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爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销策略研究 教育培训行业作为基础教育的延伸与补充在教育改革与培养专业技能方面 发挥着不可替代的作用。儿童培养作为人才早期培养的一种方式,在现今社会经 济和家庭生活中逐渐占有重要的角色。因此对于教育培训机构来说,这个时代是 最好的时代,这个时代为教育培训机构的发展奠定了良好的基础和前提条件,因 为随着互联网技术的突飞猛进与教育体制的不断改革,再加上国家制定的相关 政策来鼓励民营企业的发展,这都是对教育培训机构的支持,这使得我国教育培 训事业得到了最广大的发展空间。但是目前我国教育培训机构现状并不乐观,因 其起步较晚,所以行业内各类教育培训机构参差不齐,在发展过程中也确实存在 一些问题,并且因为教育培训机构本身的这些问题使得受培训者在选择过程中 也比较谨慎,这更深了教育培训机构在营销过程中的难度,使其营销与其他行业 多有不同。因此建立全方位多角度宽领域的培训体系与科学的营销体系仍然是 教育培训机构现阶段需要不断追求的目标,只有这样,才能真正做到使家长放心, 学生安心。 论文首先对相关理论基础的追溯与文献的综述,为后续研究打下了坚实的 基础;其次,分析了爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销现状及问题,及 其存在问题的原因,发现了爱弥儿教育培训机构的几大问题,一是成本的问题, 成本控制难度大,人力资源成本、场地资源成本正在逐年升高;二是市场的问题, 准入门槛低,市场竞争激烈,且行业细分市场趋于饱和,开发新业务的风险加大; 三是营销的问题,营销方式单一,且以传统的广告为主体,营销人员管理机制不 太健全,后期服务没有做到一体化。再次,从宏观、微观与 SWOT 分析方法分 析了爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销环境,为其业务的准确定位打II 下了良好基础;最后,对爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的 STP 给出了判 断,在充分调研的基础上,提出对爱弥儿教育培训机构从产品策略、渠道策略、 定价策略、促销策略四个方面对该公司的营销策略进行优化组合,寻得最优解促 进该公司的长足发展。并从企业文化、管理机制、人才储备和资金财力等方面提 出了切实可行的保障措施。这些保障措施将有助于企业的产品策略、价格策略、 渠道策略、促销策略的有效实施。论文的创新之处在于从各个环节分析影响市场 营销的主要因素,从而通过对这些因素的调整与优化组合形成更为科学有效的 营销模式。 关键词: 教育培训机构,艺术类培训项目,营销策略,实施策略III Abstract Research on Marketing Strategies ofArt Training Projects for Emile Education and Training Institutions As an extension and supplement of basic education, education and training industry plays an irreplaceable role in education reform and professional skills training.As a way of early training of talents, children's training has gradually played an important role in social economy and family life.Therefore, for educational and training institutions, this era is the best time, this era has laid a good foundation and prerequisite for the development of educational and training institutions.Because with the rapid development of Internet technology and the continuous reform of the educational system, coupled with the relevant policies formulated by the state to encourage the development of private enterprises, these are all support for educational and training institutions, which makes the cause of education and training in our country get the broadest development space. Between. However, the current situation of education and training institutions in China is not optimistic. Because of its late start, all kinds of education and training institutions in the industry are uneven, and there are some problems in the development process. And because of these problems of education and training institutions themselves, the trainees are more cautious in the selection process, which deepens the difficulty of education and training institutions in the marketing process. Its marketing is different from other industries. Therefore, the establishment of an all-round, multi-angle and wide-field training system and a scientific marketing system is still the goal that education and training institutions need to pursue at this stage. Only in this way can parents be reassured. Only when students are at ease can they realize the construction of brand. Firstly, the paper reviews the related theories and literature, which lays a solid foundation for the follow-up research.Secondly, it analyses the marketing status and problems of the art training projects of Emile Education and Training Institutions, and the reasons for the problems, and finds out several major problems of Emile EducationIV and Training Institutions.First, cost is a problem. Cost control is very difficult. Human resource cost and site resource cost are increasing year by year;Second, the market problem, low access threshold, fierce market competition, and industry segmentation market tendto saturate,therisk ofdevelopingnew business increased;Third, marketing problems, marketing methods are single, and traditional advertising as the main body, marketing personnel management mechanism is not perfect, late service is not integrated.Thirdly, from the macro, micro and SWOT analysis methods, this paper analyses the marketing environment of the art training projects of Emile Education and Training Institutions, which lays a good foundation for the accurate positioning of their business.Finally, the paper gives a judgment on the STP of the art training project of Emile Educational Training Institution. On the basis of full investigation, it puts forward that the marketing strategy of Emile Educational Training Institution should be optimized from four aspects: product strategy, channel strategy, pricing strategyand promotion strategy, so as to find the best solution to promote the company.And from the aspects of enterprise culture, management mechanism, talent reserve and financial resources, practical safeguard measures are put forward.These safeguards will contribute to the effective implementation of enterprise's product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy.The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis of the main factors affecting marketing from all aspects, so as to form a more scientific and effective marketingmodel through the adjustment and optimization of these factors. Key words: educational training institutions,Art training projects,marketing strategy, implementation strategyV 目录 第 1 章绪论............................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容............................................................................ 5 1.3 理论基础和文献综述.................................................................... 7 第 2 章爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销现状及问题...... 13 2.1 爱弥儿教育培训机构简介.......................................................... 13 2.2 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销现状.................. 14 2.3 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销中存在的问题...... 15 第 3 章爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销环境分析 ........ 21 3.1 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销的宏观环境分析.. 21 3.2 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销的微观环境分析.. 22 3.3 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销的 SWOT 分析.... 24 第 4 章爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目的营销组合策略制定与 实施保障...................................................................................... 30 4.1 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销的 STP 选择......... 30 4.2 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销组合策略的制定.. 34 4.3 爱弥儿教育培训机构美术类培训项目营销组合策略实施的保 障措施........................................................................................... 40 结论 ......................................................................................................... 42