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证券经纪业务投资者适当性管理研究 摘要 2015年中国金融市场的异常波动再一次凸显了金融发展面临的挑战,如何认识并 反思此次异常波动的原因,正确处理金融创新发展与金融监管改革之间的关系成为摆 在资本市场面前的一项重大课题。海外成熟市场普遍将“投资者适当性”作为金融监 管的重要手段,统筹金融业务有创造力的发展和金融监督管理革新,他们两个角色之 间的关系,可以对金融市场系统性风险做到规避和提前防范,培养出合格的、理智的 投资者,进一步提高金融市场业务的稳定性。 借鉴国际经验,证监会制定的《证券期货投资者适当性管理办法》(以下简称“办 法”)于2017年7月1日正式开始落实到实践当中。这个管理办法从发布到应用到实 践的过程中,很多证券公司、基金公司、保险公司、财务公司等金融机构,都在不断 的探索,通过实践的检验,提出自己的意见,使得这个管理制度或者说机制,不断的 完善起来,但是我们还是遇到了一些瓶颈的,有一些是管理思路上的,毕竟国内引入 西方金融体系的时间并不久,个人投资者甚至机构投资者的总体金融素养不是很高, 适当性管理方向上也就会遇到多多少少的前人未遇到过的困难;还有一些是技术上, 信息技术的发展让我们看到来适当性管理应用金融科技技术的可能性,但是技术上的 实践并没有真正的成熟,或者说,这几年才开始实践上的探索;剩下的就是老生常谈 的管理体系导致的执行力不够等问题。具体的主要表现在几个方面:第一,金融业务 的经营机构对管理制度的解读和理解不够深入,片面化,只理解了字面的表述,当作 一个“任务”去做,没有理解适当性管理深层的意义,执行起来就浮于表面,在对客 户的信息核查上不认真甚至不核查、对客户对评价不准确,信息上也不愿意去共享, 不愿意打通各个数据渠道的链路,有“闭门造车”的意味。这一点其实也不是不能理 解,要落实、落地适当性管理,金融机构特别本文中重点研究的证券公司,要对自己 所拥有的信息系统做改造,将自己内部管理流程做调整,投入人力去执行,在人力物 力上都要付出大量的资源和成本,如果按照以往券商的传统模式,这一种投入和产出 之间的比例是很低的,没有办法给券商带来直接的利润收入。即使证券公司有足够的 动力去做这件事情,以现在有的评估手段,以及金融中介机构、金融服务、投资者之 间的始终存在的信息不对称,注定券商很难真正的了解投资者,很难做到全面。投资 者方面,投资者多少都存在产品刚兑对的依赖心理,谁也不想看到自己的钱就这么少 了,而且投资者普遍不了解一个金融产品(服务)的风险边界在哪里,心理上不愿意 接受自己是主要的风险承担者。这些问题都会大大导致金融中介机构履行适当性义务 的的成本、风险、管理压力的增加。这几年对金融市场是浪潮,不断的发展不断的推 摘要 进,投资者的数量也水涨船高,金融业务和服务的数量和多样性也是阶梯式的增长, 如果我们还是按照原来传统的手段,依赖人力,适当性的成本降不下来,执行效果就 永远跟不上。本文的研究也是希望市场的金融机构能够借助新兴的技术和方法,真实 的落实适当性管理,踏上一条可行的道路。 本文在研究包括美国、日本、欧盟等国外以及我国香港地区适当性管理发展和制 度规范的基础上,了解国内证券公司当前适当性管理工作的现状,将国内适当性监管 要求所需开展的工作内容分为:了解你的客户(KYC)、了解你的产品(KYP)、销售 交易、持续管理和内部管理五个部分,针对证券公司KYC和销售交易部分中遇到的 问题和困境,以“动态防控、多维匹配”为方向,通过大数据技术,提供包含建立投 资者风险评估数据共享机制、建立投资者风险变动持续识别机制、建产品适当性适配 平台、建立产品风险预警指标,四大内容在内的解决思路。 本文提出的适当性管理应用方案,利用大数据建立投资者动态数据库及其数据模 型。一方面,能证券公司在投资者适当性管理前可以评估投资者、管理中可以做出提 示、事后也能持续的监测到。加强投资者对自我的认识,有利于打破测评问卷的局限 性,使得证券公司能够快速有效地评估投资者风险承受能力,运用大数据技术可以做 到适当性管理的标准化、可量化,整个市场适当性管理的水平提高了,决策的速度和 准确率也就提高了。另一方面,能帮助证券公司更加“了解客户”,帮助证券公司将 投资者对风险等级和金融产品(服务)的风险等级对应起来,搭建出“什么样的人能 投资什么样的产品”的规则,也就能做到把“适当的产品卖给适当的投资者”。投资者 在自己风险判断能力的范围内投资,能够有效降低国内资本市场成为一个投机市场的 可能性,相应的,也就能降低资本市场诱发系统性风险的可能性。另外,金融监管的 检查是证券公司执行的标准,本文还提出了适当性管理前台管理的方案,切实解决当 前适当性管理工作中存在的流程节点不明确、适当性匹配结果不准确、人力成本过高、 效率低下等实际问题,有效帮助证券公司应对监管机构对于适当性管理工作的检查。 关键词:适当性管理, 监管, 大数据, 证券, 经纪业务 ABSTRACT Research in investors suitability management of securities brokerage business ABSTRACT The unusual fluctuations in China's financial markets in 2015 once again highlighted the challenges facing financial development. How to recognize and reflect on the causes of such abnormal fluctuations and correctly handle the relationship between financial innovation and development and financial regulatory reform has become a top priority for the capital market. Overseas mature markets often use "investor appropriateness" as an important means of regulation. Coordinating the relationship between financial innovation and development and financial regulatory reform has played an active role in stabilizing financial markets, preventing systemic risks, and cultivating qualified investors. Drawing on international experience, the "Administrative Measures on the Appropriateness of Securities and