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速放缓有关,也与银行自身风险管控能力的高低直接相关。本文对慈溪 GS 银行的不良贷

进行了理论上的概述,然后针对研究对象慈溪GS 银行不良贷款户数多、金额大的现状及
的因素;进而通过对慈溪 GS 银行 2013 年至2015 年 438 户贷款客户,其中 148 户不良,
290 户未不良的数据进行整合与归纳,,重点对GS 银行不良贷款的微观因素展开分析;借
提出经济新常态下 GS 银行不良贷款的应对措施,包括在传统清收方式的基础上通过政府

关键词:不良贷款, 影响因素, 应对策略II
Research on the causes and Countermeasures of the non-
performing loans of GS bank in Cixi
In recent years, China’s economy has entered into a new status, the problem of the assets’
quality of china’s banking industry is not only related to the slowdown of economic growth, but
also directly to the level of bank’s own risk management capabilities. China’s decline of economic
growth rate has caused sustained pressure in the quality of bank credit assets since 2015,and may
further deteriorate in 2016. In order to solve the exposed and potential problems of China’s
banking non-performing loans , maintain the stability of China’s financial system, this paper make
a further study about non-performing loans of GS bank in Cixi area. Research on the influence
factors of non-performing loans and put forward countermeasures has great significance to the
healthy and stable development of the banking industry not only in Cixi area but also in the private
economy developed region.
Firstly, this paper describes the overview of the theory about non-performing loans including
borrower credit default、Financial fragility and Loan customer relationship theory ; then,
summaries the current situation and characteristics of the non-performing loans of one bank in Cixi
area, analysis the causes of non-performing loans, believes the macro factors, bank-self factors and
enterprise factors are the three main factors influencing the non-performing loans; then, according
to the 438 loan customers in this bank from 2013 to 2015 including 148 non-performing loans
customers and 290 normal loans customers,pay more attention on the influence factors of the
bank&39;s non-performing loans. Then draw on the successful experience of dealing with the bad loans
domestic and aboard(especially in USA and Southeast Asia area), propose that under the new
economic norm, the government, banks and enterprises should cooperate to solve and prevent the
non-performing loan by breakthrough the traditional collection methods(enrich the way through
restructuring enterprises, assets, investment bank disposalmeans).
Key Words:Non-performing loans; influence factor; coping strategyIII
1 导论... 1
1.1 选题背景及意义....... 1
1.1.1 选题背景......... 1
1.1.2 选题意义......... 2
1.2 国内外研究动态及评析....... 3
1.2.1 银行不良贷款的现状研究.... 3
1.2.2 银行不良贷款的成因和影响因素研究....... 3
1.2.3 银行不良贷款的应对策略研究 ....... 4
1.2.4 已有研究评析4
1.3 研究思路及主要内容........... 5
1.3.1 研究思路与技术路线 5
1.3.2 研究内容......... 6
1.4 研究方法与主要创新........... 6
1.4.1 研究方法......... 6
1.4.2 主要创新......... 7
2 银行不良贷款的概念及形成机理分析 .... 8
2.1 不良贷款的概念与分类....... 8
2.1.1 银行不良贷款的概念 8
2.1.2 银行不良贷款的分类 8
2.2 银行不良贷款的形成机理分析...... 9
2.2.1 借款人信用失信 ........ 9
2.2.2 金融内在脆弱性 ........ 9
2.2.3 银行管控风险能力不足...... 11
3 慈溪 GS 银行不良贷款现状及问题 ....... 13
3.1 不良贷款的现状..... 13
3.1.1 总体规模....... 13IV
3.1.2 行业结构....... 14
3.2 不良贷款的问题..... 14
3.2.1 国家宏观经济政策导向出现偏差 . 14
3.2.2 慈溪 GS 银行内部未形成良好的信贷文化 ......... 15
3.2.3 借款企业自身行为问题...... 17
4 慈溪 GS 银行不良贷款的成因分析 ....... 20
4.1 国家宏观经济政策的刺激20
4.2 银行风险管控能力不够..... 20
4.3 贷款企业行为失信. 21
4.3.1 企业信用等级 .......... 21
4.3.2 企业规模...