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在篮球运动发展的 100 多个年头里后备人才的培养始终是一个国家篮球发展的基 石,好的后备人才的培养输送是球队保持强盛的根本动力。现在人们也越来越意识到拥 有强大的后备力量才是国家篮球发展壮大的首要措施,而搞好后备人才梯队的建设是一 个国家篮球成为世界一流强队的保障。美国篮球之所以长盛不衰,长期霸占世界篮坛霸 主的位置,也是源于有着强大的篮球后备人才资源。反观我国传统的体工队建制,虽然 也为 CBA 的发展提供不少优秀球员,但随着篮球运动竞争的日益激烈,他现在已不能满 足我们对后备人才的需求。随着世界篮球赛事的增加,更迫切的要求我们找到更适合我 国篮球运动发展的后备人才输送渠道,以此来满足日益激烈的竞争。在这样的大环境下, 高校篮球渐渐进入人们的视野,他像一块未开垦的良田,不仅拥有着强大的群众基础, 而且在高校也蕴藏着大批的优秀篮球后备力量。近些年,中国大学生篮球联赛(CUBA) 越来越成熟,也越来越受到人们的重视,参赛人员更是空前壮大。到目前已有少量 CUBA 球员进入 CBA 打球,且常常在比赛中有出色的发挥,但由于各种原因的影响,高校却始 终不能作为 CBA 主要的后备力量人才储备基地,大部分的 CUBA 球员都在毕业后结束了 自己的篮球梦。我们应该看清我们篮球人才缺乏的现实,借鉴国外良好的后备人才培养 模式,重视高校篮球后备人才的培养,努力实现高校与 CBA 的人才对接,使之担负起成 为国家篮球人才储备基地的任务,并在不远的将来完成中国篮球的腾飞。 本研究通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研 究方法对高校篮球与中国职业篮球发展及衔接状况进行分析研究,得到以下结论, 1.目前 CBA 联赛在人才的储备和输送上存在严重的不足,而球队的人才输送渠道不 畅、过分依赖老将和外援、以及俱乐部的利益驱使等严重影响着篮球人才的输送,对我 国篮球事业的发展造成极大的不良影响。 2.经过十四届 CUBA 联赛的成功举办,CUBA 正在不断的成长壮大,并向着更加科学 化的方向发展,随着后备人才质量的不断提高,在将来 CUBA 必将成为中国篮球事业的 坚实的后备力量库。 3.在近几次世界比赛来看,中国队的表现让我们对中国篮球的未来感到担忧,中国 队虽然在不断的引进大牌教练,但成绩却下滑严重。当今世界篮坛人才的选拔需要呈现 出多形式的选拔渠道,而中国的人才培养模式不能满足当前人才的需求,在这样的大环IV 境下,实现 CUBA 与 CBA 的良好衔接变得更加紧迫。 4.高校篮球的发展日渐成熟,高校有着大批的篮球群体,高素质的运动员和教练员, 良好的场地器材等硬件设施等,这都深深的促进了 CUBA 联赛的快速发展,这也使得高 校成为 CBA 人才基地的目标变得现实可行。 5.要实现 CUBA 与 CBA 篮球人才输送的良好衔接,我们需要克服的因素是多方面的, 但是随着篮球运动的发展趋势,他们的衔接也存在必然的趋势。 6.实现 CUBA 与 CBA 人才输送的良好衔接具有相当重要的现实意义和理论价值,是 我国篮球事业未来不断走向强大的必由之路。 关键词: 篮球 高校 CBA CUBA 储备V Abstract In the basketball development of more than 100 years reserve talented person is a national basketball development foundation. a good backup talent cultivation transmission is the essence of the team to maintain strong momentum. Now also more and more people realize that has a strong reserve force is the primary measures of the development of national basketball, and do well the reserve talented person echelon's construction is the guarantee of a country to enter the world basketball teams. The American basketball has taken long-term basketball world hegemony the position is also comes from has a strong basketball reserve talented person resources. So now, more and more people know to have a strong backup power is the national basketball development and expansion of the primary measures. In our traditional sports team organizational system, although also for the development of CBA provide a lot of good players, but along with basketball competition is becoming increasingly intense, he has now can't meet our reserve talented person's demand. But along with the increase of world basketball competition, more pressing requirements and we find a more suitable for the development of Chinese basketball reserve talented person conveying channel, so as to meet the increasingly fierce competition. In this environment, college basketball gradually into people's field of vision, it is like a piece of untilled fertile land not only has a strong foundation for the masses and in university also contain a large number of outstanding basketball reserve forces. In recent years, the Chinese university basketball league (CUBA) more and more mature, more and more attention from people, and the staff is unprecedented growth. So far there are few CUBA players to the CBA play, and often in the game is good play, but for various reasons, the influence of the university but still can not as CBA key reserves talent reserve base, most of the players in CUBA after graduation over his basketball dream. We should see we are lack of talents of reality, draw lessons from foreign good backup talents training mode, pay attention to the cultivation of college basketball reserve talented person, and strive to achieve the goal of CBA and docking, the shoulder become national basketball talent reserve base task, and in the near future the rapid development of the Chinese basketball.VI This study through the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, expert interview method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other methods of college basketball and China's professional basketball development and cohesive condition is studied and analyzed, and get the following conclusion: 1. On the CBA league in talent reserve and transportation at present serious deficiencies, and the team of talents conveying channel not free, rely too much on veteran and foreign aid, as well as the club's interests seriously affects the transmission of the basketball talent, the development of basketball in China caused great impact. 