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摘要 我国的房地产市场经过几十年的发展,也成为国民经济的重要组成部分。 近年来,受国内外各种因素影响,我国房地产行业发生了很大变化,政府相继出 台多项政策,对房地产业进行宏观调控,房地产企业间的竞争也更加激烈。 2020年1月以来,由于新冠疫情的影响,房地产公司资金压力倍增,融资更加 困难,中小房地产企业危机重重。本文以河南JY房地产公司为例,研究中小房 地产企业如何生存发展,如何在竞争中发挥优势,如何制定良好的发展战略, 因此有一定的代表性。 从河南JY房地产公司外部环境来说,2016年以来,全国TOP100名的房地 产商有50多家入驻郑州,对郑州市场的冲击异常激烈,加上本土开发商的竞争, 河南JY房地产公司面临很大的外部威胁,企业自身的管理能力、品牌影响力、 资金实力均无法与一线房地产企业和本土知名房地产企业正面拼杀。而对于内 部环境,河南JY房地产开发公司作为本土区域性房地产企业,企业的组织框架、 文化建设、人才梯队建设、融资能力、运营能力等与一线房地产企业相比,存 在一些不足之处,企业必须对内外部环境进行认真思考,并找到战略发展方向。 在理论研究方面,本文使用PEST模型、SWOT模型、五力模型三种分析 工具,对河南JY房地产公司所处的内外部环境进行了详实的分析论证,并指出 其在发展中存在的问题并提出改进建议及方案,河南JY房地产公司内部优势相 对明显,外部市场竞争力较弱,因此应采取多元化发展战略,前期利用土地优 势与一线房地产企业合作开发,减少资金压力,后期采用多元化发展战略,整 合企业资源,从多方面多角度入手,大力发展物业、商业等相关产业,为企业 后续涉足医疗、生态农业奠定基础,以增强企业竞争力,多元化的发展,正是 河南JY房地产公司目前正在探索的方向。 本文通过对河南JY房地产公司多元化发展战略的研究,对中小房地产企业 的生存和发展,必将提供一定的参考价值。 关键词:河南JY房地产;发展战略;多元化 Abstract Abstract After decades of development, China's real estate market has become an important part of the national economy. In recent years, under the influence of various factors at home and abroad, great changes have taken place in China's real estate industry. The government has issued a number of policies to carry out macro-control on the real estate industry, and the competition among real estate enterprises has become more intense. Since January 2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19, real estate companies have faced double financial pressure, more difficulties in financing, and the crisis of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises. Taking Henan JY Real Estate Company as an example, this paper studies how small and medium-sized real estate enterprises survive and develop, how to give full play to their advantages in competition, and how to formulate a good development strategy. Therefore, it is representative to some extent. From the external environment of Henan JY Real Estate Company, since 2016, more than 50 of the TOP100 real estate developers in China have entered Zhengzhou, and the impact on Zhengzhou market is extremely fierce. Plus, the competition from local developers, Henan JY Real Estate Company faces a great external threat. The enterprise's own management ability, brand influence and capital strength are unable to compete with the front-line real estate enterprises and local well-known real estate enterprises. For the internal environment, Henan JY as local regional real estate enterprises, real estate development company of the enterprise organization framework, cultural construction, talent echelon construction, financing ability, operating ability compared with a line of real estate enterprises, there are some deficiencies, the enterprise must think seriously about internal and external environment, and find a strategic direction. In theoretical research, this article USES the PEST model, SWOT model, three young model analysis tools, to the internal and external environment of Henan JY Real Estate Company has carried on the detailed analysis, and points out the problems exist in the development of it and put forward improvement suggestion and scheme, Henan JY Real Estate Company's internal advantage relatively obvious, the external market Abstract competitiveness is weak, Therefore should adopt diversified development strategy, the early use of real estate enterprise cooperation development advantages and a land line, reducing the pressure of money and the late adopt diversified development strategy, integrate enterprise resources, from various angles, and to develop the property management, business and other related industries, and follow-up for the enterprise involved in medical treatment and ecological agriculture foundation, to enhance enterprise competitiveness, diversified development, Henan JY Real Estate Company is currently exploring the direction. Through the research on the diversification development strategy of Henan JY Real Estate Company, this paper will provide certain reference value for the survival and development of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises. Key words: Henan JY Real Estate;Development strategy;Diversified 目录 目录 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景及研究意义 ....................................... 1 一、研究背景 ............................................................ 1 二、研究意义 ............................................................ 2 第二节 国内外相关研究现状 ....................................... 3 一、国外研究现状 ........................................................ 3 二、国内研究现状 ........................................................ 4 第三节 研究内容与研究方法 ....................................... 5 一、研究内容 ............................................................ 5 二、研究方法 ............................................................ 7 第二章 战略管理概念及理论基础 ............................ 9 第一节 战略管理相关概述 ......................................... 9 一、战略管理概念 ........................................................ 9 二、战略管理理论 ........................................................ 9 三、战略管理分析工具 ................................................... 11 第二节 战略管理的过程 .......................................... 11 一、确定企业使命阶段 ................................................... 11 二、战略分析阶段 ....................................................... 11 三、战略选择阶段 ....................................................... 12 四、战略实施阶段 ....................................................... 12 第三章 河南JY房地产开发有限公司外部环境分析 ........... 13 第一节 宏观环境分析 ............................................ 13 一、政治环境分析 ....................................................... 13 二、经济环境分析 ....................................................... 15 三、社会环境分析 ....................................................... 20 四、技术环境分析 ....................................................... 22 目录 第二节 房地产行业竞争结构分析 .................................. 23 一、供应商的议价能力 ................................................... 23 二、购买者的议价能力 ................................................... 23 三、替代品的威胁 ....................................................... 24 四、潜在进入者的威胁 ................................................... 24 五、现有竞争者的威胁 ................................................... 25 第三节 郑州房地产市场分析 ...................................... 25 一、土地供应情况分析 ................................................... 26 二、城市发展情况分析 ................................................... 27 三、主要竞争对手分析 ................................................... 29 第四章 河南JY房地产开发有限公司内部环境分析 ........... 32 第一节 河南JY房地产公司简介 ................................... 32 第二节 河南JY房地产公司的组织结构 ............................. 34 第三节 河南JY房地产公司的资源及能力分析 ....................... 35 一、河南JY房地产公司的资源分析 ........................................ 35 二、河南JY房地产公司的能力分析 ........................................ 37 第四节 河南JY房地产公司SWOT分析 ............................ 39 一、公司所具有的优势分析 ................................