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党的十八以来,国家高度重视高校学生思想政治工作,而辅导员作为学生思想 政治教育和学生管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,受到的关注也越来越多。由 于辅导员工作的特殊性和复杂性,其面临来自社会、组织、家庭和个人等方面的职 业压力也越来越凸显,深深地影响着辅导员的生理、心理和行为方面的变化。本文 以 DZ 高职院校辅导员为研究对象,深入探究 DZ 高职院校辅导员的职业压力源, 根据调查结果提出相应缓解辅导员职业压力的策略,为学校辅导员队伍建设提供 一点参考意见。 首先,通过梳理有关高校辅导员职业压力及压力源相关文献,对核心概念进行 界定,同时对斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯的压力源理论模型进行系统阐释,以便为实际调 查研究提供理论基础与指导。 其次,根据调查问卷结果对 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力及压力源情况进行分 析,得出以下结论:一是 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力普遍较大且处于中等偏上水 平,表明 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力问题亟待解决;二是在五个职业压力源维度 中,DZ 高职院校辅导员的压力程度从大到小依次为:辅导员成长影响因素、学校 民主人文关怀、工作负荷、社会学生因素和自身因素;三是 DZ 高职院校辅导员的 职业压力在年龄、性别、所带学生人数和专兼职性质四个方面存在显著差异。 最后,依托斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯的压力源理论,综合 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压 力情况,本文从社会、组织和个人三个层面提出了相应的缓解 DZ 高职辅导员职业 压力的策略,以期能够降低其职业压力感并提升职业幸福感。 关键词:辅导员;职业压力;职业压力源Abstract Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC, China has attached great importance to the ideological and political work of college students.As the organizer, implementor and director of the ideological and political education and student management, the counselor has gained more and more attention. Due to the particularity and complexity of counselors' work, they are faced with more and more prominent occupational stress from society, organization, family and individuals, which deeply influences the counselors' physical, psychological and behavioral changes. The article takes DZ higher vocational college counselors as the research object, deeply explores the occupational stress sources of DZ higher vocational college counselors, and puts forward corresponding strategies to relieve the occupational stress according to the survey results, so as to provide some Suggestions for the construction for the counselors' team of the college. First of all, this paper defines the core concepts by combing the relevant literature on occupational stress and stress sources of college counselors, and at the same time systematically explains Stephen P. Robbins' Stress Source Theoretical Model in order to provide theoretical basis and guidance for practical investigation and research. Secondly, according to the results of the questionnaire,the occupational stress and stress sources of counselors in DZ vocational college are analyzed, and the following conclusions are drawn: First, the occupational stress of counselors in DZ vocational college is generally high and above the medium level, indicating that the problem of occupational stress of counselors in DZ vocational college needs to be solved urgently. Second, in the five dimensions of occupational stress source, the degree of stress of counselors in DZ vocational college from the highest to the lowest is: counselor growth factor, democracy and humanistic care of the college, work load, social student factors and individual factors.Third,there are significant differences in the occupational stress of counselors in DZ vocational colleges in terms of age, gender, number of students and the nature of full time and part-time job. Finally, based on the stress source theoryof Stephen P. Robbins and theoccupational stress of DZ vocational college counselors, this paper puts forward corresponding strategies to alleviate the occupational stress of DZ vocational college counselors from the social, organizational and individual levels, so as to reduce their sense of occupationalstress and improve their occupational happiness. Key words: The counselor; Occupational stress; Occupation Pressure Source.目录 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 选题背景与意义 ............................................. 1 1.1.1 选题背景...................................................... 1 1.1.2 选题意义...................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究文献综述 ......................................... 2 1.2.1 国外研究文献综述.............................................. 2 1.2.2 国内研究文献综述.............................................. 5 1.3 研究思路与框架 ............................................. 7 1.3.1 研究思路...................................................... 7 1.3.2 研究框架...................................................... 8 1.4 研究方法与目的 ............................................. 8 1.4.1 研究方法...................................................... 8 1.4.2 研究目的...................................................... 9 第二章 相关理论概述 ...................................... 9 2.1 相关概念界定 ............................................... 9 2.1.1 高校辅导员.................................................... 9 2.1.2 职业压力..................................................... 10 2.1.3 职业压力源................................................... 11 2.2 斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯的压力源理论 ............................. 13 第三章 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力源调查问卷设计与发放..... 15 3.1 调查问卷设计 .............................................. 15 3.2 调查问卷发放与回收 ........................................ 16 3.3 调查对象基本情况 .......................................... 16 3.4 调查问卷的信度和效度检验 .................................. 17 3.4.1 信度分析..................................................... 17 3.4.2 效度分析..................................................... 18 第四章 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力源调查结果分析........... 18 4.1 描述性分析 ................................................ 18 4.1.1 辅导员整体压力感............................................ 18 4.1.2 辅导员成长影响因素压力程度分析.............................. 19 4.1.3 辅导员自身因素压力程度分析.................................. 194.1.4 社会、学生因素压力程度分析.................................. 20 4.1.5 工作负荷因素压力程度分析.................................... 21 4.1.6 学校民主、人文关怀因素压力程度分析.......................... 22 4.2 单因素方差分析 ............................................. 23 4.2.1 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的年龄差异分析 ..................... 23 4.2.2 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的婚姻差异分析 ..................... 23 4.2.3 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的文化差异分析 ..................... 24 4.2.4 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的用工形式差异分析 ................. 24 4.2.5 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的所带学生人数差异分析 ............. 25 4.3 独立样本 T 检验 ............................................. 25 4.3.1 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的性别差异分析 ..................... 25 4.3.2 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力的专兼职性质差异分析 ............... 26 4.4 回归分析 ................................................... 26 4.5 小结 ....................................................... 27 第五章 DZ 高职院校辅导员职业压力缓解策略................. 28 5.1 建立学生突发事件预警处置长效机制 ........................... 29 5.2 制度先行,完善辅导员晋升途经 ............................... 30 5.3 运用新媒体技术,提升辅导员日常工作效率 ..................... 32 5.4 建立社会支持网络,疏导女性辅导员职业压力 ................... 34 5.5 专兼结合,合理配比辅导员分配工作内容 ....................... 35 第六章 研究结论与展望 ................................... 35