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铁人三项运动是一项诞生于美国夏威夷的新兴综合性运动竞赛项目,比赛由 公开水域游泳、公路自行车、公路长跑三项按顺序组成。校园铁人三项是建立于 铁人三项的基础上,将田径,游泳和户外运动结合在一起,根据学生身体素质和 校园环境改变比赛距离,调整比赛项目,以增强学生体魄,提高学生运动兴趣为理 念开展的体育竞赛和课外体育活动。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、 数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对校园铁人三项在武汉市高校开展的可行 性进行分析研究,旨在为武汉市高校开展铁人三项提供合理化建议和可行性的策 略。其研究结果如下, (1)校园铁人三项运动的开展可以从身体素质、思想意志品质等方面对学生 产生良好影响,铁人三项运动在高校的推广有其开展的实际价值。 (2)武汉高校地理位置和经济文化条件之优越,完全符合校园铁人三项运动 开展的需求,有助于推动校园铁人三项运动在武汉高校的开展。 (3)武汉高校众多,体育人才聚集,为校园铁人三项运动的开展汇聚雄厚的 教学人才,有助于武汉高校铁人三项运动开展的师资建设。 (4)武汉高校优越的基础设施为铁人三项运动的教学、训练提供了必备的场 地条件,有助于铁人三项运动在武汉高校开展过程中场地选择。 (5)校园铁人三项运动根据学生的掌握的技能情况,新增了水陆两项,骑跑 两项,滑轮两项,这样能有效激发学生运动兴趣,增加了运动的趣味性,有利于 校园铁人三项运动在高校开展。经过对武汉市高校开展校园铁人三项运动“软件” 和“硬件”分析,发现其策略,(1)是以“实际需求”为导向,开发武汉高校大 学生校园铁人三项的体验课程;(2)以“资源优化”为思维路径,整合社会经营 主体的游泳场馆资源;(3)以“综合素质”为培训理念,加强高校体育教师的铁 人三项执教能力;(4)以“以点带面”为推进路径,培育高校铁人三项社团和组 织的发展;(5)以“时尚体育”为宣传亮点,推进校园铁人三项的宣传力度;(6) 以“规范运作”为运行模式,开展武汉市校园铁人三项的常规赛事。 关键词,普通高校;校园铁人三项;铁人三项;可行性II Abstract Triathlon is a new comprehensive athletic competition project born in Hawaii, USA. The competition consists of open water swimming, road cycling, and long-distance running. The campus triathlon is based on triathlon to combines track and field, swimming and outdoor sports. It changes the distance and adjusts the competition according to the students' physical fitness and campus environment. The concept of campus triathlon is to enhance the students' physical fitness and their interest in sports. In this paper, literature research, questionnaire surveys, interviews, mathematical statistics, and logical analysis methods are used to analyze the feasibility of carrying out campus triathlon in colleges and universities in Wuhan in order to provide rationalizing advice and feasibility strategies for developing the triathlon for colleges and universities in Wuhan. The results of the study are as follows: (1) The development of the campus triathlon can have a good impact on students from aspects of physical fitness, ideological and mental quality and so on. The promotion of triathlon in colleges and universities has its practical value. (2) The superiority of geographical location and economic and cultural conditions of Wuhan universities is in full compliance with the needs of the Triathlon Movement in the campus and will help promote the development of the campus triathlon in Wuhan universities. (3) There are many colleges and universities in Wuhan and the accumulation of sports talents, which will bring together strong teaching talents for the triathlon of the campus. It is helpful for the construction of teachers in the triathlon of the University of Wuhan. (4) The superior infrastructure of Wuhan universities and colleges provides necessary venue conditions for the teaching and training of triathlons, which is conducive to the selection of venues for the triathlon in the process of Wuhan universities. (5) The triathlon of the campus has added two items of water and land, two items of riding and two items of pulleys according to the skills acquired by the students. ThisIII can effectively stimulate students' interest in sports and increase the interest of sports. It is conducive to the development of the Triathlon in the university. After the analysis of the "software" and "hardware" of the triathlon movement in Wuhan University, the strategy is found: (1) developing the experience course of triathlon in Wuhan college students on the basis of "actual demand"; (2) taking "resource optimization" as the way of thinking and integrating the swimming stadiums of the main body of social management (3) take "comprehensive quality" as the training idea and strengthen the triathlon ability of College PE teachers; (4) to promote the development of triathlon organizations and organizations of University iron man with "point to face" as a way to promote the development of triathlons and organizations; (5) "fashion sports" as a publicity highlight and the publicity of triathlon on campus; (6) Taking the "standardized operation" as the mode of operation, the regular events of Wuhan triathlon on campus are carried out. Keywords: colleges and universities; campus triathlon; triathlon; feasibilityIV 目 录 1 前 言......1 1.1 选题的依据.....1 1.2 研究目的与意义......2 1.2.1 研究目的......2 1.2.2 研究意义......2 2 文献综述3 2.1 校园铁人三项运动的概述........3 2.1.1 校园铁人三项运动的概念.....3 2.1.2 校园铁人三项赛事简介4 2.1.3 校园铁人三项项目设置与竞赛组织形式........4 2.1.4 校园铁人三项竞赛组别及距离......5 2.2 高校开展校园铁人三项运动的价值及优势分析........7 2.2.1 高校开展校园铁人三项运动的价值分析........7 2.2.2 高校开展校园铁人三项运动的优势分析........8 2.3 国内铁人三项运动发展的相关研究........10 2.4 国外铁人三项运动发展的相关研究........14 2.5 国内校园铁人三项运动发展的相关研究16 2.5.1 国内校园铁人三项运动发展的相关文献分析.......16 2.5.2 国内校园铁人三项运动的开展情况分析......17 3 研究对象与方法....19 3.1 研究对象.......19 3.2 研究方法.......19 3.2.1 文献资料法19 3.2.2 专家访谈法19 3.2.3 问卷调查法19 3.2.4 数理统计法21 3.2.5 逻辑分析法21 4 研究结果与分析....23 4.1 武汉市高校大学生参加校园铁人三项运动的主客观因素分析23 4.1.1 武汉市高校大学生参加校园铁人三项运动的主观因素分析.23 4.1.2 武汉市高校大学生参加校园铁人三项运动的客观因素分析.25 4.2 武汉市高校开展校园铁人三项运动的可行性条件分析...27 4.2.1 武汉市高校开展校园铁人三项运动的师资力量分析....27 4.2.2 武汉市高校开展校园铁人三项运动的场地设施分析....30V 4.2.3 武汉市地理环境及气候条件分析33 4.3 武汉市高校开展校园铁人三项运动的推进对策......33 4.3.1 以“时尚体育”为宣传亮点,推进宣传力度.......33 4.3.2 以“以点带面”为推进路径,培育社团发展.......33 4.3.3 以“实际需求”为发展导向,开发专业课程.......34 4.3.4 以“综合素质”为培训理念,训练执教能力.......35 4.3.5 以“规范运作”为运行模式,开展常规赛事.......35 4.3.6 以“资源优化”为思维路径,整合场馆资源.......36 5 结论与建议...37 5.1 结论......37 5.2 建议......37