Futures Investors" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") formulated by the Securities and Futures Commission was formally implemented on July 1, 2017. During the implementation of the Measures, market players continued to explore and improve their appropriate management capabilities, but there were still some issues that needed to be resolved. Some operating agencies lack understanding of the system and their implementation is inadequate. As a result, appropriateness management has only reached "surface compliance", which is manifested by a lack of verification of investor information and distortion of customer evaluation results. In order to implement the appropriateness management requirements, securities companies need to invest a lot of resources in information systems, internal mechanisms and personnel training. Under the traditional model, such costs often have difficulty in bringing direct economic benefits to the company, which makes securities companies lack sufficient initiative to improve and adapt to appropriate management requirements. In addition, it is difficult for securities companies to comprehensively and truly understand customers based on existing assessment methods, resulting in information asymmetry between securities companies, investors and products. Investors do not have a strong awareness of the risk responsibility boundary of financial products, and they still rely on it. This has also led to a rise in risk costs for securities companies. Therefore, cost pressure is an important reason for the "surface compliance" of securities companies, and information asymmetry and fuzzy responsibility boundaries further increase the pressure on securities ABSTRACT companies to properly manage. With the rapid growth of the number of securities investors and business types, if traditional models and methods are still used to promote appropriateness work, it is likely that the cost of appropriateness will rise without falling, so securities companies and the entire industry must rely on advanced ideas Find feasible techniques and methods to reduce the cost of appropriateness. Based on a study of the development of appropriate management and institutional regulations in overseas such as the United States, Japan, the European Union, and Hong Kong, China, this article understands the status of domestic suitability management of domestic securities companies, and describes the requirements of domestic applicable regulatory requirements Work content. It is divided into five parts: Know Your Customer (KYC), Know Your Product (KYP), Sales and Transactions, Continuous Management and Internal Management. Aiming at the problems and dilemmas encountered by the securities company KYC and the sales and trading parts, with the guidance of "dynamic prevention and control, multi-dimensional matching" and the establishment of investor sharing mechanisms through big data technology. Risk assessment data, a mechanism for continuously identifying in