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随着移动网络通讯技术、移动智能终端与云计算等技术的广泛发展和普及,以及2020 年受突如其来新冠肺炎疫情的影响,大大引发了人们对传统教学方式的探索与变革。“互 联网+”与传统教学的有机结合, 涌现出许多移动教学助手APP。据统计,自2020年新冠 肺炎疫情爆发以后,各大主流媒体软件都快速响应并积极开发了很多在线教育平台及课 程。其中,“蓝墨云班课APP”便是众多教学APP中的一种,该APP是国内第一款免费的智 能教学手机APP,2014年推出后就备受高校青年教师和学生的喜爱。该APP为师生开展课 堂内外互动提供了一个现代化的教学云服务平台,用户可以在该APP上实现记录学生考勤、 完成线上作业、及时下载任课教师的课件、教师发布教学资源以及学生小组讨论等功能。 随着2020年突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,导致该APP在高校中的下载量和使用量均呈现快 速增长,面对更多占有市场机遇的同时也面临着来自其他在线教育平台的竞争和挑战。 本论文以独立学院(ZJ学院)为调查对象,根据蓝墨云班课APP的特点和主要功能从 愉悦性、可靠性、功能性和交互性四个方面构建了多级用户满意度综合指标评价体系,采 用问卷调查的方式对蓝墨云班课APP在ZJ学院的师生使用情况进行了用户满意度测算。 研究结果表明,用户对主要功能的满意度从高到低依次为愉悦性、功能性、可靠性和交互 性。研究认为,该APP在品牌宣传推广、学习平台信息反馈以及与用户进行有效沟通等方 面还存在着比较大的提升空间。 基于此研究蓝墨云班课APP用户满意度对于蓝墨云公司来说有着重要的意义。进行用 户满意度调查不仅可以帮助蓝墨云公司了解自身产品的优势和劣势,促使公司不断创新和 完善其产品,更好地满足用户的需求;而且对于提高蓝墨品牌的知名度和美誉度都有着重 要的意义。 关键词: 在线教育;用户满意度;用户满意度测评;综合指标评价体系 Abstract Tradition approach of teaching has been transformed with wide adoption of internet, smart devices, cloud computing and especially the global pandemic in 2020. As a result of the effective combination of "Internet +" and traditional teaching, many mobile teaching assistant APPs, online education platforms and courses have been developed. Lanmoyun App is one of them. This app is the first free smart teaching mobile app in China, and has been well received by young teachers and students in Colleges and Universities since its launch in 2014. The app provides cloud services for teachers and students to interact inside and outside the classroom. Users can record students' attendance, complete online homework, download teachers' courseware in time, release teaching materials and conduct group discussion on the app. The APP downloads and usage in universities have been increasing rapidly. Embracing great market opportunities, it also faces competition and challenges from other online education platforms. The thesis takes the independent college (ZJ College) as the research object. According to the characteristics and main functions of the app, it constructs a multi-level user survey system from four aspects: satisfaction, reliability, functionality and interactivity, using questionnaire survey to evaluate user’s satisfaction with Lanmoyun App in ZJ College. Research believes that there are plenty room to enhance on areas like brand promotion, platform information feedback, effective communication, etc. The conclusion from this research is that APP user satisfaction is of great importance for Lanmoyun company. The customer satisfaction survey can help Lanmoyun company to understand the advantages and disadvantages of its own products, promote the constant innovation, improve its products and better meet the needs of users. More importantly, it is of great significance to improve the popularity and brand recognition of Lanmoyun.