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对经济利益的过度追求加剧了企业与社会期望之间的矛盾。由此引发一系列社会问题, 例如资源耗竭,生态环境恶化以及劳资矛盾等。进入新世纪以来,中国企业社会责任意识逐 步增强,矛盾在一定程度上得到缓解。根据中国社会科学院研究成果,中国企业社会责任发 展指数持续增长,但增速非常缓慢,并呈下降趋势。员工是组织的重要利益相关者,企业社 会责任对员工的影响已受到学者们关注。学者们从不同的角度探讨了企业社会责任对员工态 度和行为的影响。然而,研究结论并没有得到学者们的一致认同,且关于企业社会责任影响 研究中的中介机制和调节机制还没有得到充分探索。 论文回顾了大量相关文献发现,组织认同可能是企业社会责任感知与组织公民行为之间 影响关系的中介变量,职场八卦可能是企业社会责任感知与组织认同之间关系的调节变量。 在此基础上,提出了企业社会责任感知,组织认同,组织公民行为与工作场所八卦之间关系 的理论模型和研究假设。采用国外可靠量表对变量进行测量,分析样本数据表明:(1)企业 社会责任感知对组织公民行为有显著正向影响;(2)企业社会责任感知对组织认同有显著正 向影响;(3)组织认同对组织公民行为有显著正向影响;(4)组织认同在企业社会责任感知 与组织公民行为间起部分中介作用;(5)职场八卦在企业社会责任感知—组织认同—组织公 民行为的影响关系中起调节作用。 结合研究结论,本文从企业社会责任、职场八卦、组织认同三个视角提出相关管理建议。 最后对本文研究的局限性和未来研究的发展进行了总结。 关键词: 企业社会责任,组织认同,组织公民行为,职场八卦II Abstract The excessive pursuit of economic interests has exacerbated the conflicts between corporate and social requirements. This situation caused a series of social problems, such as depletion of resources, deterioration of the ecological environment, and labor conflicts. Since the beginning of the new century, Chinese corporate’awareness of social responsibility has gradually increased, and conflicts have been alleviated to a certain extent. China’s CSR development index continues to grow, but the growth rate is very slow and is declining. Employees are important stakeholders of a corporate, and the impact of CSR on employees has attracted scholars' attention. Scholars have explored the impact of CSR on employees’ attitudes and behaviors from different perspectives. However, the conclusions of researches have not been unanimously agreed by scholars, and the intermediary and regulating mechanisms in the study of corporate social responsibility have not been fully explored. This article reviews a large number of related literatures and finds that organizational identification may be an intermediary variable between perceived corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior, and workplace gossip may be a regulating variable between perceived CSR and organizational identification. On this basis, the theoretical models and research hypotheses of the relationship between perceived CSR, organizational identification, organizational citizenship behavior and workplace gossip are proposed. Variables were measured using foreign reliable scales, and analysis of sample data showed that: (1) Perceived CSR has a significant positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior; (2) Perceived CSR has a significant positive impact on organizational identification; (3) Organizational identification has a significant positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior; (4) Organizational identification plays a part of the mediating role between Perceived CSR and organizational citizenship behavior; (5)Workplace gossip plays a moderating role in the relationship of PCSR-OI-OCB. Based on the research conclusions, this article puts forward relevant management suggestions from three perspectives: corporate social responsibility, workplace gossip, and organizational identification. Finally, the limitations of the research and the development of future research are summarized. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Identification, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Workplace GossipIII 目录 第一章 绪论.. 1 研究背景........................ 1 1.2 研究意义......................... 3 1.2.1 理论意义.............. 3 1.2.2 现实意义.............. 4 1.3 研究思路及研究方法..... 5 1.3.1 研究思路.............. 5 1.3.2 研究方法.............. 6 1.4 研究内容......................... 6 1.5 技术路线图..................... 8 1.6 研究创新点..................... 9 第二章 文献综述....................... 10 企业社会责任感知...... 10 2.1.1 企业社会责任感知的概念内涵........ 10 2.1.2 企业社会责任感知的维度划分与测量方法................... 13 组织公民行为.............. 15 2.2.1 组织公民行为的概念内涵 ............... 15 2.2.2 组织公民行为的维度划分与测量方法........................... 16 组织认同...................... 18 2.3.1 组织认同的概念内涵 ....................... 18 2.3.2 组织认同的维度划分与测量方法.... 19 2.4 职场八卦....................... 19 2.4.1 职场八卦的概念内涵 ....................... 19 2.4.2 职场八卦的维度划分与测量方法.... 20 2.4.3 职场八卦的相关研究 ....................... 21 2.5 相关理论基础............... 22 2.5.1 社会交换理论.... 22 2.5.2 社会认同理论.... 22 2.5.3 利益相关者理论 23 2.6 综述小结....................... 24 第三章 研究假设与模型构建 ... 25 3.1 研究假设....................... 25 3.1.1 企业社会责任感知与组织公民行为之间的关系........... 25 3.1.2 企业社会责任感知与组织认同之间的关系................... 26 3.1.3 组织认同与组织公民行为之间的关系........................... 27 3.1.4 组织认同的中介效应 ....................... 28 3.1.5 职场八卦的调节效应 ....................... 28 3.2 研究模型构建............... 29 第四章 研究设计....................... 30 4.1 测量工具....................... 30 4.2 问卷结构....................... 30 4.3 问卷编制流程............... 31 4.4 样本选取和问卷发放... 32 4.5 统计分析方法介绍....... 32IV 第五章 统计分析与假设检验 ... 34 5.1 描述性统计分析........... 34 5.2 量表的信效度分析....... 35 5.2.1 量表信度分析.... 35 5.2.2 量表效度分析.... 36 5.3 方差分析....................... 38 5.3.1 性别的独立样本 T 检验................... 38 5.3.2 年龄的单因素方差分析 ................... 39 5.3.3 学历的单因素方差分析 ................... 40 5.3.4 岗位级别的单因素方差分析 ........... 41 5.4 变量间的相关分析....... 42 5.5 变量间的回归分析....... 43 5.5.1 企业社会责任感知对组织公民行为的回归................... 43 5.5.2 企业社会责任感知对组织认同的回归........................... 45 5.5.3 组织认同对组织公民行为的回归.... 46 5.6 中介效应检验............... 48 5.7 调节效应检验............... 49 5.7.1 调节效应检验结果 ........................... 49 5.7.2 有调节的中介效应 ........................... 50 5.8 假设测验结果............... 51 第六章 研究结论与展望........... 53 6.1 研究结论....................... 53 6.1.1 人口学变量的差异分析 ................... 53 6.1.2 企业社会责任感知对组织公民行为有显著正向影响... 54 6.1.3 企业社会责任感知对组织认同有显著的正向影响....... 54 6.1.4 组织认同对组织公民行为有显著正向影响................... 54 6.1.5 组织认同在企业社会责任感知与组织公民行为间起部分中介作用.......... 54 6.1.6 职场八卦在企业社会责任感知对组织认同的影响关系中起调节作用...... 55 6.2 管理建议....................... 55 6.3 研究局限....................... 57 6.4 研究展望....................... 57