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? ?I ? 摘要 十九大以来,全面深化改革、经济结构转型调整、利率市场化步伐加快、宏观审 慎双支柱框架建立并实施,国内商业银行发展环境不断变化。随着产业结构调整加快, 市场环境日趋复杂,银行业风险隐患增大,不良贷款上升,利润增速放缓,银行业面 临的生存形势严峻。面对复杂的外部经济环境,中国银行业必须进行战略转型,不断 完善经营机制,加快技术的创新应用,规范各类业务流程,提升综合实力。农商行经 过数十年的发展,已逐步发展为县域市场不可缺少的金融机构。但是,要在现代金融 市场上继续占据较大的市场份额,农商行还需不断调整自身发展模式,还有面对市场 的各种考验。 在当前国内银行业内部驱动乏力与外部竞争加剧,市场格局不明晰的形势下,本 文以MT农商行的发展战略为研究方向,在研究相关企业战略管理理论和收集多份文 献的基础上,对MT农商行发展战略的选择、制定和实施进行深入研究。本文运用PEST、 波特五力和SWOT分析工具对MT农商行的内外部以及行业环境进行了分析。通过对宏 观环境、行业环境和企业内部环境的分析阐述,选择更具针对性的发展战略。通过分 析研究,选择差异化战略作为MT农商行的发展战略,结合企业具体情况,把产品服 务差异化化、渠道差异化作为主要发展战略。并以树立底线思维防控风险、优化公司 组织结构、加强信息科技体制创新、建立科学的人力资源体系作为MT农商行发展战 略的保障措施,确保MT农商行的发展战略能全面有效执行。  在西部内陆省份的地方法人金融机构之中,MT农商行是极具代表性的,本文针 对MT农商行的发展现状进行研究分析,并使其理论分析落地,为MT农商行的中长期 发展出谋划策。本文的研究内容对丰富农商行的理论具有一定实际意义,为同类型农 商行发展战略的制定提供了样本和可供参考的方案。 ? ? ? 关键词:MT农商行 发展战略 战略实施 Abstract? ?II Abstract Since the 19th national congress , the comprehensive deepening of reforms, the adjustment of economic restructuring, the acceleration of interest rate marketization, the establishment and implementation of a macro-prudential dual-pillar framework, and the changing environment of domestic commercial banks are continually changing. With the adjustment of industrial structure, the market environment is becoming more and more complex, the risk of banking risks is increasing, non-performing loans are rising, profit growth is slowing down, and the banking industry is facing a severe survival situation. Confronting the dense external economic environment, the Chinese banking industry must carry out strategic transformation, constantly improve the operating mechanism, accelerate the innovation and application of technology, standardize various business processes, and enhance comprehensive strength. After decades of development, the rural commercial bank has gradually developed into an indispensable financial institution in the county market. However, in order to continue to occupy a large market share in the prevailing financial market, the rural commercial banks also need to constantly adjust their own development models, as well as face the numerous tests of the market. Under the current situation that the internal driving weakness and external competition in the domestic banking industry are intensifying and the market structure is not clear, this paper takes the development strategy of MT Rural Commercial Bank as the research direction, based on the research of relevant enterprise strategic management theory and the collection of multiple documents, In-depth study on the selection, formulation and implementation of MT Rural Commercial Bank's development strategy. This paper uses pest, Porter Five Forces and SWOT analysis tools to analyze the internal and external aspects of MT Rural Commercial Bank and the industrial environment. Through the analysis of the macro environment, the industry environment and the internal environment of the enterprise, we will choose a more targeted development strategy. Through analysis and research, we choose the differentiation strategy as the development strategy of MT farmer's business, and combine the product and service differentiation and channel differentiation as the main development strategy founded on the peculiar situation of the enterprise. And to establish a bottom line thinking to prevent and control risks, optimize the company's organizational structure, strengthen the information technology system innovation, establish a scientific human resources system as a safeguard for the development strategy of MT rural commercial banks, to ensure that the development strategy of MT Rural Commercial Bank can be fully and Abstract? ?III effectively implemented.   