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上个世纪末,随着毛纺织生产技术和应用技术的不断成熟,毛、棉、丝、麻、绒 几大类天然纤维纺织品越来越受到广大消费者的青睐,需求量逐年提高,而山羊绒制 品在各类天然纤维制品中以其不菲的价位,特有的高雅外观,挺括性和滑糯性更是在 各类纺织品中独领风骚。羊绒纱是以山羊绒为原料,经过和绒,粗梳,细纱,络筒,并线, 捻线等环节制作而成的纱线,是羊绒衫、羊绒围巾、羊绒披肩等羊绒制品的最主要原 料。由于羊绒纱生产线投资大,生产工艺复杂且对机器和操作人员的技术要求较高, 多年来一直是国内羊绒企业的软肋,成为我国羊绒产业链中亟需提升水平的环节。 本项目以宁夏s公司为实体,在前期市场调研的基础上,结合s公司具体实际, 通过认真分析和请教业内专家,设计出了本羊绒纱生产加工项目商业计划。项目设计 中充分考虑到利用宁夏灵武羊绒产业园区的羊绒加工产业聚集效应的重要性,同时把 这种聚集效应同s公司在行业内原料、资金和技术方面的优势结合起来,整合相关资 源,实施羊绒纱生产项目。本项目在填补宁夏灵武羊绒园区羊绒纱生产空白的同时, 使得s公司羊绒产业链更加完善,也将为s公司的带来丰厚的经营收益。本文以市 场调研一市场前景分析一项目预算一项目建设一人员培训一项目运营一效益评价为 主线,运用价值链理论、战略管理理论、成本管理理论、会计理论、风险管理等理论 对S公司实施羊絨纱生产项目的市场和客户、生产工艺、营销策略、人力资源、组织 架构以及对基础设施和供给的需求、融资需求等进行全面的计划和评价,同时也根据 羊绒行业发展现状和s公司具体实际情况,给出了实施本项目要注意的问题的建议。 本文对项目的国内外市场环境、区域环境以及相关政策进行了详细的分析,对项目的 准备和实施也进行了较为具体的分析和设计,通过分析,认为s公司实施羊绒纱生产 项目符合本地产业发展的要求和国家调整紡织产业结构的宏观政策,项目产品的市场 前景广阔,实施单位s公司各方面条件较为成熟,项目生产的技术水平较为先进,运 营后会带来很好的经济效益和社会效益。因此,S公司在当地实施羊绒针织纱项目是可 行的,也是有必要的。 关键词:羊绒,纺织,实施方案,评估,营销策略,风险分析 I MBA学位作者:史志刚 S公司羊绒针织纱项目商业计划书 S cashmere knitting yarn project business plan Abstract By the end of the last century, with the development of wool textile production and application technology,various wool, cotton, silk, linen, velvet textiles are increasingly favored by consumers, the demand has gradually increased, while the cashmere products take the lead in all kinds of textile products due to its cheap price, special and elegant appearance, smooth and silky tactile impression. Cashmere is Cashmere yarn raw materials. Cashmere yarn is the most important stuff of the cashmere sweater, cashmere scarves, cashmere shawls and other cashmere products which be produced after carding, spinning, winding, and the line, twisting and other process. Cashmere yarn production line investment, production processes are complicated and higher technical requirements of machines and operators have been the Achilles heel of the domestic cashmere enterprises. It has become an urgent requirement to enhance the level of Chinese cashmere industry chain over the years. This thesis is based on S company's current situation, and design the business plan for the cashmere yam production and processing projects, which combined with market research, recommendation of experts and careful analysis. The author takes consideration of importance of utilizing aggregation effect of cashmere processing industry in Ningxia Cashmere Industrial Park, and combines aggregation effect with S company's advantages of raw materials, capital and technology in the industry, then states the implementation of cashmere yarn. The project at the same time fills the blank of cashmere yarn production in Ningxia Cashmere Park, making S company cashmere producing chain more perfect, and it will also bring in huge operating income for S company. The structure of this thesis is market research— market prospects ― project budget —project construction— training ― operation of the project —> Benefit Evaluation, The author designs and evaluates cashmere yarn production projects markets and customers, production processes, marketing strategies, human resources, organizational structure, as well as infrastructure and supply needs, financing requirements by using value chain theory, strategic management theory, the theory of cost management, accounting theory, risk management theory ,but also according to the cashmere industry development status and S company's actual situation, the author gives the recommendations of implementation which should be aware in this project. This thesis analyzes domestic and overseas markets, regional environment and macroeconomic policy, and analyzes the preparation and implementation of the project. According to the analysis, the S implement of the cashmere yarn production project coincides with the requirements of the local industrial development and the II MBA学位作者:史志刚 S公司羊絨针织纱项目商业计划书 macroeconomic policy .the project has broad market prospects, and S company has good hardware conditions and more advanced technical level, executing the project will bring good economic and social benefits. Therefore, the cashmere knitting yarn project in the local area is feasible, and also necessary. Key words: Cashmere, textile, implementation of the project, evaluation, marketing strategy, risk analysis in MBA学位作者:史志刚 S公司羊绒针织纱项目商业计划书 目 录 中文摘要 错误!未定义书签。 Abstract 错误!未定义书签。 第一章前言 1 1.1项目的背景 1 1.2项目建设的必要性 2 1. 3研究思路和框架 3 第二章市场分析 5 2. 1产品市场现状 5 2.2国际市场预测 6 2.3国内市场预测 6 2. 4产品发展前景 7 2. 5价值链分析 7 2.6经营模式及产品销售方向 9 第三章营销计划 10 3. 1产品策略 10 3.2价格策略 11 3.3营销策略 11 3. 4促销策略 12 第四章生产和营运计划 13 4. 1地理选址 13 4. 2生产工艺及设备选择 14 4. 3生产用设备动力负荷测算 17 4. 4原材料、燃料及公用工程的供应 18 IV MBA学位作者:史志刚 S公司羊绒针织纱项目商业计划书 第五章组织架构和管理人员 21 5.1公司组织机构 21 5.2现有人力资源 23 5.3项目人事计划 23 5.4人员招聘 23 第六章工资福利方案 24 6.1总则 24 6.2工资的计算及支付 25 6.3基准内工资 26 6. 4基准外工资 27 6. 5加薪 29 6. 6奖金 29 6. 7歇业津贴 30 6. 8附则 30 第七章投资说明 31 7.1项目投资分析 31 7. 2资金筹措 31 7. 3总投资估算 31 7.4财务数据说明 33 7. 5成本和费用估算 33 7. 6销售收入 35 7. 7利润 36 7. 8财务评价 36 第八章项目风险分析 38 8.1 SWOT分析 38 8. 2风险防范 40 v MBA学位作者:史志刚 S公司羊绒针织纱项目商业计划书 第九章项目实施要求和日程 42 9. 1项目实施要求 42 9.2项目实施进度 42 9. 3项目实施计划 43 第十章结论和建议 44 10. 1结论 44 10.2建议 44