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二十一世纪进入第三个十年的今天,我国国际化程度不断加深,与世界经济 的联系日益紧密。随着改革开放的不断深化,中国已将教育供给侧结构性改革提 上日程,并逐步有序的推进。如今发展民办教育,丰富办学主体已成为社会共识, 政府通过颁布法律法规、出台政策条款,提升民办教育地位,为民办学校办学营 造良好环境。近十年间在所有的民办教育企业中,表现最为突出的是少儿英语培 训企业,由于行业和市场体量巨大,前景开阔,各种少儿英语培训机构如雨后春 笋般开设起来。但是,进入门槛低、监管机制的不健全使整个行业的发展面临着 诸多问题和质疑。2017年以来,随着国家教育政策的调整以及外部资本的涌入, 儿童英语教育培训行业竞争不断加剧,传统的教学、服务、营销模式迎来考验和 挑战。对于教育培训企业而言,独特的教学理念、优良的教学环境、高质量的师 资队伍以及服务质量成为满足顾客需求的关键。 企业客户关系是当下研究的热点,笔者以顾客满意为角度,运用案例与实证 相结合的方法来进行研究。所研究的A少儿英语培训公司(以下简称A公司)属 于R外资英语教育集团,专门从事3-12岁少年儿童的英语启蒙教育。由于进入 昆明市场较早,取得了一些成绩。然而,随着企业规模的扩大,外部市场竞争加 剧,A公司在客户关系管理方面产生了很多问题,导致顾客满意度和忠诚度的降 低,老顾客流失,企业利润降低的经营状况。为了探究A公司顾客流失的原因所 在,笔者在研究了大量的相关文献资料和理论知识后,决定对其顾客满意度进行 测评,有了具体数据后就可以把定性问题转化为定量问题来研究。 首先,需要从顾客关系管理与维护的角度分析了A公司目前的情况,为后文 测评的方向奠定基矗随后采用层次分析法,根据A公司的现状建立顾客满意度 指标体系,在这个过程中,指标的权重是测评有效与否的关键。在指标选取以及 确定权重的问题上,笔者采用问卷调查和赋值法相结合,构造了一个相对直观的 测评方法,算出了A公司顾客满意度分数。接下来综合分析导致顾客满意度降低 的主要原因,其问题主要出在以下几个方面:师资团队不稳定、服务流程存在漏 洞、环境布局不合理、价格变动频繁、学习效果不明显以及广告宣传过度。找到 了问题和原因之后,结合营销学和顾客关系管理理论的知识,针对性地提出相应 的策略来提升顾客满意度,挽回可能失去的顾客,这些优化策略分别是:加强教 师物质和心理层面的激励、实施差异化的顾客关系管理模式、改善外部环境和内 部设施、制定并统一合理的价格策略、拓展学习效果反馈平台以及优化广告营销 渠道。 面对少儿英语培训市场中如此竞争的激烈情况,已经不再是简单的产品和价 II 格的比拼,逐渐演变成了客户资源的争夺。在少儿英语培训市场未来的发展过程 中将会使发展的焦点逐渐转移到客户资源的获取上,客户已经成为主宰企业发展 与兴衰的决定因素。正所谓“服务好一位老客户,胜过开发10位新客户”。因此, 企业只有实施客户满意服务战略,建立良好的客户服务管理制度,才能立足于市 常在这样的市场压力下,为了能够保证核心竞争力上的实力,使自身竞争优势 得以凸显,我国少儿英语培训企业要将更多的关注度放在客户满意度和忠诚度的 研究上,只有给予这方面足够的重视,才能获得长足的发展。 关键词:A少儿英语培训公司;顾客满意度;客户关系管理;层次分析法 III Abstract As the 21st century enters the third decade, China's internationalization is continuously deepening, and its links with the world economy are becoming increasingly close. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, China has put the education supply- side structural reform on the agenda and gradually and orderly advance it. Nowadays, it has become a social consensus to develop private education and enrich the main body of running schools. The government has promulgated laws and regulations and introduced policy provisions to enhance the status of private education and create a good environment for private schools to run schools. In the past ten years, among all the private education companies, the most outstanding performance is the children ’s English training companies. Due to the huge size of the industry and the market and the broad prospects, various children ’s English training institutions have sprung up. However, the low entry barrier and the imperfect supervision mechanism have made the development of the entire industry face many problems and doubts. Since 2017, with the adjustment of national education policies and the influx of external capital, competition in the children's English education and training industry has intensified, and the traditional teaching, service, and marketing models have ushered in trials and challenges. For education and training companies, unique teaching concepts, excellent teaching environment, high-quality teaching staff and service quality have become the key to meeting customer needs. Enterprise customer relationship is the hotspot of current research. From the perspective of customer satisfaction, the author uses case and empirical methods to conduct research. The researched company A belongs to R Foreign Language English Education Group, which specializes in English enlightenment education for children aged 3-12. Since entering the Kunming market earlier, some achievements have been made. However, as the scale of the enterprise expands and competition in the external market intensifies, Company A has many problems in customer relationship management, leading to a decrease in customer satisfaction and loyalty, loss of old customers, and a decrease in corporate profits. In order to investigate the cause of the company A's customer churn, after studying a large amount of relevant literature and theoretical knowledge, I decided to evaluate its customer satisfaction. With specific data, I can turn qualitative problems into quantitative problems. First of all, we need to analyze the current situation of Company A from the perspective of customer relationship management and maintenance, and lay the foundation for the direction of later evaluation. Subsequently, the analytic hierarchy process was used to IV establish a customer satisfaction index system based on the current situation of Company A. In this process, the weight of the index is the key to the effectiveness of the evaluation. With regard to the selection of indicators and the determination of weights, the author uses a combination of questionnaire survey and assignment method to construct a relatively intuitive evaluation method to calculate the customer satisfaction score of Company A. Next, a comprehensive analysis of the main reasons leading to the reduction of customer satisfaction, the problems mainly lie in the following aspects: unstable teacher team, loopholes in the service process, unreasonable environmental layout, frequent price changes, insignificant learning effects and excessive advertising . After finding the problems and causes, combined with the knowledge of marketing and customer relationship management theory, put forward corresponding strategies to improve customer satisfaction and recover customers who may be lost. These optimization strategies are: strengthen the physical and psychological level of teachers Incentives, implementation of differentiated customer relationship management models, improvement of external environment and internal facilities, formulation and unification of reasonable pricing strategies, expansion of learning effect feedback platforms, and optimization of advertising and marketing channels. Faced with such fierce competition in the children's English training market, it is no longer a simple product and price competition, and it has gradually evolved into a competition for customer resources. In the future development of the children's English training market, the focus of development will gradually shift to the acquisition of customer resources, and customers have become the determinants of the development and rise and fall of enterprises. As the saying goes, "serving an old customer well is better than developing 10 new customers." Therefore, only by implementing a customer satisfaction service strategy and establishing a good customer service management system can an enterprise gain a foothold in the market. Under such market pressure, in order to ensure the strength of the core competitiveness and highlight its own competitive advantage, Chinese children's English training companies should pay more attention to the research of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Only by paying enough attention to this