Among the land-based financial institutions in the western inland provinces, MT rural commercial bank is very representative. This paper studies and analyzes the progress status of MT rural commercial bank, and makes its theoretical analysis of the mid- and long-term development of MT farms. Make suggestions. The research content of this paper has certain practical significance for enriching the theory of rural commercial banks, and provides a sample and a plan for reference for the formulation of the development strategy of the same type of rural commercial banks. Keywords: MT rural commercial bank, development strategy, strategy implementation 目录? ?IV 目录 摘要 ............ I ABSTRACT ........................... II 1 绪论 ....... 1 1.1研究背景与意义 ............. 1 1.1.1研究背景 .................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .................. 2 1.2文献综述 ......................... 3 1.2.1国外研究综述 .......... 3 1.2.2国内研究综述 .......... 5 1.2.3简要评述 .................. 6 1.3研究的内容和方法 ......... 7 1.3.1研究的内容 .............. 7 1.3.2研究的方法 .............. 8 1.4创新之处与不足 ............. 9 1.4.1研究的创新 .............. 9 1.4.2研究的不足 .............. 9 2 相关理论基础 .................. 10 2.1企业战略理论 ............... 10 2.2农村金融理论 ............... 10 2.3差异化发展理论 ........... 11 3 国内外中小商业银行发展战略的启示 ......... 13 3.1国外中小商业银行战略案例 ...................... 13 3.1.1精心打造特色产品和服务 ................... 13 3.1.2制定精准化客户营销策略 ................... 14 3.1.3强化风险防控 ........ 14 3.2国内中小商业银行战略案例 ...................... 14 3.2.1大股东违规占用包商银行大量资金 ... 14 3.2.2资产端结构“偏科”,部分领域集中度过高 ....................... 15 3.2.3负债端“缺血”情况较为明显,短期负债偏高 ................... 16 3.2.4不良资产、逾期贷款持续攀升,风险抵补能力弱化 ...... 16 3.3同类银行战略对中小商业银行发展的启示 ............................. 17 3.3.1桑坦德银行战略启示 ........................... 17 目录? ?V 3.3.2包商银行战略启示 18 4 MT农村商业银行外部发展环境分析 ......... 20 4.1农村商业银行行业环境分析 ...................... 20 4.1.1农商行发展概述 .... 20 4.1.2农商行发展中存在的问题 ................... 21 4.1.3可持续发展战略趋势 ........................... 21 4.2宏观环境(PEST)分析 ............................ 23 4.2.1政治环境分析 ........ 23 4.2.2经济环境分析 ........ 23 4.2.3社会环境分析 ........ 24 4.2.4技术环境分析 ........ 25 4.2.5外部环境综合评价 26 4.3行业竞争环境分析(波特五力) .............. 26 4.3.1现有竞争者能力分析 ........................... 27 4.3.2购买者议价能力分析 ........................... 31 4.3.3供应商议价能力分析 ........................... 31 4.3.4产品替代能力分析 31 4.3.5潜在进入者分析 .... 32 4.3.5行业环境综合评价 32 5 MT农商行内部条件分析 .............................. 33 5.1内部环境分析 ............... 33 5.1.1MT农商行简介 ...... 33 5.1.2管理结构分析 ........ 34 5.1.3总资产情况 ............ 34 5.1.4总体经营情况 ........ 35 5.1.5市场定位情况 ........ 37 5.1.6风险控制能力 ........ 38 5.1.7企业文化 ................ 39 5.1.8股东结构 ................ 39 5.1.9内部环境综合评价 40 5.2MT农村商业银行业务发展SWOT分析 .. 40 5.2.1主要优势 ................ 40 5.2.2主要劣势 ................ 41 5.2.3发展机遇 ................ 44 5.2.4面临威胁 ................ 45 目录? ?VI 5.2.5 SWOT矩阵分析 .... 46 6 MT农商行差异化战略的实施...................... 50 6.1MT农商行差异化战略总体描述 ................ 50 6.2MT农商行市场定位差异化战略 ................ 51 6.2.1大力发展个人金融 51 6.2.2定位服务小微企业 52 6.3MT农商行金融产品差异化战略 ................ 52 6.3.1创新发展同业金融 52 6.3.2融合发展综合金