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I 摘要 伴随着国家金融体系的发展必然需要深化改革利率市场化,这是改革一国经济体 制的重要问题。近年来,我国持续推进利率市场化改革,从各 个方面对中国商业银行 体系产生了重要影响。在此背景下,多数银行纷纷开始转型,改变以往以传统存贷款 业务为主要利润来源的发展方式,寻求新的利润增长方式。银行同业 业务由于其收益 率较高、覆盖面较大、资本占用较少等特点成为新的选择。但是,随着监管机构对银 行同业业务的监管力度不断加大,2014年、2015年中国人民银行、银保监机 构发布了 多项文件,对银行业同业业务的发展进行了规范,由此银行业同业业务发展模式发生 了变化。而杨凌农商行作为地方唯一的法人金融机构,肩负着以金融开放发展推动 示 范区对外开放发展的重要任务。在此背景下,杨凌农商行同业业务面临诸多问题,急 需找到适合其自身发展的路径。 本论文通过对相关文献的阅读和学习,以杨凌农商行为具 体研究对象,系统阐述 了杨凌农商同业业务发展的现状,分析了存在问题及成因,即杨凌农商行同业业务面 临空白点多、资产负债机构有待改善、专业人才缺乏等,并选取了四 家国内典型地区 农商行,对其同业业务的发展经验进行总结借鉴,得出杨凌农商行应在组织架构、业 务流程、产品创新、人才管理、风险防范等方面进行优化和改善。最后,提 出了推动 杨凌农商行同业业务规范发展的对策建议。 研究结果表明:(1)同业业务对金融机构的规模和经济体量有着一定的要求。杨 凌农商行属于地方性农村金融机构,网点 大多为小型金融服务点,涉及的金融市场业 务较为简单,同业业务量小、形式简单。(2)受制于自身规模、机构设置、监管条件 等多因素,杨凌农商行同业业务存在市场议价能 力弱、机构资质低、团队人员专业化 素质低、流动性压力大等四方面问题。(3)借鉴其他地区典型农商行的经验和做法, 杨凌农商行应该明确重点,把握方向;以人为本,提升 素质;不断创新,突出特色; 防控风险,合规经营。(4)提出了如下对策建议:一是在机制管理层面,提出明确战 略发展方向,提升资产组合质量;树立人才立行理念,注重同 业团队建设;完善组织 架构管理制度,建立健全奖惩机制的政策建议。二是在业务管理层面,提出拓宽业务 经营范围,创新业务发展模式;积极寻求合作机会,扩展业务交流领 域;强化风险防 控机制,筑牢经营安全防线的政策建议。 关键词:同业业务;杨凌农商行;发展对策 ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT Market-oriented interest rate reform is the objective need and inevitable result of the development of various countries' financial systems to a certain stage, and it is also a core issue in a country's economic system reform. With the advancement and deepening of interest rate marketization reform in my country, it has brought serious impacts and huge challenges to the Chinese commercial banking system. In this context, most banks have begun to transform, change the traditional development method that used traditional deposit and loan business as the main source of profit, and seek new ways of profit growth. The interbank business has become a new choice due to its high yield, large coverage and low capital occupation. However, with the increasing supervision of interbank businesses by the regulatory agencies, the People's Bank of China and the banking and insurance regulatory agencies issued a number of documents in 2014 and 2015 to regulate the development of interbank businesses in the banking industry. The business development model of the industry has changed. The Yangling Rural Commercial Bank, as the only legal person financial institution in the region, shoulders the important task of promoting the opening up of the demonstration zone to the outside world through financial development. In this context, Yangling Rural Commercial Bank's interbank business is facing many problems, and it is urgent to find a path suitable for its own development. Through reading and studying related literature, this paper systematically elaborated the current development situation of Yangling's agricultural and commercial business with the specific research objects of Yangling's agricultural and commercial behavior, and analyzed the existing problems and causes, that is, Yangling's agricultural and commercial bank's business in the same industry faces many gaps and assets The debt institution needs to be improved, lack of professional talents, etc., and selected four domestic typical rural commercial banks, summed up the development experience of the same industry business, and concluded that Yangling Rural Commercial Bank should be in the organizational structure, business processes, product innovation, talent management , Risk prevention and other aspects to optimize and improve.Finally, it puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the standardized development of the inter-bank business of Yangling Rural Commercial Bank. The research results show that: (1) Interbank business has certain requirements on the 西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 IV scale of financial institutions and the volume of the economy. Yangling Rural Commercial Bank is a local rural financial institution. Most of its outlets are small financial service points. The financial market business involved is relatively simple, with small interbank business volume and simple form. (2) Subject to many factors such as its size, institutional settings, and regulatory conditions, Yangling Rural Commercial Bank's interbank business has four problems: weak market bargaining power, low institutional qualifications, low team professionalism, and high liquidity pressure. (3) Drawing on the experience and practices of typical rural commercial banks in other regions, Yangling Rural Commercial Bank should clarify the focus and grasp the direction; put people first, improve quality; continue to innovate and highlight characteristics; prevent and control risks, and operate in compliance. (4)The following countermeasures and suggestions are put forward: First, at the level of mechanism management, put forward a clear strategic development direction to improve the quality of asset portfolio; establish the concept of talents, pay attention to the construction of inter-industry team; improve the organizational structure management system, and establish policy recommendations for a sound reward and punishment mechanism. Second, at the level of business management, we propose to broaden the scope of business operations and innovate business development models; actively seek cooperation opportunities and expand business exchanges; strengthen risk prevention and control mechanisms and establish policy recommendations for operating security. KEY WORDS: Inter-bank business; Yangling Rural Commercial Bank; Development strategy 目 录 V 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT .............................. III 第一章 导论 1 1.1研究背景 ........................ 1 1.2研究的目的和意义 ........ 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ............. 2 1.2.2研究意义 .............. 2 1.3国内外研究综述及评价 3 1.3.1国外研 究综述 ...... 3 1.3.2 国内研究综述 ..... 4 1.3.3 对现有研究的评价 ............................ 7 1.4 研究思路和技术路线 ... 7 1.4.1研究思路 .............. 7 1.4.2 技术路线图 ......... 8 1.5研究方法和数据来源 .... 8 1.5.1 研究方法 ............. 8 1.5.2 数据来源 ............. 9 第二章 概念界定和理论基础 . 10 2.1概 念界定 ...................... 10 2.1.1同业业务 ............ 10 2.1.2 同业融资和同业投资 ...................... 10 2.1.3同业资产业务、同业负债业务、同业中间业 务 .......... 11 2.2理论基础 ...................... 12 2.2.1现代投资组合理论 ........................... 12 2.2.2合作竞争理论 .... 13 2.2.3分业经营与混业经营 理论 ............... 14 第三章 杨凌农商行同业业务运行现状 ................ 15 3.1杨凌农商行及其业务概况 ......................... 15 3.1.1杨凌农商行概况 15 西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 VI 3.1.2杨凌农商行业务概况 ....................... 16 3.2杨凌农商行同业业务的发展历程 ............. 19 3.2.1同业业务发展 .... 19 3.2.2杨凌农商行同业业务发展 ............... 20 3.3同业业务的现状 .......... 21 3.3.1杨凌农商行同业业务发展规模 ....... 21 3.3.2杨凌农商行同业业务发展模式 ....... 24 3.3.3杨凌农商行同业业务风险管理 ....... 25 3.4杨凌农商行同业业务的类型及其运行 ..... 25 3.4.1同业资金业务 .... 26 3.4.2同业票据业务 .