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从2010年起,大型房企在国内的全国化布局基本完成,国内住宅地产发展进入了 瓶颈状态,其次,在国内楼市调控压力下,行业经营愈加困难,但同时,中国富人在海 外住宅市场表现出了巨大的消费潜力。在众多内外部因素的叠加下,国内众房企于2013 年开始大规模海外试水,竞相布局海外市常国内房企出海的时间不算长,面临着采购 模式如何制定,采购风险如何识别,评估,管控等诸多问题。目前房企海建材供应链管 控理论研究主要还集中于国内传统的采购解决方案研究上,亟需对海外建材供应链,特 别是风险较高的发达国家建材供应链进行系统的风险理论研究,以指导实践开展。 本文选择国内排名前五的房企之一——A公司作为研究对象,对其第一个发达国家 的项目——悉尼某公寓的材料采购模式和风险管理进行研究。A公司在业内以高度的供 应链垂直整合优势与快速开发能力著称,属于较早开拓海外地产市场的一批房企。本文 对“甲供”,“甲指乙供”与“乙供”三种采购模式进行详细论述,介绍了每种采购模 式的概念和特点,运行模式,各采购模式的优势,关键问题以及当地的应用程度。接着 运用文献追踪法,规范研究和个案研究相结合的方法对A公司悉尼公寓项目三种采购 模式进行了风险识别,定性风险评估分析,然后用问卷调查法,层次分析法等工具,计 算出三种采购模式的风险大小排序,之后对三种采购模式分别进行了风险管控措施的论 述与风险控制建议的提出,最后进行论述总结。 本文归纳总结出的这套针对发达国家的国际供应链采购模式风险分析与风险管控 手段对于国内刚走出去或打算走出去的房企以及其他行业的公司具有现实借鉴意义。本 文的研究从各方面剖析了面向发达国家的国际供应链风险管控要素,对打造低成本,高 利润,风险可控的国际采购供应链进行了初步探讨和研究。 关键词:海外房地产;海外供应链;国际采购;采购模式;风险管控 II ABSTRACT The nationwide distribution of large real estate developers in China has been completed basically since 2010, and the development of domestic residential real estate has entered a bottleneck state. Secondly, under the pressure of domestic real estate market regulation, the operation of the industry has become more and more difficult. However, at the same time, wealthy Chinese have shown great consumption potential in overseas housing market. Under the superposition of many internal and external factors, many domestic real estate developers began to explore overseas markets on a large scale in 2013, competing with each other to set up overseas markets. Domestic real estate developers have not been rich experience in overseas markets, and they are faced with many problems such as how to formulate procurement mode, how to identify, evaluate and control procurement risks. At present, the theoretical research on building materials supply chain management and control of real estate developers mainly focuses on the research on traditional domestic procurement solutions, so it is urgent to conduct systematic theoretical research on the risk of overseas building materials supply chain, especially the supply chain of building materials in developed countries with high risks, so as to guide the practice. In this paper, one of the top five real estate developers in China, Company A, is selected as the research object to study the material purchasing mode and risk management of an apartment in Sydney, which is the first project in developed country. Company A is famous in the industry for its advantages in vertical integration of supply chain and its rapid development ability. It belongs to the first lot of real estate developers that have developed overseas real estate market. This paper discusses in detail the three purchasing modes of "A supply", "A appoint B supply" and "B supply", and introduces the concept and characteristics, operation mode, advantages, key problems and local application degree of each purchasing mode. Three purchasing modes of the company A's Sydney apartment project have been carried on the risk identification, qualitative risk assessment analysis with the method of literature to track, the standard research and case research method, and then using the questionnaire survey method, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and particle swarm optimization algorithm etc. tools, this paper calculates the three procurement modes of risk order, after then, the three procurement modes respectively are introduced in risk control measures and risk control Suggestions are put forward, finally discusses the summary. The risk analysis and risk control measures of international supply chain procurement mode summarized in this paper are of practical significance for real estate developers and III companies in other industries that have just gone global or plan to go global. This paper analyzes the risk management and control factors of international supply chain for developed countries from various aspects, and makes a preliminary discussion and research on building an international procurement supply chain with low cost, high profit and controllable risk. Keywords: oversea real estate; oversea supply chain; international procurement; risk control IV 目 录 摘要 .................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................ II 目 录 ................................................................... IV 第一章 绪论 .............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ...................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ........................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ........................................................ 1 1.2 文献综述 ............................................................ 2 1.2.1 国际采购的理论研究 .............................................. 2 1.2.2 关于供应链与风险管控的理论研究 .................................. 3 1.2.3 供应链管理下的地产项目采购管理研究 .............................. 4 1.2.4 关于风险评估的研究 .............................................. 5 1.3 研究的主要内容及技术路线 ............................................ 6 1.3.1 主要内容 ........................................................ 6 1.3.2 研究方法 ........................................................ 7 1.3.3 技术路线 ........................................................ 8 第二章 项目概况及项目采购面临的三种模式 .................................. 9 2.1 公司简介 ............................................................ 9 2.2 项目背景分析 ....................................................... 10 2.3 三种采购模式-甲供采购模式 .......................................... 11 2.3.1 甲供管理模式的概念和特点 ....................................... 11 2.3.2 甲供管理的运行模式 ............................................. 13 2.3.3 甲供材料的优势 ................................................. 15 2.3.4 甲供材料管理的关键问题 ......................................... 17 2.4 甲指乙供采购模式 ................................................... 18 2.4.1 甲指乙供管理模式的概念和特点 ................................... 18 2.4.2 甲指乙供管理的运行模式 ......................................... 19 V 2.4.3 甲指乙供材料的优势 ............................................. 20 2.4.4 甲指乙供材料管理的关键问题 ..................................... 21 2.5 乙供采购模式 ....................................................... 21 2.5.1 乙供管理模式的概念和特点 ....................................... 21 2.5.2 乙供管理的运行模式 ............................................. 24 2.5.3 乙供材料的优势 ................................................. 26 2.5.4 乙供材料管理的关键问题 ......................................... 26 2.6 本章小结 ........................................................... 27 第三章 三种采购模式的劣势与项目采购模式风险识别 ......................... 28 3.1 甲供采购模式的劣势 ................................................. 28 3.2 甲指乙供采购模式的劣势 ............................................. 29 3.3 乙供采购模式的劣势 ................................................. 30 3.4 A公司项目采购模式风险识别 ......................................... 31 3.4.1 风险识别的方法 ................................................. 31 3.4.2 风险识别的主要因素 ...........................