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I 中文摘要 纵观现代社会的发展,不难发现紧随互联网时代而来的是大数据时代,在 这个“信息为王”的时代,人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的改变,能否熟练掌握 大数据的应用已然成为现代社会经济的新价值来源,隐藏在数据背后的是庞大 的商业资本,能够为数据使用者带来可观的经济效益。尤其是在最近几年里, 电商平台的发展势头正盛,这也使得电商数据的挖掘与营销变得愈发关键。各 大电商平台及企业开始着手分析客户的基本信息,从中挖掘出有用的信息,精 准筛选客户需求,最后制定出具有针对性的营销方案,在减少广告成本的同时 也能为企业创收。综上可知,大数据在市场营销中的应用已经成为大势所趋。 但不容忽视的是,发展至今,人们所知晓的大品牌现已开辟了线上销售渠 道,电商企业的经营规模也产生了显著的变化,其中不乏有类似于“三只松鼠”、 “百草味”等这样的大型企业,也有像S公司这样的小微电商企业。对于后者 而言,在经营期间所能获取的信息相当匮乏,主要的流量入口也受制于大企业 及平台的管控,在寻求大数据背景下的经营转型时也离不开电商平台的支持。 随着电商平台的开放程度不断提高,行业竞争也比以往更为残酷,小微电商企 业的生存必须建立在市场资源的巨大开发与利用这一基础之上,只有增加消费 者数据来源,了解消费者的购买意向、行为及习惯,才可准确把握其消费需求, 形成完善的用户画像系统,且以此为基础来细分市场,贯彻落实精准营销策略, 及时满足消费者的需求,才有可能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。 本文将中草药养生保健行业的小微电子商务公司S公司作为研究案例,基 于小微电商企业的经营现状,深入研究S公司在大数据背景下所采用的精准营 销策略,并为之提出实际可行的发展之策,以便于企业优化创新现有的精准营 销策略,提高经营业绩。此外,也能为其它类似的小微电商企业提供参考,使 其制订出行之有效的精准营销策略。 关键词:大数据库;用户画像;市场细分;4P;4C;4R;精准营销策略 Abstract II Abstract Looking at the development of modern society, it is not difficult to find that the era of big data follows the Internet era. In this era of "information is king", people's life has been changed dramatically. Whether people can master the application of big data skillfully has become a new value source of modern social economy. Behind the data is a huge commercial capital, which can bring data users Considerable economic benefits. Especially in recent years, the development of e-commerce platform is booming, which also makes the mining and marketing of e-commerce data become more and more critical. All major e-commerce platforms and enterprises begin to analyze the basic information of customers, excavate useful information from it, accurately screen customer needs, and finally formulate targeted marketing programs, which can reduce advertising costs and generate revenue for enterprises at the same time. In conclusion, the application of big data in marketing has become the general trend. However, it can not be ignored that up to now, the big brands known by people have opened up online sales channels, and the business scale of e-commerce enterprises has also changed significantly, including many large enterprises like "three squirrels" and small and micro e-commerce enterprises like s company. For the latter, there is a lack of information available during the operation period, and the main traffic entrance is also subject to the control of large enterprises and platforms. The support of e-commerce platform is also indispensable when seeking the operation transformation under the background of big data. With the increasing openness of e-commerce platform, the industry competition is also more brutal than before. The survival of small and micro e-commerce enterprises must be based on the huge development and utilization of market resources. Only by increasing the data sources of consumers and understanding the purchase intention, behavior and habits of consumers, can they accurately grasp their consumption demand and form a perfect user portrait system On this basis to segment the market, implement the precision marketing strategy, timely meet the needs of consumers, it is possible to stand out in Abstract III the fierce market competition. In this paper, s company, a small micro electronic business company in the health care industry of Chinese herbal medicine, is taken as a research case. Based on the current business situation of small and micro e-commerce enterprises, the precise marketing strategy adopted by s company in the big data environment is studied in depth, and practical development strategies are put forward for it, so as to facilitate enterprises to optimize and innovate the existing precise marketing strategy and improve business performance. In addition, it can also provide reference for other similar small and micro e-commerce enterprises, so that they can formulate effective precise marketing strategies for travel. Key words: Big database; User portrait; Market segmentation; 4P; 4C; 4R; Precision marketing strategy 目录 IV 目录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................ II 目录 .................................................... IV 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 .................................... 1 一、 研究背景 ................................................... 1 二、 研究意义 ................................................... 3 第二节 文献综述 .......................................... 3 一、 大数据方面 ................................................. 3 二、 精准营销方面 ............................................... 4 三、 国内外研究述评 ............................................. 7 第三节 论文研究思路与论文结构 ............................ 7 第四节 研究方法 .......................................... 8 一、 文献研究法 ................................................. 8 二、 案例分析法 ................................................. 8 第二章 核心概念界定及理论基础 ............................ 9 第一节 大数据 ............................................ 9 一、 大数据的概念 ............................................... 9 二、 大数据的基本特征 ........................................... 9 三、 大数据挖掘的应用 .......................................... 10 第二节 精准营销 ......................................... 11 一、 精准营销的概念 ............................................ 11 二、 精准营销的三大要素 ........................................ 12 三、 精准营销的内涵及特征 ...................................... 13 目录 V 第三节 营销的相关理论基础 ............................... 14 一、 STP市场细分理论 .......................................... 14 二、 4P、4C、4R营销理论 ....................................... 14 三、 让客价值理论 .............................................. 16 四、 沟通理论 .................................................. 17 五、 反应原理 .................................................. 17 第四节 大数据在精准营销中的运用 ......................... 18 一、 精准认知消费者行为与需求 .................................. 18 二、 确定合理的目标客户群体 .................................... 18 三、 科学提供个性化产品 ........................................ 19 四、 实施个性化广告营销策略 .................................... 19 五、 建立一对一的沟通模式 ...................................... 20 六、 不断提升客户消费体验与客户满意度 .......................... 20 第三章 小微电商S公司营销策略现状及问题分析 ............. 21 第一节 S公司简介 ....................................... 21 第二节 S公司的营销策略现状 ............................. 23 一、市场定位 ................................................... 23 二、产品策略 ................................................... 23 三、价格策略 ................................................... 23 四、渠道策略 ................................................... 23 五、促销策略 ................................................... 25 第三节 小微电商S公司市场营销策略中存在的问题 ........... 25 一、 消费群体数据较少,市场定位不精准 .......................... 26 二、 产品策略缺乏创新性,难以体现差异化 ........................ 27 三、 价格策略不科学,促销策略不灵活 ............................ 27 四、 营销渠道及手段单一,营销