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I 摘要 相对于一般的项目管理模式,代建制模式发展时间较短,目前仍然处于不断 探索的过程中。代建制模式具有利益主体多、委托代理链长等特点,但目前尚未 形成足够成熟的理论依据。并且代建制单位作为代建制模式核心部分,少有研究 站在其视角对其所管理的企业工程项目进行风险管理研究。 因此,本文以A办公楼代建工程项目为案例,从代建单位的视角对A办公楼 企业工程项目进行风险管理研究。A办公楼代建工程项目中业主单位与代建单位 为同属集团总公司的全资子公司,有着长期稳定的合作关系,决定了项目需要采 用代建制模式。代建单位负责整个项目的管理,能够很好得提高项目的专业化管 理程度,沟通协调好各利益主体,但同时也面临着法律地位不明确、风险涉及面 广、风险涉及金额较大等问题,因此有必要结合相关理论并根据项目的具体特点 对其面临的项目风险进行合理的管理。 本文首先回顾了我国代建制模式、代建制项目及风险管理研究的相关文献, 对代建制模式、代建单位、代建项目及其风险管理和层次分析法方法进行了介绍, 为后续研究奠定理论基础。然后,对A办公楼企业代建工程项目进行了项目简介, 并介绍了项目利益相关方的组织框架及项目自身特点。在项目结构和特点的基础 上,对A办公楼企业工程项目的工作进行了分解,由此识别出该代建项目中前期 策划、建设准备、工程实施、竣工交付4个阶段代建单位可能面临的风险,然后 应用层次分析法对该代建项目的风险进行量化分析,得出代建项目在各阶段面临 的主要风险,再结合项目具体目标为风险进行排序。其中,A办公楼企业代建工 程项目的主要风险有设计单位的选择、初步设计及施工图设计、施工和设备采购 合同管理、招标的进度、施工手续报批、施工进度控制、立项批复进度、工程结 算的风险、维保修的风险、工程投资变更的风险和设计变更的风险等。最后,对 按照重要性排序分类后的风险因素提出了相应的应对措施。本文通过研究A办公 楼企业代建项目面临的风险问题,可以加强代建单位在以后代建项目中的风险防 范意识,提高其风险管理能力。 关键词:代建单位;企业工程项目;层次分析法;风险管理 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT Compared with the general project management model, the development time of the agent construction system model is shorter, and it is still in the process of continuous exploration. The agent construction system has the characteristics of many stakeholders and long principal-agent chain, but it has not yet formed a sufficiently mature theoretical basis. Moreover, as the core part of the agency construction mode, the agency construction unit rarely studies the risk management of the enterprise engineering projects it manages from its perspective. Therefore, this article takes the A office building agent construction project as an example, and conducts risk management research on the A office building enterprise project from the agent's perspective. In the agent construction project of Office Building A, the owner unit and agent unit are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the same group headquarter. They have a long-term and stable cooperative relationship, which determines that the project needs to adopt the agent system model. The agent construction unit is responsible for the management of the entire project, which can well improve the professional management of the project, communicate and coordinate various stakeholders, but also face the problems of unclear legal status, wide range of risks, and large amounts of risk. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the relevant theories and manage the project risks faced by them according to the specific characteristics of the project. This article first reviews the relevant literatures on China's agent construction system model, agent construction system project and risk management research, introduces agent construction system model, agent construction unit, agent construction project and its risk management and analytic hierarchy process methods, and lays a theory for subsequent research basis. Then, a brief introduction was given to the agent construction project of A office building enterprise, and the organizational framework of the project stakeholders and the project's own characteristics were introduced. Based on the project structure and characteristics, the work of the A office building enterprise engineering project was decomposed, thus identifying the four stages of the agent construction project in the early stage of planning, construction preparation, project implementation, completion and delivery. The agent construction unit may face Risk, ABSTRACT III and then use AHP to quantify and analyze the risks of the agent construction project to obtain the main risks faced by the agent construction project at each stage, and then combine the project specific objectives to rank the risks. Among them, the main risks of the agency construction project of the A office building are the selection of the design unit, preliminary design and construction drawing design, construction and equipment procurement contract management, bidding schedule, construction formalities approval, construction schedule control, project approval schedule, engineering Risks of settlement, risks of maintenance and repair, risks of engineering investment changes and risks of design changes, etc. Finally, corresponding countermeasures are put forward for the risk factors sorted according to importance. This paper can strengthen the risk prevention awareness of agent construction units in future agent construction projects and improve their risk management capabilities by studying the risk problems faced by agent construction projects of A office building enterprises. Key words: Agent construction unit; Enterprise engineering project; Analytic hierarchy process; Risk management 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1研究背景 ............................................................................................................. 1 1.2文献综述 ............................................................................................................. 2 1.2.1代建制角度下的风险研究现状 .............................................................. 2 1.2.2代建项目角度下的风险研究现状 .......................................................... 3 1.2.3代建单位角度下的风险研究现状 .......................................................... 4 1.3研究目的及意义 ................................................................................................. 5 1.4研究内容及技术路线图 ..................................................................................... 6 1.4.1研究内容 .................................................................................................. 6 1.4.2技术路线图 .............................................................................................. 7 第二章 相关理论概述 ..................................................................................................... 8 2.1代建制模式 ......................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1内涵界定 .................................................................................................. 8 2.1.2主要模式 .................................................................................................. 8 2.2代建单位 ............................................................................................................. 9 2.2.1代建单位的内涵界定 .............................................................................. 9 2.2.2代建单位的主要工作内容 ...................................................................... 9 2.3代建制项目 ....................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1代建制项目的特点 ................................................................................ 10 2.3.2代建制项目的运作模式 ........................................................................ 11 2.4代建制项目风险管理 ....................................................................................... 12 2.4.1项目风险的概念 .................................................................................... 12 2.4.2项目风险管理主要内容 ...........................................................