2. After 14 session of the CUBA league success, CUBA is increasingly growing, and toward a more scientific direction, with the constant improvement of the reserve talented person quality, CUBA, in the future is sure to be solid backup force of the Chinese basketball career library. 3. In nearly several world competition, Chinese team's performance, let's worry about the future of Chinese basketball, although China is the introduction of brand coach, but results in serious. In today's world basketball talent selection need to present a selection of more channels, and talent training mode in China cannot meet the current demand, in such circumstances, CUBA and CBA good cohesion becomes more urgent. 4. The mature development of college basketball, college has a large number of basketball group, highly qualified athletes and coaches, a good field equipment and other hardware facilities, etc., which were deeply promote the rapid development of the CUBA league, it also makes the university become a CBA talent base is become realistic. 5. To achieve the CBA and CUBA basketball talent cohesion is good, we need to overcome the factors are various, but with the development of basketball movement trend, their cohesion is also the inevitable trend. 6. CUBA and the CBA talents conveying good cohesion has quite important practical significance and theoretical value, is the only way for China's basketball career future is strong. Key words: Universities Basketball CBA CUBA ReserveVII 目 录 中文摘要................................................................III 英文摘要..................................................................V 引言......................................................................1 1 文献综述...............................................................3 1.1 高校篮球运动发展现状的研究.........................................3 1.2 我国篮球后备人才培养、输送现状的研究...............................4 1.3 CUBA 向 CBA 输送人才的可行性现状的研究 ..............................4 2 研究对象与方法.........................................................7 2.1 研究对象...........................................................7 2.2 研究方法 ...........................................................7 2.2.1 文献资料法.....................................................7 2.2.2 问卷调查法.....................................................7 2.2.3 专家访谈法.....................................................8 2.2.4 数理统计法.....................................................9 2.2.5 逻辑分析法.....................................................9 3 研究结果与分析........................................................11 3.1 CBA 后备人才培养现状分析 ..........................................11 3.1.1 CBA 后备人才储备现状分析 ......................................11 3.1.2 CBA 后备人才输入状况分析 ......................................12 3.2 高校篮球竞技人才培养现状分析......................................15 3.2.1 高校篮球人才输入状况的调查与分析..............................15 3.2.2 高校篮球人才培养体系分析......................................15 3.2.3 高校球队建设现状分析..........................................16 3.2.4 高校篮球赛事的发展............................................17 3.3 高校作为 CBA 篮球后备人才储备基地的必要性与可行性分析..............18 3.3.1 高校成为 CBA 人才储备基地的必要性分析..........................18 3.3.2 高校作为 CBA 人才储备基地的优势................................19 3.3.3 高校成为 CBA 人才储备基地的可行性分析..........................21VIII 3.3.4 高校成为 CBA 人才储备基地的实践价值与理论意义..................26 3.4 高校成为 CBA 人才储备基地的阻碍因素分析............................27 3.4.1 高校球员的身体条件............................................27 3.4.2 高校球员的竞技水平因素........................................27 3.4.3 学与训之间的矛盾..............................................28 3.4.4 高校球队缺乏充足的比赛锻炼....................................29 3.4.5 高校球员打球动机不明确........................................29 3.4.6 高校篮球人才输送渠道受阻......................................30 3.4.7 高校球队的经费不足............................................31 3.4.8 高校篮球保障体系不完善........................................31 3.4.9 家庭学校给球员造成很大压力....................................32 结论与建议...............................................................33