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I 摘要 当前,我们国家正在经济和社会的全面发展的关键阶段中,企业的生存环境变 得日益复杂,面临着很大的风险,现代企业面临的竞争环境也开始变得日益复杂, 危机可以说是无处不在,企业面临着许多的营销风险。防范相关的营销风险,对于 现代公司的发展来说需要引起重视,甚至最终能够成为决定该企业生死存亡的关键 因素。在如今这个激烈的市场竞争当中,企业如何能够化“危”为“机”,使企业处 在危机的时候能够有生存能力,尤其是怎么样将市场营销风险置于可以控制的范围 之内,这些是每个企业都必须重视的课题。 本文以J县信誉楼作为研究对象进行研究,就是为了能够分析总结当前的市场 营销风险管理现状,发现企业营销风险管理中存在的漏洞,并做到帮助企业解决这 些营销风险漏洞。文章首先阐述了研究的背景、目的及意义;并对企业面临的营销 风险管理现状及存在的问题进行分析,认为企业在营销风险管理方面存在营销风险 预警机制不健全、营销风险管理人员素质不高等问题,并从主观、客观两个方面分 析了J县信誉楼营销风险的成因; 其次,讨论了J县信誉楼营销风险的识别、评价与 预警体系,用层次分析法构建了J县信誉楼营销风险指标体系,对J县信誉楼的营销 风险管理建模并进行求解,根据实际情况对J县信誉楼营销风险状态进行分析并建 立了风险预警机制;最后,对J县信誉楼营销风险规避提出了建议,通过对J县信誉 楼的风险管理方法进行改进,给出企业相关的营销风险管理办法。 关键词 营销风险;营销组合风险;风险评价指标;零售;风险管理设计;层次分析 Abstract II Abstract Our country is in the key stage of the all-round development of economy and society, the living environment of enterprises has become increasingly complex, facing great risks, and the competitive environment faced by modern enterprises has also started to become increasingly complex, crisis can be said to be everywhere, enterprises are facing many marketing risks. To guard against the related marketing risk, for the development of modern companies need to attract attention, and even ultimately become the key factor to determine the survival of the enterprise. In today's fierce market competition, how can enterprises turn "crisis" into "opportunity" , so that they can survive in times of crisis, especially how to bring marketing risk into a controllable range, these are each enterprise must attach importance to the topic. J county credit building as the research object in this paper, is to be analyzed and summarized the current situation of marketing risk management, found that there are loopholes in enterprise marketing risk management, and to help enterprises to solve these marketing risk loopholes. Firstly, the background, objectives and significance of this study is described, and marketing risk management faced by enterprises and analysis of the existing problems, the author holds that there are some problems in the marketing risk management of enterprises, such as the imperfect marketing risk early warning mechanism and the low quality of the marketing risk managers, and analyzes the causes of the marketing risk of the credit building of J county from the subjective and objective aspects, the marketing risk identification, evaluation and Early Warning System of the credit building of J county is discussed in this paper, Constructs the marketing risk index system of the credit building of J county with the analytic hierarchy process, and builds the marketing risk management model of the credit building of J county and solves the problem, according to the actual situation, the marketing risk state of the credit building of J county and establishes the risk early-warning mechanism is analyzed in this paper; Finally, it puts forward some suggestions on the marketing risk elusion of the credit building of J county, and improves the risk management method of the credit building of J county, the methods of marketing risk management is given in this paper. Keywords Marketing risk; Marketing mix risk; Risk assessment index; Retail; Risk management design; Analytic hierarchy process 目 录 III 目 录 摘要 ....... I Abstract .... II 第1章 绪 论 ......................... 