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场,银行客户特别是 VIP 客户的议价能力逐渐提升,如何打造银行核心竞争能
的是 VIP 客户对银行的竞争力打造和价值最大化实现具有重要保障作用,因而
占据着银行产品营销的核心位置。对于商业银行来说,针对 VIP 客户进行特定

升级,对于 VIP 客户市场的竞争更是十分残酷。由于我国商业银行受环境、技
就导致银行之间的 VIP 客户营销策略大同小异,银行难以形成自己特有的竞争
优势。基于此,商业银行打造自身的品牌价值,形成具有鲜明特征的 VIP 客户

本研究以 Y 银行为研究对象,在充分梳理国内外关于营销的相关研究成果
的基础上,结合本人在 Y 银行的工作经历,对 Y 银行的 VIP 客户营销进行了细
致深入的研究。 本研究运用 4P 营销理论、关系营销路理论,结合 SWOT 分析法、
五力模型等,针对 Y 银行的 VIP 客户营销现状进行了深入分析。通过环境分析、
五力模型分析和 SWOT 分析,充分明确了 Y 银行进行 VIP 客户营销的外部现状和
内部条件,针对 Y 银行 VIP 客户营销在产品体系不完善、价格机制不科学、营

文章基于 Y 银行 VIP 客户营销存在的问题进行研究,形成了具有指导意义
的问题解决方案,以期在帮助 Y 银行提升客户营销水平的同时,也能为国内其

关键词:商业银行;VIP 客户;市场营销II
The development of market economy, the traditional banking industry from a
seller&39;s market into a buyer&39;s market, especially VIP bank customers gradually
improve the bargaining ability of customers, how to build the core competence of the
banks, talent shows itself in the fierce market competition, the big banks need to pay
attention to the problem. But it is undeniable that VIP customers to the bank&39;s
competitiveness and maximize the value of the realization of an important role in the
protection, which occupies the core position of the bank product marketing. For
commercial banks, the specific marketing for VIP customers has become an
important work in the development process of the bank.
With the deepening of the reform of the banking industry in recent years, the
competition consciousness and the level of competition between the commercial
banks have been upgraded, and the competition for the VIP customer market is very
cruel. Because of China&39;s commercial banks affected by the environment, technology,
development and other factors, the bank products and services convergence
phenomenon is more serious, which leads to the same VIP customer marketing
strategy between banks, the bank is difficult to form their own unique competitive
advantage. Based on this, commercial banks to build their own brand value, the
formation of a distinctive feature of VIP customer marketing strategy for the
long-term development of the bank is of great significance.
In this study, Y bank as the research object, based on full analysis of domestic
and foreign literature about marketing related research results, combined with my
experience in the work of VIP Y bank, Y bank customer marketing were studied. In
this study, we use 4P marketing theory, relationship marketing theory, combined
with SWOT analysis, five forces model, etc., for the Y bank VIP customer
marketing status of in-depth analysis. Through environmental analysis, five forces
model and SWOT analysis, and make clear the status of external and internal
conditions of Y bank VIP customer marketing, customer marketing for VIP Y bank
products in the system is not perfect, the price mechanism is not scientific, theIII
marketing channel is not rich and the promotion effect is not obvious and other
issues, from the product, price, channel and promotion four aspects put forward
specific improvement suggestions.
The research of VIP Y bank customer marketing problems based on the article,
form the significance of the problem solution, in order to help Y bank customer
marketing level at the same time, can also provide reference for the case of other
domestic commercial banks or enterprises to improve the marketing system
Key Words:Commercial bank, VIP customer, marketingIV
目 录
Abstract ...........II
第一章 绪论.........1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ..........1
1.1.1 研究背景.....1
1.1.2 研究意义.....2
1.2 国内外研究的现状 ........2
1.2.1 国外研究现状.........2
1.2.2 国内研究现状.........4
1.3 研究方法和思路 ..........5
1.3.1 研究方法.....5
1.3.2 研究思路.....6
第二章 相关理论概述.7
2. 1 营销的相关概念 .........7
2.1.1 营销的涵义.7
2.1.2 营销管理的过程.....8
2.1.3 营销环境的影响因素.........8
2.1.4 关系营销概述.........9
2. 2 营销相关理论 ..........10
2.2.1 SWOT 分析法 .......10
2.2.2 PEST 分析法 .........11
2.2.3 五力模型...11
2.2.4 营销 4P 理论.........12
2.3 关系营销与商业银行业务 .14
第 章 Y 银行 VIP 客户营销的现状与问题分析 ..16
3.1 Y 银行简介..16
3.1.1 Y 银行组织架构....16
3.1.2 Y 银行经营范围与主要业务........17
3.2 Y 银行的 VIP 客户划分标准18
3.3 Y 银行 VIP 客户营销现状..20
3.3.1 产品策略现状.......20
3.3.2 价格策略现状.......21
3.3.3 渠道策略现状.......22
3.3.4 促销策略现状.......22
3.4 Y 银行 VIP 客户营销存在的问题........23