首页 > 资料专栏 > 经贸 > 商贸 > 商贸可研 > 2020年350兆警用数字集群系统可行性研究报告DOC



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近几年来,数字集群通信技术发展很快,在电子通信领域占有举足轻重的地位,也是警 务工作中必不可少的组成部分。而原有的模拟同播通信系统存在的问题也逐步体现,如技术 落后、设备开始老化、频率利用率低、网络容量小、系统功能不全面等问题已使网络不能适 应当前各部门对新业务的需求,因此研究数字集群通信系统迫在眉睫。本文基于警用数字集 群系统通信理论,研究了海南省公安厅警用数字集群系统建设方案以及网络规划方案,在警 用数字集群实际应用方面提供了理论参考支撑。 本文研究的主要内容及成果如下, 1、阐述了集群通信系统的发展情况及理论基础,从模拟集群通信着手,逐渐演变到数字 集群通信,而警用数字集群通信则是其中的一种较为广泛的应用方式。 2、分析了警用数字集群系统的技术需求指标与系统需求功能。根据警用数字集群系统需 求功能,进一步深入了解警用数字集群系统需达成的各项技术指标,从而为下面警用 数字集群系统的搭建做了良好的铺垫。 3、构建了警用数字集群警用数字集群系统,在全国采用四级拓扑的网络架构。而海南省 作为中国一个省份,并且属于台风多发地区,所以在海南省内采用二级拓扑结构。为 了增强系统容灾能力,采取冗余备份与故障弱化的处理方式。系统的交换中心,警用 数字集群基站,调度子系统,警用数字集群终端这四大网元在拓扑结构中均有着举足 轻重的作用。 4、在对海南全省各区域进行话务量建模分析的基础上,优化了各基站载波资源配置;根 据警用数字集群系统频率规划原则,对海南全省各区域的频率进行统一规划,形成最 终的全省频率规划方案,使得后期建成的警用数字集群系统最大程度发挥性能,有效 提高通信效率。 关键词: 警用数字集群,拓扑结构,话务量,频率V Abstract In recent years, digital trunk communication technology has developed rapidly and has played a significant role in the field of electronic communications.In addition,it is an integral part of policing work. In contrast, the problems existed in the original analog simulcast communication system have gradually emerged. Problems such as backward technology, aging equipment, low frequency utilization, small network capacity, and incomplete system functions have made the network unable to adapt the current departments demand for new services.Forasmuch the study of digital trunking communication system is imminent. This thesis is based on the police digital trunking system communication theory, studyingthe police digital trunking system construction plan and network planning scheme of the Public Security Bureau in Hainan Province .The study of the program provides theoretical reference support for the practical application of police digital clusters. The main contents and results of this thesis are as follows 1.The development and theoretical basis of the cluster communication system is expained. Starting from analog trunking communication, it gradually evolved into digital trunking communication, Police digital trunking communication is one of methods,which is more widely used. 2.The technical demand indicators and system demand functions of the police digital trunking system is analyzed. According to the police digital trunking system demand function, the technical indicators of the police digital trunking system need to further in-depth understanding,so as to lay a good foundation for the construction of the following police digital trunking system. 3.The police digital trunking system with a four-level topology in the country is established. Hainan Province is a province in China ,which is a typhoon-prone area. Therefore, a secondary topological structure is adopted in Hainan Province. In order to enhance the system's disaster recovery capability, redundant backups and weaker faults are adopted. The four major network elements of the system including switching center, police digital trunking base station, scheduling subsystem, and police digital trunking terminal all play a decisive role in the topology structure. 4.Based on the traffic modeling and analysis of all regions in Hainan Province, the base station carriers are optimized. According to the principle of frequency planning for police digitalVI trunking systems, the frequency of each area in Hainan Province is planned in a unified manner, forming the final province-wide frequency planning scheme . The performance of the police digital trunking system built in the later stage is maximized. Furthermore,the communication efficiency is effectively improved. Key words: Police Digital Trunking,Topology, Teletraffic, FrequencyVII 目录 专用术语注释表..... IX 第一章 绪论..1 研究背景.....1 研究意义.....1 1.2.1 通信技术发展的必然趋势 ..1 1.2.2 指挥调度业务应用的需要 ..2 研究现状.....3 1.3.1 国外研究现状 ....3 1.3.2 国内研究现状 ....3 本文主要工作...4 第二章 数字集群系统理论基础5 集群通信系统背景知识.....5 2.1.1 集群通信系统概念 ..5 2.1.2 模拟集群通信系统 ..5 2.1.3 数字集群通信系统 ..5 集群通信系统原理.6 警用数字集群系统标准.....7 2.3.1 警用数字集群简介 ..7 2.3.2 警用数字集群特点 ..7 2.3.3 警用数字集群通信协议 8 本章小结...12 第三章 警用数字集群系统需求分析..13 警用数字集群系统技术需求.13 3.1.1 质量指标需求 ..13 警用数字集群系统需求功能.13 3.2.1 警用数字集群系统基本功能 ..14 3.2.2 补充业务功能 ..16 3.2.3 终端功能 ....22 3.2.4 互联互通 ....23 3.2.5 系统安全需求分析 24 本章小结...25 第四章 警用数字集群系统建设方案..26 系统总体架构.26 4.1.1 全国网络架构 ..26 4.1.2 警用数字集群系统网络架构 ..26 4.1.3 警用数字集群系统网络拓扑 ..28 4.1.4 冗余备份与故障弱化 ..29 系统总体技术特点.....30 系统主要网元.31 4.3.1 交换中心 ....31 4.3.2 PDT 基站.....33 4.3.3 调度子系统 33 4.3.4 PDT 终端.....36VIII 运维方案...36 本章小结...36 第五章 网络规划建设方案37 基站建设思路.37 覆盖规划流程.37 基站覆盖能力预测.....38 警用数字集群业务信道数.....42 话务量模型.....42 基站载波配置方法.....43 基站载波具体配置.....45 频率资源...46 频率复用通用要求.....47 本系统频率规划原则.....47 总体频率需求.....48 5.11.1 类别分组 ..48 5.11.2 频率的配置 ....50 5.11.3 频率过渡 ..53 5.11.4 频率复用射频指标要求 ..53 5.11.5 本次建设系统频率规划 ..54 链路带宽要求.....56 安全规划.56 5.13.1 鉴权、端到端加密系统 ..56 5.13.2 边界接入平台 57 本章小结.60 第六章 总结与展望61 总结...61 未来展望...61