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随着企业之间竞争的白热化,人力资源管理成为协助企业赢得竞争优势以获 得持续发展的关键手段。绩效管理是人力资源管理活动的核心,对于达成组织战 略目标、评价和激励员工、提升企业活力等起着极其关键的作用。绩效考核则是 绩效管理中最为关键的一环。科学高效的绩效考核方案对提高企业管理水平、增 强企业持久发展能力、稳固企业市场竞争力有着重要的意义。 华高电子科技公司是一家劳动密集型制造企业,从事高科技电子产品的生产 和装配,为电子行业商家提供整套 ODM 和 OEM 的服务。本文以华高公司为研 究对象,首先,从公司层面、人员层面、考核方法和数据处理等不同的角度对公 司绩效考核现状进行全面深入的分析,找出绩效考核中存在的主要问题,即绩效 考核未能与企业战略目标相结合、考核指标设计不科学、权重分配不合理、结果 运用单一、缺乏沟通和反馈等。其次,运用鱼骨图方法,找到这些问题产生的原 因,即企业管理基础薄弱、绩效考核方法不完善、思想上的认知和执行误区、缺 乏系统数据支持体系等。最后,根据绩效管理相关理论,提出了华高公司管理人 员绩效考核的改进方案,即:利用平衡计分卡四个维度绘制公司的战略地图;建 立公司级平衡计分卡;结合部门的职责和工作计划提取部门的绩效考核指标;结 合岗位职责、工作计划与能力态度指标搭建管理人员的绩效考核方案;借助层次 分析法和帕累托分析法对绩效指标进行权重的设定以及关键考核指标的确定。同 时,还以公司品质部为例,层层推进说明绩效考核方案的改进设计。 绩效考核体系的建设是一项巨大的、繁琐的、艰难的工程,目前我国大多数 企业尚处在边摸索边改进的阶段。因此,本文基于科学的绩效管理理论为华高电 子科技公司制订出的绩效考核改进方案,不仅对提升公司的整体绩效管理水平起 着积极的促进作用,也为中国传统制造业的绩效考核改革提供了有意义的借鉴和 参考。 关键词:绩效考核;层次分析法(AHP);关键绩效指标法(KPI);平衡计 分卡(BSC)MBA 学位报告 作者:袁剑英 华高电子科技公司管理人员绩效考核方案的改进研究 II ABSTRACT With the fierce competition between companies, an effective human resource management has become a key means to obtain competitive advantage and thus get sustainable development. Performance management as the core of human resource management, plays an extremely important role to achieve organization's strategic objectives, evaluate and motivate employees, and improve company’s vitality. Performance evaluation is the core point of performance management. Therefore, a scientific and effective performance appraisal scheme has important significance on promoting company’s management level, enhancing company’s continuous development capacity and keeping company’s competitiveness in the international market. Huagao Electronic Technology Company (hereinafter referred as “Huagao Company”) is a label-intensive manufacturing enterprise for high-tech electronic products production and assembling, which provides the total solution of ODM & OEM service for the electronics industry. This paper takes this company as studying object of performance appraisal improvement. According to the deep analysis of current situation of performance appraisal through the different angles of company, employee, appraisal method and data processing, it is pointed out that there are some problems as follows. The performance appraisal is failed to match the enterprise strategic target. The performance appraisal indicators are not scientific and the weights of performance appraisal indicators are not reasonable. The result of performance appraisal is only applied to salary increment and bonus release, and it is lack of performance communication and feedback, etc. Then we point out the main causes of the problems which include weak enterprise management foundation, imperfect performance evaluation methods, ideological cognition and perform pitfalls, and lack of data support system. Finally, we design an improved solution on performance appraisal according to the related performance management theory. It combines with the four dimensions of balanced scorecard to describe company's strategy map, and to establish company’s balanced score card index library. Then it combines with department duties and department work plan to extract department’s evaluation indicators. Also it combines with job duties, personal work plan, personal ability and attitude to establish managerial staff’s performance appraisal. Both analytic hierarchy process and Pareto analysis methods are used to weight performance indicators and define the key performance indicators. This paper takes quality department as an example to demonstrate how to design an improved performance appraisal. The establishment of performance appraisal system is a huge, complicated and difficult project. Right now, most of companies are still in the step of groping and improving. Therefore,MBA 学位报告 作者:袁剑英 华高电子科技公司管理人员绩效考核方案的改进研究 III the new proposal of performance appraisal for Huagao Company which is based on the theory of scientific performance management, plays a positive role in improving company’s performance management level, and also provides a valuable attempt to performance appraisal revolution for Chinese traditional enterprises. Key Words: Performance appraisal; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP); Key Performance Indicators (KPI); Balanced Score Card (BSC)MBA 学位报告 作者:袁剑英 华高电子科技公司管理人员绩效考核方案的改进研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要.....................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ............................................. II 一、绪论.....................................................................................................1 (一)研究背景与意义 ............................................1 (二)研究方法及思路 ............................................3 (三)研究主要内容 ..............................................6 二、绩效考核相关理论与方法 ................................................................7 (一)绩效与绩效考核 ............................................7 (二)绩效考核的工具和方法 .....................................10 三、华高公司绩效考核现状和存在问题分析......................................16 (一)公司概况 .................................................16 (二)绩效考核现状及其应用效果分析 .............................19 (三)绩效考核中存在的问题 .....................................26 (四)绩效考核中存在问题的原因分析 .............................29 四、华高公司管理人员绩效考核改进方案的设计..............................32 (一)改进目标和思路 ...........................................32 (二)结合平衡计分卡绘制公司的战略地图 .........................35 (三)设计公司级平衡计分卡 .....................................38 (四)编制部门级绩效考核方案 ...................................42 (五)建立管理人员绩效考核评价体系 .............................54 (六)加强绩效考核的沟通及反馈 .................................63 五、华高公司管理人员绩效考核改进方案的实施..............................66 (一)实施要点 .................................................66 (二)实施难点 .................................................70 (三)实施保障 .................................................71 六、结束语...............................................................................................75 (一)总结 .....................................................75 (二)展望 .....................................................75MBA 学位报告 作者:袁剑英 华高电子科技公司管理人员绩效考核方案的改进研究 V