long pipeline project to achieve better operation effect. Paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter on the basis of the specific research meaning and purpose to clarify the research train of thought, the second chapter on LuShan - the ruzhou gas pipeline through pipe network layout and management of the area belongs to the general specification, the LuShan - the ruzhou gas pipeline construction project made a general introduction.The third chapter explains the construction content and investment scheme of lushan-ruzhou natural gas pipeline construction project, and analyzes and explains the financing scheme of lushan-ruzhou natural gas pipeline construction project.In the fourth chapter, the economic benefit index of lushan-ruzhou natural gas pipeline construction project is calculated and analyzed by means of financial calculation theory and method.The fifth chapter draws the feasibility conclusion of the project based on the analysis of the above relevant chapters: the project is in good financial condition after implementation, can meet external financing conditions, and has certain anti-risk capability.This project is feasible in terms of national industrial policy and economic benefits, which is conducive to promoting the sustainable development of local economy, improving local environmental quality and improving people's material living standards.Based on the actual situation of the project, the paper puts forward some Suggestions and measures to pay attention to and improve the project construction. Keywords: natural gas pipeline network construction; investment; financing; Economic benefits VII 目录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................................................................... 1 第一节 研究背景 ............................................................................................... 1 第二节 研究内容和研究意义 ........................................................................... 2 第三节 研究方法和研究思路 ........................................................................... 3 第二章 鲁山-汝州天然气管线项目概况 ...................................................... 5 第一节 项目所属区域社会经济概况 ............................................................... 5 第二节 项目隶属地区天然气管网规划及组织管理 ....................................... 5 第三节 鲁山-汝州天然气管线项目情况介绍 .................................................. 8 第四节 鲁山-汝州天然气管道工程建设内容 .................................................. 9 第三章 鲁山-汝州天然气管线项目投资及融资分析 ............................. 13 第一节 投资估算的内容及结果 ..................................................................... 13 第二节 资金来源及筹措方案分析 ................................................................. 14 第三节 鲁山-汝州天然气管线项目建设投资计划 ........................................ 15 第四章 鲁山-汝州天然气管线项目经济效益分析与评价 .................... 18 第一节 财务分析基础数据 ............................................................................. 18 VIII 第二节 市场需求分析及价格承受能力分析 ................................................. 19 一 市场需求分析 ......................................................................................... 19 二 价格承受能力分析 .................................................................................. 23 第三节 成本费用估算分析评价 ..................................................................... 27 第四节 清偿能力分析评价 ............................................................................. 29 一 偿债备付率(DSCR) ................................................................................. 29 二 借款偿还期 ............................................................................................. 31 三 资产负债率 ............................................................................................. 31 第五节 盈利能力分析评价 ............................................................................. 32 一 收