1 1.1 论文的研究背景和选题意义 .................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............. 1 1.1.2 选题意义 ............. 1 1.2 研究内容及方法 ......... 2 1.2.1 文章的主要研究内容 ........................ 2 1.2.2 研究方法 ............. 2 1.3 研究思路及框架 ......... 2 1.4 本文的主要工作和可能的创新之处 ........ 3 1.5 本章小结 ..................... 4 第2章 营销风险管理的理论和综述 ................... 5 2.1 相关概念和界定 ......... 5 2.1.1 营销风险 ............. 5 2.1.2 风险的识别 ......... 5 2.1.3 营销风险管理 ..... 5 2.1.4 营销风险控制 ..... 6 2.1.5 百货零售业 ......... 6 2.2 国内外研究综述 ......... 7 2.2.1 国外研究现状 ..... 7 2.2.2 国内研究现状 ..... 8 2.2.3 研究述评 ............. 8 2.3 营销风险管理的基本理论 ........................ 9 2.3.1 营销理论 ............. 9 2.3.2 营销风险管理理论 .......................... 10 2.3.3 营销预警管理理论 .......................... 10 2.4 本章小结 ................... 12 第3章 J县信誉楼营销风险管理现状及问题分析 .......................... 13 3.1 J县信誉楼简介 ......... 13 3.2 J县信誉楼营销风险管理现状 ................ 13 河北科技大学硕士学位论文 IV 3.3 J县信誉楼营销风险管理存在的问题 .... 14 3.3.1 缺少营销风险管理流程 .................. 14 3.3.2 缺乏营销风险管理意识 .................. 14 3.3.3 风险管理预警系统不健全 .............. 14 3.3.4 缺乏营销风险防范执行 .................. 15 3.4 J县信誉楼营销风险成因分析 ................ 15 3.4.1 主观原因 ........... 16 3.4.2 客观原因 ........... 16 3.5 本章小结 ................... 16 第4章 J县信誉楼营销风险管理设计 ............... 17 4.1 营销风险管理基本程序 .......................... 17 4.1.1 市场营销风险识别 .......................... 17 4.1.2 营销风险分析 ... 17 4.1.3 营销风险评价及决策 ...................... 18 4.1.4 营销风险预警 ... 18 4.1.5 营销风险控制 ... 18 4.2 营销风险管理设计原则 .......................... 18 4.3 营销风险管理的设计 .............................. 19 4.3.1 了解企业及其营销环境 .................. 19 4.3.2 营销风险管理实施 .......................... 19 4.3.3 营销风险应对处理 .......................... 19 4.3.4 营销风险监控和评估 ...................... 19 4.4 本章小结 ..................... 20 第5章 J县信誉楼营销风险管理实证分析 ....... 21 5.1 J县信誉楼营销风险识别 ........................ 21 5.1.1 J县信誉楼营销管理内部风险 ....... 21 5.1.2 J县信誉楼营销管理外部风险因素 .............................. 22 5.2 J县信誉楼营销风险分析 ........................ 23 5.3 J县信誉楼营销风险评价 ........................ 26 5.4 J县信誉楼风险预警机制建设 ................ 30 5.5 本章小结 ................... 30 第6章 J县信誉楼营销风险管理的改进策略 ... 31 6.1 营销组合风险管理对策 .......................... 31 6.1.1 优化产品组合 ... 31 目 录 V 6.1.2 制定合理的产品价格 ...................... 31 6.1.3 丰富促销形式 ... 32 6.2 营销人员风险管理对策 .......................... 32 6.2.1 增强人员风险防范意识 .................. 32 6.2.2 加大对营销管理团队的培训力度 .. 33 6.3 其他营销风险管理对策 .......................... 33 6.3.1 加强消费者流失风险管控 .............. 33 6.3.2 加强供应商风险防范 ...................... 33 6.4 本章小结 ................... 34 第7章 J县信誉楼营销风险管理的保障措施 ... 35 7.1 规范营销人员管理制度 .......................... 35 7.1.1 规范营销人员进出机制 .................. 35 7.1.2 制定完善的激励机制 ...................... 36 7.1.3 树立营销人员培养与使用相结合的思想 ..................... 36 7.2 建立和完善风险管理制度 ...................... 36 7.2.1 加强企业风险防范组织制度建设 .. 36 7.2.2 差异化风险处理制度 ...................... 37 7.2.3 完善企业风险管理激励机制 .......... 37 7.3 构建风险管理预警系统 .......................... 37 7.4 完善营销费用监审 ... 38 7.5 本章小结 ................... 38 结 论 ..... 39 附 录 ..... 41 附录A ........................... 41 附录B ........................... 41